“Specifications for e ” 中國GB標準檢索結果 |
1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE
標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。 2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。 |
GB/T 42825-2023 电动滑板车通用技术规范(中英文版) General technical specifications for electric scooters |
GB/T 42817-2023 农产品产地土壤改良剂使用技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for the use of soil conditioners in agricultural product producing areas |
GB/T 42812-2023 连作障碍土壤改良通用技术规范(中英文版) General Technical Specifications for Soil Improvement in Continuous Cropping Barriers |
GB/T 29344-2023 灵芝孢子粉采收及加工技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Harvesting and Processing of Ganoderma Spore Powder |
GB/T 42373-2023 大众高山滑雪和单板滑雪运动培训规范(中英文版) Training specifications for mass alpine skiing and snowboarding |
GB/T 42372-2023 大众滑雪赛事活动规范(中英文版) Specifications for Mass Skiing Events |
GB/T 35282-2023 信息安全技术 电子政务移动办公系统安全技术规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology - Security Technical Specifications for E-government Mobile Office System |
GB/T 25283-2023 矿产资源综合勘查评价规范(中英文版) Specifications for Comprehensive Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Resources |
GB/T 42727-2023 政务服务事项电子文件归档规范(中英文版) Specifications for electronic filing of government service items |
GB/T 30282-2023 信息安全技术 反垃圾邮件产品技术规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology Anti-spam Product Technical Specifications |
GB/T 20945-2023 信息安全技术 网络安全审计产品技术规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology - Technical Specifications for Network Security Audit Products |
GB/T 28451-2023 信息安全技术 网络入侵防御产品技术规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology - Technical Specifications for Network Intrusion Prevention Products |
GB/T 42571-2023 信息安全技术 区块链信息服务安全规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology Blockchain Information Service Security Specifications |
GB/T 42583-2023 信息安全技术 政务网络安全监测平台技术规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology - Technical Specifications for Government Network Security Monitoring Platform |
GB/T 42781-2023 农业社会化服务 农作物集中育秧(苗)服务规范(中英文版) Agricultural socialization service Specifications for centralized seedling (seedling) raising of crops |
GB/T 20455-2023 集运机 术语、定义和规格(中英文版) Forwarders Terms, Definitions and Specifications |
GB/T 42525-2023 微滤膜除菌过滤系统技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Microfiltration Membrane Sterilization and Filtration System |
GB/T 42751-2023 信息技术 生物特征识别 高通量测序基因分型系统规范(中英文版) Information technology; Biometric identification; Specifications for high-throughput sequencing genotyping systems |
GB/T 42686-2023 船舶与海上技术 海上环境保护 吸着剂的设计和选用规范(中英文版) Ships and marine technology - Offshore environmental protection - Specifications for the design and selection of sorbents |
GB/T 12230-2023 通用阀门 不锈钢铸件技术条件(中英文版) General valves - technical specifications for stainless steel castings |
GB/T 42438-2023 珠宝玉石追溯体系服务规范(中英文版) Service Specifications for Traceability System of Jewelry and Jade |
GB/T 28055-2023 钢质管道带压封堵技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for hot-pressurized plugging of steel pipelines |
GB/T 27699-2023 钢质管道内检测技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for internal inspection of steel pipelines |
GB/T 10067.417-2023 电热和电磁处理装置基本技术条件 第417部分:碳化硅单晶生长装置(中英文版) Basic specifications for electrothermal and electromagnetic treatment devices Part 417: Devices for growing silicon carbide single crystals |
GB/T 42589-2023 信息安全技术 电子凭据服务安全规范(中英文版) Information Security Technology Electronic Credential Service Security Specifications |
GB/T 42771-2023 儿童福利机构康复辅助器具配置规范(中英文版) Specifications for configuration of rehabilitation aids in child welfare institutions |
GB/T 18169-2023 碰碰车类游乐设施通用技术条件(中英文版) General Technical Specifications for Bumper Car Amusement Facilities |
GB/T 13674-2023 航空派生型燃气轮机燃料使用规范(中英文版) Specifications for fuel use in aviation-derived gas turbines |
GB/T 42532-2023 湿地退化评估技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Wetland Degradation Assessment |
GB/T 42615-2023 在用电梯安全评估规范(中英文版) Specifications for safety assessment of elevators in use |
GB/T 42591-2023 燃气轮机 质量控制规范(中英文版) Gas turbines - Specifications for quality control |
GB/T 42435-2023 海岸侵蚀监测与灾害损失评估技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Coastal Erosion Monitoring and Disaster Loss Assessment |
GB/T 42549-2023 海洋调查船舶实验室安全管理规范(中英文版) Specifications for Safety Management of Marine Survey Ship Laboratory |
GB/T 42537-2023 特大型锻钢件的热处理规范(中英文版) Specifications for heat treatment of oversized steel forgings |
GB/T 42637-2023 大洋多金属硫化物资源调查规范(中英文版) Specifications for investigation of oceanic polymetallic sulphide resources |
GB/T 42684-2023 集装箱电子箱封技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Electronic Sealing of Containers |
GB/T 42556-2023 电能表监督管理规范(中英文版) Specifications for Supervision and Management of Electric Energy Meters |
GB/T 42316-2023 分布式储能集中监控系统技术规范(中英文版) Technical Specifications for Distributed Energy Storage Centralized Monitoring System |
GB/Z 42468.4-2023 纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第4部分:修复操作指南(中英文版) Specifications for Rescue and Restoration of Paper Archives Part 4: Restoration Operation Guide |
GB/T 42468.3-2023 纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第3部分:修复质量要求(中英文版) Specifications for Rescue and Restoration of Paper Archives Part 3: Restoration Quality Requirements |
GB/T 42468.2-2023 纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第2部分:档案保存状况的调查(中英文版) Specifications for Rescue and Restoration of Paper Archives Part 2: Investigation of Archives Preservation Status |
GB/T 42468.1-2023 纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第1部分:破损等级的划分(中英文版) Specifications for rescue and restoration of paper archives Part 1: Classification of damage levels |
GB/T 42420-2023 智慧城市基础设施 突发公共卫生事件居住社区基础设施数据获取和报送规范(中英文版) Smart city infrastructure - Specifications for data acquisition and submission of residential community infrastructure for public health emergencies |
GB/T 42506-2023 国有企业采购信用信息公示规范(中英文版) Specifications for publicity of procurement credit information of state-owned enterprises |
GB/T 42482-2023 生鲜银耳包装、贮存与冷链运输技术规范(中英文版) Technical specifications for packaging, storage and cold chain transportation of fresh white fungus |
GB/T 600-2023 船舶管路阀件通用技术条件(中英文版) General technical specifications for ship pipeline valves |
GB/T 42498-2023 电子商务在线争议解决规范(中英文版) Specifications for Online Dispute Resolution in E-Commerce |
GB/T 42481-2023 小微湿地保护与管理规范(中英文版) Specifications for protection and management of small and micro wetlands |
GB/T 42505-2023 债券价格指标产品数据采集规范(中英文版) Specifications for Data Collection of Bond Price Index Products |
GB/T 16849-2023 光放大器总规范(中英文版) General Specifications for Optical Amplifiers |
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