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“Methods and evaluati ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

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GB/T 28472.2-2012
工业过程测量和控制系统用配电器 第2部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Distributor for use in industrial-process measure and control systems - Part 2: Methods of evaluating the performance
GB/T 28471.2-2012
工业过程测量和控制系统用隔离式安全栅 第2部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Safety barrier for use in industrial-process measure and control systems - Part 2: Methods of evaluating the performance
GB/T 28470-2012
Methods of evaluating the performance of electrical and pneumatic analogue computing unit for use in industrial process measurement and control systems
GB/T 28469.2-2012
电磁感应式数字化仪 第2部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Electromagnetic and inductive digital instrument - Part 2: Methods of evaluating the performance
GB/T 26155.2-2012
工业过程测量和控制系统用智能电动执行机构 第2部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Intelligent electrical actuators for industrial-process measurement and control systems - Part 2:Methods of evaluating the performance
GB/T 28369-2012
铁合金 评价品质波动和检查取样精度的试验方法(中英文版)
Ferroalloys - Experimental methods for the evaluation of the quality variation and methods for checking the precision of sampling
GB/T 21079.1-2011
银行业务 安全加密设备(零售) 第1部分:概念、要求和评估方法(中英文版)
Banking - Secure cryptographic devices (retail) - Part 1: Concepts, requirements and evaluation methods
GB/T 26548.2-2011
手持便携式动力工具 振动试验方法 第2部分:气扳机、螺母扳手和螺丝刀(中英文版)
Hand-held portable power tools - Test methods for evaluation of vibration emission - Part 2: Wrenches,nutrunners and screwdrivers
GB/T 26156.2-2010
工业过程测量和控制系统用智能调节器 第2部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Intelligent adjusters for industrial-process measurement and control systems - Part 2: Methods of evaluating the performance
GB/T 25712-2010
Vibratory stress relief technology - Parameter selection and effect evaluation methods
GB/T 24986.3-2010
家用和类似用途电器可靠性评价方法 第3部分: 洗衣机的特殊要求(中英文版)
Evaluation methods for reliability on household and similar electrical appliances - Part 3: Particular requirements for washing machines
GB/T 24986.2-2010
家用和类似用途电器可靠性评价方法 第2部分:电冰箱(电冰柜)的特殊要求(中英文版)
Evaluation methods for reliability on household and similar electrical appliances - Part 2: Particular requirements for refrigerators (freezers)
GB/T 24986.1-2010
家用和类似用途电器可靠性评价方法 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Evaluation methods for reliability on household and similar electrical appliances - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 24557-2009
Methods and evaluation for psychological selection of commercial divers
GB/T 24233-2009
锰矿石和铬矿石 评定品质波动和校核取样精密度的试验方法(中英文版)
Manganese and chromium ores - Experimental methods for evaluation of quality variation and methods for checking the precision of sampling
GB/T 13471-2008
Methods for calculating and evaluating the economic value of electricity saving measures
GB/T 3780.18-2007
炭黑 第18部分:在天然橡胶(NR)中的鉴定方法(中英文版)
Carbon black - Part 18:Standard test methods for evaluation in Natural Rubber(NR)
GB/T 3386.1-2007
工业过程控制系统用电动和气动模拟图纸记录仪 第1部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Electrical and pneumatic analogue chart recorders for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods for performance evaluation
GB/T 20730.1-2006
工业过程控制系统用模拟输入两位或多位输出仪表 第1部分:性能评定方法(中英文版)
Industrial-process control systems -Instruments with analogue inputs and two- or multi-state outputs - Part 1: Methods of evaluating performance
GB/T 20671.10-2006
非金属垫片材料分类体系及试验方法 第10部分: 垫片材料导热系数测定方法(中英文版)
Classification system and test methods for nonmetallic gasket materials - Part 10: Standard practice for evaluating thermal conductivity of gasket materials
GB/Z 19397-2003
工业机器人 电磁兼容性试验方法和性能评估准则 指南(中英文版)
Industrial robots--EMC test methods and performance evaluation criteria--Guidelines
GB/T 18276-2000
Test-bed methods and evaluating index of dynamic property for motor vehicles
GB/T 18271.4-2000
过程测量和控制装置 通用性能评定方法和程序 第4部分:评定报告的内容(中英文版)
Process measurement and control devices--General methods and procedures for evaluating performance--Part 4:Evaluation report content
GB/T 18271.3-2000
过程测量和控制装置 通用性能评定方法和程序 第3部分:影响量影响的试验(中英文版)
Process measurement and control devices--General methods and procedures for evaluating performance--Part 3:Tests for the effects of influence quantities
GB/T 18271.2-2000
过程测量和控制装置 通用性能评定方法和程序 第2部分:参比条件下的试验(中英文版)
Process measurement and control devices--General methods and procedures for evaluating performance--Part 2:Tests under reference conditions
GB/T 18271.1-2000
过程测量和控制装置 通用性能评定方法和程序 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Process measurement and control devices--General methods and procedures for evaluating performance--Part 1:General considerations
GB/T 16310.5-1996
船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 危害性评价程序与污染分类方法(中英文版)
Specification on evaluation methods of hazards of liquid chemicals transported in bulk by shipping --Assessment procedure and determination of pollution category
GB 7919-1987
Procedures and methods of safety evaluationfor cosmetics

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