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1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 33086-2016
水处理剂 砷和汞含量的测定 原子荧光光谱法(中英文版)
Water treatment chemical—Determination of arsenic and mercury—Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 20027.1-2016
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 破裂强度的测定 第1部分:钢球法(中英文版)
Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics—Determination of bursting strength—Part 1: Steel-ball method
GB/T 33053-2016
毛用反应染料 色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Reactive dyes for wool—Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 32788.4-2016
预浸料性能试验方法 第4部分:拉伸强度的测定(中英文版)
Test method for properties of prepreg—Part 4: Determination of tensile strength
GB/T 21883-2016
荧光增白剂 荧光强度的测定(中英文版)
Fluorescent whitening agents—Determination of fluoristrength
GB/T 32682-2016
塑料 聚乙烯环境应力开裂(ESC)的测定 全缺口蠕变试验(FNCT)(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of environment stress cracking (ESC) of polyethylene—Full-notch creep test (FNCT)
GB/T 3810.4-2016
陶瓷砖试验方法 第4部分:断裂模数和破坏强度的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles—Part 4: Determination of modulus of rupture amd breaking strength
GB/T 32330-2015
轻型输送带 最大拉伸强度的测定(中英文版)
Light conveyor belts—Determination of the maximum tensile strength
GB/T 9989.5-2015
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第5部分:在封闭系统中耐化学侵蚀的测定(中英文版)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 5: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion in closed systems
GB/T 9989.4-2015
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第4部分:用圆柱形容器进行耐碱溶液侵蚀的测定(中英文版)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 4: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a cylindrical vessel
GB/T 9989.3-2015
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第3部分:用六角形容器进行耐碱溶液侵蚀的测定(中英文版)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 3: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a hexagonal vessel
GB/T 9989.2-2015
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第2部分:耐沸腾酸、沸腾中性液体及其蒸气化学侵蚀的测定(中英文版)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 2: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids and/or their vapours
GB/T 9989.1-2015
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第1部分:室温下耐酸侵蚀的测定(中英文版)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 1: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by acids at room temperature
GB/T 31967.2-2015
稀土永磁材料物理性能测试方法 第2部分:抗弯强度和断裂韧度的测定(中英文版)
Test method for physical property of rare earth permanent magnetic materials—Part 2:Determination of bending strength and fracture toughness
GB/T 7742.2-2015
纺织品 织物胀破性能 第2部分:胀破强力和胀破扩张度的测定 气压法(中英文版)
Textiles—Bursting properties of fabrics—Part 2: Pneumatic method for determination of bursting strength and bursting distension
GB/T 3851-2015
硬质合金 横向断裂强度测定方法(中英文版)
Hardmetals—Determination of transverse rupture strength
GB/T 31816-2015
水处理剂 聚合物分子量及其分布的测定 凝胶色谱法(中英文版)
Water treatment chemicals—Determination of the molecular weight and molecular weight distribution of polymers—Gel filtration chromatography
GB/T 30661.3-2015
轮椅车座椅 第3部分:体位支撑装置的静态、冲击和疲劳强度测定(中英文版)
Wheelchair seating—Part 3: Determination of static, impact and repetitive load strengths for postural support devices
GB/T 31565-2015
Vitreous ang porcelain enamels—Determination of the edge covering on enamelled steel plate to be used in heat exchangers
GB/T 24218.18-2014
纺织品 非织造布试验方法 第18部分:断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定(抓样法)(中英文版)
Textiles―Test methods for nonwovens―Part 18: Determination of breaking strength and elongation (grab method)
GB/T 13936-2014
硫化橡胶 与金属粘接拉伸剪切强度测定方法(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized―Method for determination of strength properties of adhesive to metal in shear by tension loading
GB/T 31310-2014
金属材料 残余应力测定 钻孔应变法(中英文版)
Metallic material—Determination of residual stress—Hole drilling strain-gauge method
GB/T 7991.9-2014
搪玻璃层试验方法 第9部分:抗拉强度的测定(中英文版)
Test method of vitreous and porcelain enamels―Part 9: Determination of adhesion tensile strength
GB/T 31218-2014
金属材料 残余应力测定 全释放应变法(中英文版)
Metallic materials—Determination of residual stress—Sectioning relaxation strain-gage method
GB/T 31110-2014
纸和纸板 Z向抗张强度的测定(中英文版)
Paper and board―Determination of z-directional tensile strength
GB/T 2399-2014
阳离子染料 染色色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Cationic dyes―Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 18175-2014
水处理剂缓蚀性能的测定 旋转挂片法(中英文版)
Determination of corrosion inhibition performance of water treatment agents―Rotation specimen method
GB/T 30940-2014
化妆品中禁用物质维甲酸、异维甲酸的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of tretinoin and isotretinoin in cosmetics―High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 30808-2014
建筑用绝热制品 湿热条件下垂直于表面的抗拉强度保留率的测定(中英文版)
Thermal insulation products for buildings―Determination of retention rate on tensile strength perpendicular to the faces in hygrothermal conditions
GB/T 30804-2014
建筑用绝热制品 垂直于表面抗拉强度的测定(中英文版)
Thermal insulating products for building applications―Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to faces
GB/T 30803-2014
建筑用绝热制品 绝热材料与粘结剂和基底涂层的拉伸粘结强度的测定(中英文版)
Thermal insulation products for building applications—Determination of the tensile bond strength of the adhesive and of the base coat to the thermal insulation material
GB/T 7990-2013
Vitreous and porcelain enamels―Determination of resistance to impact
GB/T 7987-2013
Vitreous and porcelain enamels-Determination of resistance to therml shock
GB/T 30199-2013
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of scratch resistance of enamel finishes
GB/T 2379-2013
酸性络合染料 染色色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Acid complex dyes—Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 14853.6-2013
橡胶用造粒炭黑 第6部分:单个颗粒破碎强度的测定(中英文版)
Rubber compounding ingredients―Pelletized carbon black―Part 6:Determination of individual pellet crushing strength
GB/T 14853.4-2013
橡胶用造粒炭黑 第4部分:堆积强度的测定(中英文版)
Rubber compounding ingredients—Pelletized carbon black—Part 4:Determination of mass strength
GB/T 2387-2013
反应染料 色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Reactive dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2377-2013
还原染料 色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Vat dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2376-2013
硫化染料 染色色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Sulphur dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2394-2013
分散染料 色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Disperse dyestuff - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2380-2013
媒介染料 染色色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Mordant dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2375-2013
直接染料 染色色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Direct dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 19797-2012
农业灌溉设备 中心支轴式和平移式喷灌机 水量分布均匀度的测定(中英文版)
Agricultural irrigation equipment - Centre-pivot and moving lateral irrigation machines with sprayer or sprinkler nozzles - Determination of uniformity of water distribution
GB/T 28971-2012
卷烟 侧流烟气中烟草特有N-亚硝胺的测定 气相色谱-热能分析仪法(中英文版)
Cigarettes - Determination of tobacco specific N-nitrosamines in sidestream smoke GC-TEA method
GB/T 10516-2012
Determination of average crushing strength for nitrophosphate
GB/T 4465-2012
碱性染料 色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Basic dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2378-2012
酸性染料 染色色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Acid dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 1866-2012
中性染料 染色色光和强度的测定(中英文版)
Neutral dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 28487-2012
贵金属及其合金链 抗拉强度的测定 拉伸试验法(中英文版)
Precious metal alloys chains - Determination of tensile strength - Method of tensile testing

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