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“Requirement of the s ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 22380.3-2019
燃油加油站防爆安全技術 第3部分:剪切閥結構和性能的安全要求(中英文版)
Explosion protected safety technique of the petrol filling station—Part 3:Safety requirements for construction and performance of shear valves
GB/T 22380.2-2019
燃油加油站防爆安全技術 第2部分:加油機用安全拉斷閥結構和性能的安全要求(中英文版)
Explosion protected safety technique of the petrol filling station—Part 2:Safety requirements for construction and performance of safe breaks for use on dispensers
GB 15083-2019
Strength requirement and test method of automobile seats,their anchorages and any head restraints
GB 15083-2019
Strength requirement and test method of automobile seats,their anchorages and any head restraints
GB/T 38023-2019
Finishing requirements for parts and assemblies of the mechanical watch movements
GB/T 38009-2019
眼鏡架 鎳析出量的技術要求和測量方法(中英文版)
Spectacle frames—Requirement and method for the detection of nickel release
GB/T 37985-2019
Technical requirements for key management system for the elictronic identification of motor vehicle
GB/T 37976-2019
物聯網 智慧酒店應用 平台接口通用技術要求(中英文版)
Internet of things—Smart hotel application—General technical requirements of the platform interface
GB/T 37669-2019
Automated guided vehicle(AGV) safety protection requirements in the application of dangerous production atmosphere
GB/T 37582-2019
Requirements for corrosion control engineering in the life cycle of the marine engineering equipment
GB/T 37472-2019
General requirements for heave compensation system of submersible mothership
GB/T 37325-2019
General requirements of energy consumption synthetic control for shipbuilding enterprises
GB/T 36982-2018
Interface technical requirements and measurement methods of the digital optical line terminal used in program distribution network
GB/T 37168-2018
Building construction machinery and equipment-Machinery and plants for the preparation of concrete and mortar safety requirements
GB/T 37278-2018
Requirements for the establishment of pest free places of production and pest free production sites
GB/T 8196-2018
Safety of machinery—Guards—General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
GB/T 37083-2018
Technical requirements for access network—Interoperability of ethernet passive optical network(EPON)system
GB/T 37187-2018
Technology requirement of the anti-corrosion materials for desulfurization chimneys
GB/T 19974-2018
醫療保健産品滅菌 滅菌因子的特性及醫療器械滅菌過程的開發、确認和常規控制的通用要求(中英文版)
Sterilization of health care products—General requirement for characterization of a sterilization agent and the development,validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices
GB/T 36302-2018
電子商務信用 自營型網絡零售平台信用管理體系要求(中英文版)
E-commerce credit—Requirements of integrity management system for the seller-managed retailing transaction platform
GB/T 36304-2018
電子商務信用 第三方網絡零售平台信用管理體系要求(中英文版)
E-commerce credit—Requirements of integrity management system for the 3rd part online retailing platform
GB/T 36307-2018
Anti-counterfeiting technical requirements of the paper carrier smart ticket card
GB/T 32151.12-2018
溫室氣體排放核算與報告要求 第12部分: 紡織服裝企業(中英文版)
Requirements of the greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting—Part 12:Textile and garment enterprise
GB/T 32151.11-2018
溫室氣體排放核算與報告要求 第11部分: 煤炭生産企業(中英文版)
Requirements of the greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting—Part 11: Coal production enterprise
GB/T 36657-2018
可信性管理 應用指南 可信性要求規範指南(中英文版)
Dependability management—Application guide—Guide to the specification of dependability requirement
GB/T 36574-2018
Principles and requirements for the comprehensive utilization of exhaust gases in industrial park
GB/T 36116-2018
Requirements for the control system function of the rural photovoltaic power station cluster
GB/T 13145-2018
Specification and management requirements of the stacking yard for refrigerated containers
GB/T 34846-2017
Classification and interface technical requirements of the specialized modules for LED road/tunnel lighting
GB/T 12655-2017
The basic performance requirements of cigarette paper
GB 34659-2017
Requirements and test methods relating to the spray-suppression systems of motor vehicles and their trailers
GB/T 32151.2-2015
溫室氣體排放核算與報告要求 第2部分:電網企業(中英文版)
Requirements of the greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting—Part 2: Power grid enterprise
GB/T 17993-2017
General requirements for the competence of automotive multiple-function inspection agency
GB/T 34578-2017
Technical requirements for operation,maintenance and test of instrumentation and actuating equipment in thermal power plant
GB/T 34281-2017
Requirement of the classification and configuration for public fitness activity center
GB/T 34280-2017
Requirement of the service and management for public fitness activity center
GB/T 33939-2017
立式輥磨機 磨輥與磨盤鑄造襯闆 技術條件(中英文版)
Vertical roller mill—Casting liner of the grinding roller and the grinding table—Requirement
GB/T 33778-2017
RF technical requirements and testing methods for the wireless transceiver of video monitoring system
GB/T 33796-2017
General requirement of thermoplastic starch
GB/T 33760-2017
基于項目的溫室氣體減排量評估技術規範 通用要求(中英文版)
Technical specification at the project level for assessment of greenhouse gas emission reductions—General requirements
GB/T 33723-2017
Grade requirements of subjective evaluator for the acoustic quality of musical instrument
GB/T 33488.1-2017
化工用塑料焊接制承壓設備檢驗方法 第1部分:總則(中英文版)
Test method of pressure equipments of thermoplastics welded for chemicals—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 19212.27-2017
變壓器、電抗器、電源裝置及其組合的安全 第27部分:節能和其他目的用變壓器和電源裝置的特殊要求和試驗(中英文版)
Safety of transformers,reactors,power supply units and combinations thereof—Part 27: Particular requirements and tests for transformers and power supply units all for saving energy and other purposes
GB/T 35788-2017
Security technical requirement for the electronic identification of motor vehicles
GB/T 19212.16-2017
變壓器、電抗器、電源裝置及其組合的安全 第16部分:醫療場所供電用隔離變壓器的特殊要求和試驗(中英文版)
Safety of transformers,reactors,power supply units and combinations thereof—Part 16: Particular requirements and tests for isolating transformers for the supply of medical locations
GB/T 35787-2017
Security technical requirement for the read-write equipment of electronic identification of motor vehicles
GB/T 35537-2017
Requirements of the high-throughput gene sequencing result evaluation
GB/T 22380.1-2017
燃油加油站防爆安全技術 第1部分:燃油加油機防爆安全技術要求(中英文版)
Explosion protected safety technique of the petrol filling station—Part 1: Explosion protected safety technique requirements for fuel filling dispenser
GB/T 35439-2017
General requirement of safety, reliability and maintainability assurance for the application payloads of space station
GB/T 35780.2-2017
顧客聯絡服務 第2部分:使用顧客聯絡中心服務的委托方要求(中英文版)
Customer contact service—Part 2: Requirements for clients using the services of customer contact centres

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