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1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 24338.5-2009
轨道交通 电磁兼容 第4部分:信号和通信设备的发射与抗扰度(中英文版)
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 4: Emission and immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus
GB/Z 19036-2009
质量管理体系 GB/T 19001在中小型组织中的应用指南(中英文版)
Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of GB/T 19001 in small businesses
GB/Z 19032-2009
质量管理体系 GB/T19001在教育组织中的应用指南(中英文版)
Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of GB/T19001 in education
GB/T 23784-2009
Principles for the establishment and application of microbiological criteria for foods
GB/Z 23738-2009
GB/T 22000-2006在饲料加工企业的应用指南(中英文版)
Guidance on the application of GB/T 22000-2006 in feed industry
GB/T 23371.3-2009
电气设备用图形符号基本规则 第3部分:应用导则(中英文版)
Basic principles for graphical symbols for use on electrical equipment - Part 3: Guidelines for the application of graphical symbols
GB/T 8923.3-2009
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的目视评定 第3部分:焊缝、边缘和其他区域的表面缺陷的处理等级(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 3: Preparation grades of welds,edges and other areas with surface imperfections
GB/T 18570.2-2009
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第2部分:清理过的表面上氯化物的实验室测定(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 2: Laboratory determination of chloride on cleaned surfaces
GB/T 18570.11-2009
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第11部分:水溶性硫酸盐的现场浊度测定法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 11: Field method for the turbidimetric determination of water-soluble sulfate
GB/T 13288.5-2009
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理后的钢材表面粗糙度特性 第5部分:表面粗糙度的测定方法 复制带法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 5: Replica tape method for the determination of the surface profile
GB/T 13288.3-2009
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理后的钢材表面粗糙度特性 第3部分:ISO表面粗糙度比较样块的校准和表面粗糙度的测定方法 显微镜调焦法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates - Part 3: Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile comparators and for the determination of su
GB/Z 19034-2008
质量管理体系 地方政府应用GB/T19001-2000指南(中英文版)
Quality management systems - Guidelines for the application of GB/T19001-2000 in local government
GB/T 15166.6-2008
高压交流熔断器 第6部分:用于变压器回路的高压熔断器的熔断件选用导则(中英文版)
High-voltage alternating-current fuses - Part 6: Application guide for the selection of fuse-links of high-voltage fuses for transformer circuit applications
GB/T 22277-2008
良好实验室规范建议性文件 在良好实验室规范原则的应用中委托方的任务和职责(中英文版)
Advisory document for good laboratory practice - The role and responsibilities of the sponsor in the application of the principles of GLP
GB/T 22275.7-2008
良好实验室规范实施要求 第7部分:良好实验室规范原则在多场所研究的组织和管理中的应用(中英文版)
Requirements of conduct for good laboratory practice - Part 7: The application of the GLP principles to the organisation and management of multi-site studies
GB/T 22275.6-2008
良好实验室规范实施要求 第6部分:良好实验室规范原则在计算机化的系统中的应用(中英文版)
Requirements of conduct for good laboratory practice - Part 6: The application of the principles of GLP to computerised systems
GB/T 22275.5-2008
良好实验室规范实施要求 第5部分:良好实验室规范原则在短期研究中的应用(中英文版)
Requirements of conduct for good laboratory practice - Part 5: The application of the GLP principles to short term studies
GB/T 22275.4-2008
良好实验室规范实施要求 第4部分:良好实验室规范原则在现场研究中的应用(中英文版)
Requirements of conduct for good laboratory practice - Part 4: The application of the GLP principles to field studies
GB/T 22273-2008
良好实验室规范建议性文件 良好实验室规范原则在体外研究中的应用(中英文版)
Advisory document for good laboratory practice:The application of the principles of GLP to in vitro studies
GB/T 13626-2008
Application of the single failure criterion to safety systems in nuclear power plant
GB/T 2951.13-2008
电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第13部分: 通用试验方法 密度测定方法 吸水试验 收缩试验(中英文版)
Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 13:Methods for general application - Measurement for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage test
GB/T 2951.12-2008
电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第12部分:通用试验方法 热老化试验方法(中英文版)
Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 12:Methods for general application - Thermal ageing methods
GB/T 2951.11-2008
电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第11部分:通用试验方法 厚度和外形尺寸测量 机械性能试验(中英文版)
Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 11:Methods for general application - Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical properties
GB/T 19003-2008
软件工程 GB/T19001-2000应用于计算机软件的指南(中英文版)
Software engineering - Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2000 to computer software
GB/T 18570.12-2008
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第12部分: 水溶性铁离子的现场滴定测定法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 12: Field method for the titrimetric determination of water-soluble ferrous ions
GB/T 13288.1-2008
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 喷射清理后的钢材表面粗糙度特性 第1部分: 用于评定喷射清理后钢材表面粗糙度的ISO表面粗糙度比较样块的技术要求和定义(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned substrates - Part 1: Specifications and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the assessment of abrasive bl
GB/T 4798.2-2008
电工电子产品应用环境条件 第2部分: 运输(中英文版)
Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic products - Section 2:Transportation
GB/T 22004-2007
食品安全管理体系 GB/T 22000-2006的应用指南(中英文版)
Food safety management systems - Guidance on the application of GB/T 22000-2006
GB/T 21109.2-2007
过程工业领域安全仪表系统的功能安全 第2部分:GB/T 21109.1的应用指南(中英文版)
Functional safety-Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector - Part 2: Guidelines for the application of IEC 61511-1
GB/T 14805.5-2007
行政、商业和运输业电子数据交换(EDIFACT) 应用级语法规则(语法版本号:4,语法发布号:1) 第5部分: 批式电子数据交换安全规则(真实性、完整性和源抗抵赖性)(中英文版)
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) - Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4,Syntax release number:1) - Part 5: Security rules for batch EDI (authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of
GB/T 2075-2007
切削加工用硬切削材料的分类和用途 大组和用途小组的分类代号(中英文版)
Classification and application of hard cutting materials for metal removal with defined cutting edges ― Designation of the main groups and groups of application
GB/T 4798.7-2007
电工电子产品应用环境条件 第7部分:携带和非固定使用(中英文版)
Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic products - Section 7: Portable and non-stationary use
GB/T 4798.5-2007
电工电子产品应用环境条件 第5部分:地面车辆使用(中英文版)
Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic products - Section 5: Ground vehicle installations
GB/T 4798.4-2007
电工电子产品应用环境条件 第4部分:无气候防护场所固定使用(中英文版)
Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic products - Section 4: Stationary use at non-weather-protected locations
GB/T 4798.3-2007
电工电子产品应用环境条件 第3部分:有气候防护场所固定使用(中英文版)
Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic products - Section 3: Stationary use at weather-protected locations
GB/T 15969.8-2007
可编程序控制器 第8部分:编程语言的应用和实现导则(中英文版)
Programmable controllers - Part 8: Guidelines for the application and implementation of programming languages
GB/T 4798.10-2006
电工电子产品应用环境条件 导言(中英文版)
Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic products - Guidance
GB 14536.18-2006
家用和类似用途电自动控制器 家用和类似应用浮子型水位控制器的特殊要求(中英文版)
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Particular requirements for automatic electrical water level controls of the float type for household and similar applications
GB/T 20438.6-2006
电气/电子/可编程电子安全相关系统的功能安全 第6部分: GB/T 20438.2 和GB/T 20438.3 的应用指南(中英文版)
Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems―Part 6: Guidelines on the application of GB/T 20438.2 and GB/T 20438.3
GB/Z 20156-2006
软件工程 软件生存周期过程 用于项目管理的指南(中英文版)
Software engineering - Guide for the application of software life cycle to project management
GB/T 18570.9-2005
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第9部分:水溶性盐的现场电导率测定法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness-Part 9:Field method for the conductometric determination of water-soluble salts
GB/T 18570.8-2005
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第8部分:湿气的现场折射测定法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness-Part 8:Field method for the refractometric determination of moisture
GB/T 18570.5-2005
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第5部分:涂覆涂料前钢材表面的氯化物测定(离子探测管法)(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness-Part 5:Measurement of chloride on surfaces prepared for painting(ion detection tube method)
GB/T 18570.3-2005
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第3部分:涂覆涂料前钢材表面的灰尘评定(压敏粘带法)(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness-Part 3:Assessment of dust on steel surface prepared for painting(pressure-sensitive tape method)
GB/T 18570.10-2005
涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理 表面清洁度的评定试验 第10部分:水溶性氯化物的现场滴定测定法(中英文版)
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products-Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness-Part 10:Field method for the titrimetric determination of water-soluble chloride
GB 14536.17-2005
家用和类似用途电自动控制器 第2部分:锅炉器具中使用的浮子型或电极敏感型水位敏感电自动控制器的特殊要求(中英文版)
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use Part 2:particular requirements for automatic electrical water level sensing controls of the float or electrode-sensor type used in boiler applications
GB/T 19823-2005
热喷涂 工程零件热喷涂涂层的应用步骤(中英文版)
Thermal spraying procedures for the application of thermally sprayed coating for engineering components
GB/T 4798.1-2005
电工电子产品应用环境条件 第一部分 贮存(中英文版)
Environmental conditions existing in the application of electric and electronic products Section 1:Storage
GB/T 2424.19-2005
电工电子产品环境试验 模拟贮存影响的环境试验导则(中英文版)
Environmental tests for electric and electronic products-Guidance on the application of the environmental test to simulate the effects of storage
GB/T 16855.100-2005
机械安全 控制系统有关安全部件 第100部分:GB/T 16855.1的应用指南(中英文版)
Safety of machinery-Safety-related parts of control systems-Part 100:Guidelines for the use and application of GB/T 16855.1

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