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“Specification for ta ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 27744-2021
Specification and energy efficiency grades for line-start permanent magnet synchronous motors(frame size 80~355)
GB/T 40742.5-2021
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 几何精度的检测与验证 第5部分:几何特征检测与验证中测量不确定度的评估(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Geometrical precisionverification—Part 5:Estimation of uncertainty of measurement for geometrical characteristics verification
GB/T 21973-2021
YZR3系列起重及冶金用绕线转子三相异步电动机 技术条件(中英文版)
YZR3 series wound-rotor three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical applications—Technical specification
GB/T 21969-2021
YGP系列辊道用变频调速三相异步电动机 技术条件(中英文版)
YGP series variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for roll table application—Technical specification
GB/T 40610-2021
Technical specifications for binary description and interchange of power system online power flow data
GB/T 40581-2021
Calculation specification for power system security and stability
GB/T 40584-2021
Technical specification for setting calculation software and data of relay protection
GB/T 40587-2021
Technical specification for power system security and stability control system
GB/T 40742.2-2021
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 几何精度的检测与验证 第2部分:形状、方向、位置、跳动和轮廓度特征的检测与验证(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Geometrical precision verification—Part 2:Verification of form characteristics, orientation characteristics, position characteristics, run-out characteristics and profile characteristics
GB/T 40687-2021
物联网 生命体征感知设备通用规范(中英文版)
Internet of things—General specification for vital signs sensing devices
GB/T 29618.5120-2021
现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第5120部分:通用对象模型的通信实现 IEC 61784 CPF 2(中英文版)
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part 5120:Communication implementation for common object model—IEC 61784 CPF 2
GB/T 29618.5110-2021
现场设备工具(FDT)接口规范 第5110部分:通用对象模型的通信实现 IEC 61784 CPF 1(中英文版)
Field device tool (FDT) interface specification—Part 5110: Communication implementation for common object model—IEC 61784 CPF 1
GB/T 40786.2-2021
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 低压电力线通信 第2部分:数据链路层规范(中英文版)
Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Low voltage power line communication—Part 2: Data link layer specification
GB/T 40786.1-2021
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 低压电力线通信 第1部分:物理层规范(中英文版)
Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems—Low voltage power line communication—Part 1: Physical layer specification
GB/T 6346.24-2021
电子设备用固定电容器 第24部分:分规范 表面安装导电聚合物固体电解质钽固定电容器(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment—Part 24: Sectional specification—Fixed tantalum electrolytic surface mount capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte
GB/T 20115.1-2021
工业燃料加热装置基本技术条件 第1部分:通用部分(中英文版)
Basic specifications for industrial fuel fired installations—Part 1:General
GB/T 40773-2021
Technical specification of monitoring and control system for auxiliary facilities in substation
GB/T 39737-2021
Specification for national park establishment
GB/T 40629-2021
Specifications for medium scale public map data
GB/T 40766-2021
数字航天摄影测量 控制测量规范(中英文版)
Digital space photogrammetry—Specifications for control survey
GB 24330-2020
General security technical specification for domestic sanitary insecticide
GB 39800.3-2020
个体防护装备配备规范 第3部分:冶金、有色(中英文版)
Specifications for the provision of personal protective equipment—Part 3:Metallurgy,nonferrous metals
GB/T 39518-2020
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 使用单探针和多探针接触式探测系统坐标测量机的检测不确定度评估指南(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) — Guidelines for the evaluation of coordinate measuring machine (CMM) test uncertainty for CMMs using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems
GB/T 39562-2020
Technical specification for Taiwan style Oolong tea processing
GB/T 39123-2020
Specification for cadmium-zinc telluride single crystal material for X-ray and γ-ray detector
GB/T 39121-2020
Specification for operation management of biochar production from crop staw on soil quality improvement project
GB/T 39182-2020
Installation specifications for household and similar heat pump water heater
GB/T 39203-2020
Technical specifications for extraction of valuable metals from copper smelting dust
GB/T 39050-2020
Specification for distance learning service
GB/T 39000-2020
Specification of service quality for rural homestay inn
GB 20300-2018
Safety specifications for road transportation vehicle of explosive substance and chemical toxic substance
GB/T 38964-2020
钛合金等温锻造 工艺规范(中英文版)
Isothermal forging for titanium-alloy—Technological specification
GB/T 39029-2020
Technical specification of efficacy evaluation for removing of heavy metal by biological products
GB/T 38946-2020
Specification of centralized operation and maintenance for distributed photovoltaic power system
GB/T 38922-2020
General specification for 35kV and below voltage standardized protection equipment
GB/T 38807-2020
General specification for super austenitic stainless steels
GB/T 18569.1-2020
机械安全 减小由机械排放的有害物质对健康的风险 第1部分:用于机械制造商的原则和规范(中英文版)
Safety of machinery—Reduction of risks to health resulting from hazardous substances emitted by machinery—Part 1: Principles and specifications for machinery manufacturers
GB/T 38788-2020
Technical specification for establishment of porcine pluripotent stem cells
GB/T 1800.2-2020
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 线性尺寸公差ISO代号体系 第2部分:标准公差带代号和孔、轴的极限偏差表(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—ISO code system for tolerances on linear sizes—Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance classes and limit deviations for holes and shafts
GB/Z 38767-2020
精准扶贫 驴产业项目运营管理规范(中英文版)
Targeted poverty alleviation—Specification for operation management of donkey industry project
GB/Z 38766-2020
精准扶贫 光伏农业项目运营管理规范(中英文版)
Targeted poverty alleviation—Specification for operation and management of photovoltaic-agriculture project
GB/Z 38765-2020
精准扶贫 中药材 滇重楼产业项目运营管理规范(中英文版)
Targeted poverty alleviation—Chinese medicinal materials—Specifications for operation management of Paris polyphylla Smith var.yunnanensis(Franch.)Hand.-Mazz.project
GB/Z 38764-2020
精准扶贫 中药材 草果产业项目运行管理规范(中英文版)
Targeted poverty alleviation—Chinese medicinal materials—Specifications for operation mangagement of Amomum tsaoko Crevost et Lemarie project
GB/T 38837-2020
Specification for operation and maintenance of rural household latrine with three-compartment septic tank
GB/T 38836-2020
Technical specification for construction of rural household latrine with three-compartment septic tank
GB/T 38657-2020
Specifications for low pressure feed water heater for conventional island in nuclear power station
GB/T 38653-2020
Specifications for high pressure feed water heater for conventional island in nuclear power station
GB/T 38567-2020
General specification for data interchange in port logistics operation
GB/T 38371.3-2020
数字内容对象存储、复用与交换规范 第3部分:对象一致性检查方法(中英文版)
Specification of digital content object storage, reuse and exchange—Part 3: Object conformance examination method
GB/T 16857.901-2020
产品几何技术规范(GPS) 坐标测量机的验收检测和复检检测 第901部分:配置多影像探测系统的坐标测量机(中英文版)
Geometrical product specifications (GPS)—Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM)—Part 901: CMMs with multiple imaging probing system

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