“Specification for Ch ” 中國GB標準檢索結果 |
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GB 50882-2013 轻金属冶炼机械设备安装工程施工规范(中英文版) Code for construction specification of light-metal smelting mechanical equipment installation engineering |
GB/T 29046-2012 城镇供热预制直埋保温管道技术指标检测方法(中英文版) Test methods of technical specification for pre-insulated directly buried district heating pipes |
GB/T 29600-2012 移动实验室用温湿度控制系统技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification of the temperature & humidity control system for the mobile laboratory |
GB/T 29477-2012 移动实验室实验舱通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specification for mobile laboratory shelter |
GB/T 29476-2012 移动实验室仪器设备通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specification for mobile laboratory instruments and equipments |
GB/T 29474-2012 移动实验室内部装饰材料通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specification for the interior decoration material of mobile laboratory |
GB/T 29471-2012 食品安全检测移动实验室通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specification for mobile laboratory of food safety inspection |
GB/T 29409-2012 木材储存保管技术规范(中英文版) Technology specification for wood protection in storage |
GB/T 29407-2012 阻燃木材及阻燃人造板生产技术规范(中英文版) Technology specification for production of fire-retardant treated lumber and wood composite panel products |
GB/T 29399-2012 木材防虫(蚁)技术规范(中英文版) Technology specification for wood resistance to termites and beetles |
GB/T 29010-2012 建筑施工机械与设备 履带式建设废弃物处理机械 术语和商业规格(中英文版) Building construction machinery and equipment - Crawler mounted recycling equipment for construction waste - Terminology and commercial specifications |
GB/T 29007-2012 甘蔗地深耕、深松机械作业技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for operation of deep plowing and subsoiling machinery in sugarcane field |
GB/T 29001.4-2012 机床数控系统 NCUC-Bus现场总线协议规范 第4部分:应用层(中英文版) Numerical control system of machine tool - Protocol specifications for NCUC-Bus fieldbus - Part 4:Application layer |
GB/T 29001.3-2012 机床数控系统 NCUC-Bus现场总线协议规范 第3部分:数据链路层(中英文版) Numerical control system of machine tool - Protocol specifications for NCUC-Bus fieldbus - Part 3:Data link layer |
GB/T 29001.2-2012 机床数控系统 NCUC-Bus现场总线协议规范 第2部分:物理层(中英文版) Numerical control system of machine tool - Protocol specifications for NCUC-Bus fieldbus - Part 2:Physical layer |
GB/T 29001.1-2012 机床数控系统 NCUC-Bus现场总线协议规范 第1部分:总则(中英文版) Numerical control system of machine tool - Protocol specifications for NCUC-Bus fieldbus - Part 1:General principles |
GB/T 29321-2012 光伏发电站无功补偿技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for reactive power compensation of PV power station |
GB/T 29297-2012 数字投影机球幕投影鱼眼镜头 技术条件(中英文版) Technical specifications of dome screen projection fisheye lens for digital projector |
GB/T 29270.3-2012 信息技术 编码字符集测试规范 第3部分:维吾尔文、哈萨克文、柯尔克孜文(中英文版) Information technology - Specification for the testing of coded character sets - Part 3:Uyghur, Kazak and Kirghiz |
GB/T 29270.2-2012 信息技术 编码字符集测试规范 第2部分:藏文(中英文版) Information technology - Specification for the testing of coded character sets - Part 2:Tibetan |
GB/T 29270.1-2012 信息技术 编码字符集测试规范 第1部分:蒙古文(中英文版) Information technology - Specification for the testing of coded character sets - Part 1:Mongolian |
GB/T 29243-2012 信息安全技术 数字证书代理认证路径构造和代理验证规范(中英文版) Information security technology - Specifications of delegated certification path construction and delegated validation for digital certificate |
GB/T 29196-2012 独立光伏系统 技术规范(中英文版) Technical specification for stand-alone photovoltaic systems |
GB/T 29000-2012 单板干燥节能技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for veneer drying energy-saving |
GB/T 28989-2012 富贵竹生产技术规程(中英文版) Technical specification of production for lucky bamboo |
GB/T 14860.4-2012 电子和通信设备用变压器和电感器 第4部分:按能力批准程序评定质量的开关电源变压器分规范(中英文版) Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification for power transformers for switched mode power supplies (SMPS) on the basis of the capability approval procedure |
GB/T 29362-2012 电子物证数据搜索检验规程(中英文版) Technical specification for data search of electronic forensic |
GB/T 29361-2012 电子物证文件一致性检验规程(中英文版) Technical specification for file identification of electronic forensic |
GB/T 29360-2012 电子物证数据恢复检验规程(中英文版) Technical specification for data recovery of electronic forensic |
GB/T 50818-2013 石油天然气管道工程全自动超声波检测技术规范(中英文版) Mechanized ultrasonic testing technology specification for oil & gas construction pipeline project |
GB/T 28792-2012 列车无线调度通信系统技术条件(中英文版) Technical specification on radio communication for train control |
GB/T 28852-2012 生物人工气候试验箱技术条件(中英文版) Specifications for climatic chambers for biological applications |
GB/T 15290-2012 电子设备用电源变压器和滤波扼流圈总技术条件(中英文版) Generic specification of power supply transformers and filter chokes for use in electronic equipment |
GB/T 9536-2012 电气和电子设备用机电开关 第1部分:总规范(中英文版) Electromechanical switches for use in electrical and electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification |
GB/T 28827.3-2012 信息技术服务 运行维护 第3部分:应急响应规范(中英文版) Information technology service - Operations and maintenance - Part 3: Emergency response specification |
GB/T 28827.2-2012 信息技术服务 运行维护 第2部分:交付规范(中英文版) Information technology service - Operations and maintenance - Part 2: Delivery specification |
GB/T 28826.1-2012 信息技术 公用生物特征识别交换格式框架 第1部分:数据元素规范(中英文版) Information technology - Common biometric exchange formats framework - Part 1: Data element specification |
GB/T 28823-2012 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 平台与媒体分类代码XML绑定规范(中英文版) Information technology - Learning,education and training - Classification code of platform and media XML binding specification |
GB/T 28822-2012 电子名片交换格式通用规范(中英文版) General specification for the exchange format of electronic business cards |
GB/T 18220-2012 信息技术 手持式信息处理设备通用规范(中英文版) Information technology - General specification of hand-held device for information processing |
GB/T 28842-2012 药品冷链物流运作规范(中英文版) Operation specification for drug cold chain logistics |
GB/T 28674-2012 汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 转向器(中英文版) The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components - Steering gear |
GB/T 28673-2012 汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 起动机(中英文版) The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components - Starter |
GB/T 28672-2012 汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 交流发电机(中英文版) The technical specifications for remanufacture of automotive components - Alternator |
GB/T 28624-2012 组织机构代码数字档案管理与技术规范(中英文版) Management and technical specification for digital archives of organization code registration |
GB/T 28615-2012 绿色制造 金属切削机床再制造技术导则(中英文版) Green manufacturing - The technology specification for metal-cutting machine tool remanufacturing |
GB/T 28472.1-2012 工业过程测量和控制系统用配电器 第1部分:通用技术条件(中英文版) Distributor for use in industrial-process measure and control systems - Part 1: General technical specification |
GB/T 28471.1-2012 工业过程测量和控制系统用隔离式安全栅 第1部分:通用技术条件(中英文版) Safety barrier for use in industrial-process measure and control systems - Part 1: General technical specification |
GB/T 12667-2012 同步电动机半导体励磁装置总技术条件(中英文版) General specification for excitation assembly with semiconductors for synchronous motors |
GB/T 28577-2012 冷链物流分类与基本要求(中英文版) Classification and basic specification for cold chain logistics |
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