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“Determination of ure ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 32369-2015
Determination of the degree of cure for sealant
GB/T 9989.1-2015
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第1部分:室温下耐酸侵蚀的测定(中英文版)
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 1: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by acids at room temperature
GB/T 32106-2015
塑料 在水性培养液中最终厌氧生物分解能力的测定 通过测量生物气体产物的方法(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials in an aqueous system—Method by measurement of biogas production
GB/T 31967.2-2015
稀土永磁材料物理性能测试方法 第2部分:抗弯强度和断裂韧度的测定(中英文版)
Test method for physical property of rare earth permanent magnetic materials—Part 2:Determination of bending strength and fracture toughness
GB/T 31967.1-2015
稀土永磁材料物理性能测试方法 第1部分:磁通温度特性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for physical property of rare earth permanent magnetic materials—Part 1:Determination of temperature coefficient of magnetic flux
GB/T 31923.1-2015
高炉炉料用铁矿石 低温还原粉化静态试验 第1部分:与CO、CO2、H2和N2的反应(中英文版)
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks—Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method—Part 1: Reduction with CO、CO2、H2 and N2
GB/T 3851-2015
硬质合金 横向断裂强度测定方法(中英文版)
Hardmetals—Determination of transverse rupture strength
GB/T 7759.1-2015
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压缩永久变形的测定 第1部分:在常温及高温条件下(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic—Determination of compression set—Part 1: At ambient or elevated temperatures
GB/T 5211.18-2015
颜料和体质颜料通用试验方法 第18部分:筛余物的测定 水法(手工操作)(中英文版)
General methods of test for pigments and extenders—Part 18: Determination of residue on sieve—Water method (Manual procedure)
GB/T 30648.5-2015
色漆和清漆 耐液体性的测定 第5部分:采用具有温度梯度的烘箱法(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes—Determination of resistance to liquids—Part 5: Temperature-gradient oven methods
GB 5009.223-2014
食品安全国家标准 食品中氨基甲酸乙酯的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Determination of urethane in foods
GB/T 1682-2014
硫化橡胶 低温脆性的测定 单试样法(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized―Determination of low-temperature brittleness―Single test piece method
GB/T 15256-2014
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 低温脆性的测定(多试样法)(中英文版)
Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic―Determination of low-temperature brittleness(multiple test piece method)
GB/T 7759.2-2014
硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压缩永久变形的测定 第2部分:在低温条件下(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic―Determination of compression set―Part 2:At low temperatures
GB/T 31064-2014
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 抗刺穿性测试方法(中英文版)
Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics―Determination of puncture resistance
GB/T 14837.2-2014
橡胶和橡胶制品 热重分析法测定硫化胶和未硫化胶的成分 第2部分:丙烯腈-丁二烯橡胶和卤化丁基橡胶(中英文版)
Rubber and rubber products―Determination of the composition of vulcanizates and uncured compounds by thermogravimetry―Part 2: Acrylonitrile-butadiene and halobutyl rubbers
GB/T 31295-2014
风电叶片用芯材 弯曲载荷和压缩载荷下高温尺寸稳定性的测定(中英文版)
The core to wind turbine blade―Determination of dimensional stability at elevated temperatures with flexural load and with compressive load
GB/T 21143-2014
金属材料 准静态断裂韧度的统一试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials―Unified method of test for determination of quasistatic fracture toughness
GB/T 3488.1-2014
硬质合金 显微组织的金相测定 第1部分:金相照片和描述(中英文版)
Hardmetals―Metallographic determination of microstructure―Part 1:Photomicrographs and description
GB/T 14837.1-2014
橡胶和橡胶制品 热重分析法测定硫化胶和未硫化胶的成分 第1部分:丁二烯橡胶、乙烯-丙烯二元和三元共聚物、异丁烯-异戊二烯橡胶、异戊二烯橡胶、苯乙烯-丁二烯橡胶(中英文版)
Rubber and rubber products―Determination of the composition of vulcanizates and uncured compounds by thermogravimetry―Part 1:Butadiene, ethylene-propylene copolymer and terpolymer, isobutene-isoprene, isoprene and styrene-butadiene rubbers
GB/T 12967.4-2014
铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜检测方法 第4部分:着色阳极氧化膜耐紫外光性能的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for anodic oxidation coatings of aluminium and aluminium alloys―Part 4:Determination of the comparative fastness to ultraviolet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings
GB/T 31107-2014
Environmental chamber for the determination of volatile organic compounds of furniture―General technical requirements
GB/T 31106-2014
Determination of volatile organic compounds in furniture
GB/T 21230-2014
声学 职业噪声暴露的测定 工程法(中英文版)
Acoustics―Determination of occupational noise exposure―Engineering method
GB/T 30965-2014
土方机械 履带式机器平均接地比压的确定(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery―Determination of average ground contact pressure for crawler machines
GB/T 19933.6-2014
土方机械 司机室环境 第6部分:太阳光热效应的测定(中英文版)
Earth-moving machinery―Operator enclosure environment―Part 6: Determination of effect of solar heating
GB/T 6435-2014
Determination of moisture in feedstuffs
GB/T 30914-2014
Styrene-isoprene-butadiene rubber (SIBR)―Determination of the microstructure
GB/T 30794-2014
热熔型氟树脂涂层(干膜)中聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)含量测定 熔融温度下降法(中英文版)
Determination of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) content of hot-melt fluorocarbon resin coatings (dry film)—Dropping of the melting temperature
GB/T 2386-2014
染料及染料中间体 水分的测定(中英文版)
Dyestuffs and intermediate of dyes—Determination of moisture content
GB/T 10663-2014
分散染料 移染性的测定 高温染色法(中英文版)
Disperse dyes―Determination of migration property―High temperature dyeing process
GB/T 30936-2014
Determination of chlorpropamide,Tolbutamide and Carbutamide 3 banned sulfonylureas in cosmetics
GB/T 30833-2014
气压传动 设备消耗的可压缩流体 压缩空气功率的表示及测量(中英文版)
Pneumatic fluid power―Compressible fluids consumed by equipment―Power determination and measurement of compressible air
GB/T 30806-2014
建筑用绝热制品 在指定温度湿度条件下尺寸稳定性的测试方法(中英文版)
Thermal insulating products for building applications—Determination of dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions
GB/T 8358-2014
钢丝绳 实际破断拉力测定方法(中英文版)
Steel wire ropes―Determination of measured breaking force
GB/T 30518-2014
液化石油气中可溶性残留物的测定 高温气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of dissolved residues of liquefied petroleum gases―High temperature gas chromatographic method
GB/T 8304-2013
茶 水分测定(中英文版)
Tea—Determination of moisture content
GB/T 2679.1-2013
纸 透明度的测定 漫反射法(中英文版)
Paper―Determination of transmittance―Diffuse reflectance measurement
GB/T 16988-2013
Quantitative determination for mixtures of special animal fibre and wool
GB/T 30074-2013
Method of measurement of hydrogen permeation and determination of hydrogen uptake and transport in metals by an electrochemical technique
GB 5413.31-2013
食品安全国家标准 婴幼儿食品和乳品中脲酶的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Determination of urease in infant foods and dairy products
GB/T 9914.1-2013
增强制品试验方法 第1部分:含水率的测定(中英文版)
Test method for reinforcement products - Part 1: Determination of moisture content
GB/T 3403.2-2013
塑料 粉状脲-甲醛和脲/三聚氰胺-甲醛模塑料(UF-和UF/MF-PMCs) 第2部分:试样制备和性能测定(中英文版)
Plastics - Urea-formaldehyde and urea/melamine-formaldehyde powder moulding compounds (UF-and UF/MF-PMCs) - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 19277.2-2013
受控堆肥条件下材料最终需氧生物分解能力的测定 采用测定释放的二氧化碳的方法 第2部分: 用重量分析法测定实验室条件下二氧化碳的释放量(中英文版)
Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability of plastic materials under controlled composting conditions - Method by analysis of evolved carbon dioxide - Part 2: Gravimetric measurement of carbon dioxide evolved in a laboratory-scale test
GB/T 4893.9-2013
家具表面漆膜理化性能试验 第9部分:抗冲击测定法(中英文版)
Test of surface coatings of furniture - Part 9:Determination of resistance to impact
GB/T 4893.8-2013
家具表面漆膜理化性能试验 第8部分:耐磨性测定法(中英文版)
Test of surface coatings of furniture - Part 8:Determination of wearability
GB/T 4893.7-2013
家具表面漆膜理化性能试验 第7部分:耐冷热温差测定法(中英文版)
Test of surface coatings of furniture - Part 7:Determination of surface resistance to alternation of heat and cold
GB/T 4893.6-2013
家具表面漆膜理化性能试验 第6部分:光泽测定法(中英文版)
Test of surface coatings of furniture - Part 6:Determination of gloss value
GB/T 4893.5-2013
家具表面漆膜理化性能试验 第5部分:厚度测定法(中英文版)
Test of surface coatings of furniture - Part 5: Determination of thickness
GB/T 4893.4-2013
家具表面漆膜理化性能试验 第4部分:附着力交叉切割测定法(中英文版)
Test of surface coatings of furniture - Part 4:Determination of adhesion - Cross cut

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