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1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 10944.5-2013
自动换刀7:24圆锥工具柄 第5部分:拉钉的技术条件(中英文版)
Tool shanks with 7/24 taper for automatic tool changers―Part 5: Technical specifications of Retention knobs
GB/T 10944.4-2013
自动换刀7:24圆锥工具柄 第4部分:柄的技术条件(中英文版)
Tool shanks with 7/24 taper for automatic tool changers—Part 4: Technical specifications for shanks
GB/T 10544-2013
橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的钢丝缠绕增强外覆橡胶液压型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Rubber-covered spiral-wire-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids—Specification
GB/T 30434-2013
General specifications for resistance vacuum gauge
GB/T 30277-2013
信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 电子认证机构标识编码规范(中英文版)
Information security technology—Public key infrastructures―Certification authentication institution identity code specification
GB/T 30275-2013
信息安全技术 鉴别与授权 认证中间件框架与接口规范(中英文版)
Information security technology—Authentication and authorization—Authentication middleware framework and interface specification
GB/T 18789.1-2013
信息技术 自动柜员机通用规范 第1部分:设备(中英文版)
Information technology—General specification for automated teller machine—Part 1: Device
GB/T 14277-2013
General specification for audio combination equipment
GB/T 29767-2013
信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 桥CA体系证书分级规范(中英文版)
Information security techniques - Public key infrastructure - Bridge Certification Authority leveled certificate specification
GB/T 28674-2012
汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 转向器(中英文版)
The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components - Steering gear
GB/T 28673-2012
汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 起动机(中英文版)
The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components - Starter
GB/T 28672-2012
汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 交流发电机(中英文版)
The technical specifications for remanufacture of automotive components - Alternator
GB/T 28546-2012
Specification for package, transportation and storage of large and medium hydraulic units
GB/T 28515.1-2012
自动交换光网络(ASON)测试方法 第1部分:基于SDH的ASON(中英文版)
Test specifications for automatically switched optical network(ASON)- Part 1:Test specifications for SDH-based ASON
GB/T 28455-2012
信息安全技术 引入可信第三方的实体鉴别及接入架构规范(中英文版)
Information security technology - Entity authentication involving a trusted third party and access architecture specification
GB/T 28447-2012
信息安全技术 电子认证服务机构运营管理规范(中英文版)
Information security technology - Specification on the operation management of a certificate authority
GB/T 18300-2011
Specification for automatic control sodium ion exchange
GB/T 26790.1-2011
工业无线网络WIA规范 第1部分:用于过程自动化的WIA系统结构与通信规范(中英文版)
Industrial wireless network WIA specification - Part 1: WIA System architecture communication specification for process automation (WIA-PA)
GB/T 26775-2011
General technical specification for audio video system on board
GB/T 26639-2011
液压机上钢质自由锻件 通用技术条件(中英文版)
General specifications for open die forgings on hydraulic press
GB/T 26470-2011
General specification for launching machine
GB/T 3683-2011
橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的钢丝编织增强液压型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies - Wire-braid-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids - Specification
GB/T 26228.1-2010
信息技术 自动识别与数据采集技术 条码检测仪一致性规范 第1部分:一维条码(中英文版)
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code verifier conformance specification - Part 1: Linear symbols
GB/T 26227-2010
信息技术 自动识别与数据采集技术 条码原版胶片测试规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code master test specifications
GB/T 21645.4-2010
自动交换光网络(ASON)技术要求 第4部分:信令技术(中英文版)
Technical requirements for automatically switched optical network - Part 4:Technical specification of signalling
GB/T 25348-2010
Technical specification of fuel saving products for automobiles
GB/T 25062-2010
信息安全技术 鉴别与授权 基于角色的访问控制模型与管理规范(中英文版)
Information security technology - Authentication and authorization - Role-based access control model and management specification
GB/T 25056-2010
信息安全技术 证书认证系统密码及其相关安全技术规范(中英文版)
Information security techniques - Specifications of cryptograph and related security technology for certificate authentication system
GB/T 14598.301-2010
General specification of transformer fault oscillograph equipment for microprocessor-based generator
GB/Z 24843-2009
Technical specification of 1000 kV single phase oil-immersed auto-transformer
GB/T 24833-2009
Technical specification for 1000kV substation automation system
GB/T 24139-2009
PVC涂覆织物 防水布规范(中英文版)
PVC-coated fabrics for tarpaulins - Specification
GB/T 15908-2009
塑料软管及软管组合件 液压用织物增强型 规范(中英文版)
Plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Textile-reinforced types for hydraulic applications - Specification
GB/T 23704-2009
信息技术 自动识别与数据采集技术 二维条码符号印制质量的检验(中英文版)
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code print quality test specification - Two-dimensional symbols
GB/T 23572-2009
金属切削机床 液压系统通用技术条件(中英文版)
Hydraulic system general specifications for metel-cutting machine tools
GB/T 13853-2009
General specification for hydraulic pumps and motors of ship
GB/T 13852-2009
General specification of hydraulic control valves for ship
GB/T 11038-2009
Welding specification for pressure parts of marine auxiliary boiler and pressure vessel
GB/T 22726-2008
Specification for multichannel digital audio coding technology
GB/T 14173-2008
Specification for manufacture, installation and acceptance of steel gate in hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering
GB/T 17645.102-2008
工业自动化系统与集成 零件库 第102部分:符合GB/T 16656一致性规范的视图交换协议(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration - Parts library - Part 102: View exchange protocol by ISO 10303 conforming specification
GB/T 9877-2008
液压传动 旋转轴唇形密封圈设计规范(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power - Guide specifications for designing rotary shaft lip type seals
GB/T 17393-2008
Specification for thermal insulation for use in contact with austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 10969-2008
Specification for water passage components of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
GB/T 11805-2008
Basic specifications of automatic control components (devices) and their related system for hydroturbine-generating sets
GB/T 21717-2008
小型水轮机型式参数及性能 技术规定(中英文版)
Technical specification about the type parameter and performance of small hydraulic turbines
GB/T 13342-2007
Specification for marine reciprocating hydraulic cylinder
GB/T 15157.14-2007
频率低于3MHz的印制板连接器 第14部分: 音频、视频和音像设备用低音频及视频圆形连接器详细规范(中英文版)
Connectors for frequencies below 3 MHz for use with printed boards - Part 14: Detail specification for circular connectors for low-frequency audio and video applications such as audio, video and audio-visual equipment
GB/T 20969.3-2007
特殊环境条件 高原机械 第3部分:高原型工程机械选型、验收规范(中英文版)
Special environmental condition - Machinery for plateau - Part 3: The specification of select type and acceptance check for construction machinery on plateau
GB/T 9652.1-2007
Specifications of control systems for hydraulic turbines

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