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“Test method of resis ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 21477-2008
船舶及海上技术 软管组件的耐火性能 试验方法(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology - Fire resistance of hose assemblies - Test methods
GB/T 21353-2008
Test method for determining the resistance of paint film to algae
GB/T 3048.7-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第7部分:耐电痕试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 7: Tracking resistance test
GB/T 3048.5-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第5部分:绝缘电阻试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 5:Test of insulation resistance
GB/T 3048.4-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第4部分:导体直流电阻试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 4: Test of DC resistance of conductors
GB/T 3048.3-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第3部分:半导电橡塑材料体积电阻率试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 3:Test of volume resistivity of semi-conducting rubbers and plastics
GB/T 3048.2-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第2部分:金属材料电阻率试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 2:Test of electrical resistivity of metallic materials
GB/T 3048.16-2007
电线电缆电性能试验方法 第16部分:表面电阻试验(中英文版)
Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 16: Surface resistance test
GB/T 21196.1-2007
纺织品 马丁代尔法织物耐磨性的测定 第1部分:马丁代尔耐磨试验仪(中英文版)
Textiles - Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by the Martindale method - Part 1: Martindale abrasion testing apparatus
GB/T 1741-2007
Test method for determining the resistance of paints film to mold
GB/T 15227-2007
Test method of air permeability, watertightness, wind load resistance performance for curtain walls
GB/T 328.25-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第25部分:沥青和高分子防水卷材 抗静态荷载(中英文版)
Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - part 25: Bitumen,plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to static loading
GB/T 328.24-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第24部分:沥青和高分子防水卷材 抗冲击性能(中英文版)
Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 24: Bitumen,plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to impact
GB/T 328.23-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第23部分:高分子防水卷材 接缝剪切性能(中英文版)
Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 23: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to shearing of joints
GB/T 328.22-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第22部分:沥青防水卷材 接缝剪切性能(中英文版)
Test methods foe building sheets for waterproofing - Part 22: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-resistance to shearing of joints
GB/T 328.21-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第21部分:高分子防水卷材 接缝剥离性能(中英文版)
Test method for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 21: Palstic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to peeling of joints
GB/T 328.20-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第20部分:沥青防水卷材 接缝剥离性能(中英文版)
Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 20: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-resistance to peeling of joints
GB/T 328.19-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第19部分:高分子防水卷材 撕裂性能(中英文版)
Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 19: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to tearing
GB/T 328.18-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第18部分:沥青防水卷材 撕裂性能(钉杆法)(中英文版)
Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 18: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-resistance to tearing(nail shank)
GB/T 328.11-2007
建筑防水卷材试验方法 第11部分:沥青防水卷材 耐热性(中英文版)
Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 11: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-flow resistance at elevated temperature
GB/T 2522-2007
Methods of test for determination of surface insulation resistance and lamination factor of electric sheet and strip
GB/T 20654-2006
防护服装 机械性能 材料抗刺穿及动态撕裂性的试验方法(中英文版)
Protective clothing - Mechanical properties - Test method for the determination of the resistance to puncture and dynamic tearing of materials
GB/T 20671.3-2006
非金属垫片材料分类体系及试验方法 第3部分: 垫片材料耐液性试验方法(中英文版)
Classification system and test methods for nonmetallic gasket materials - Part 3: Standard test method for fluid resistance of gasket materials
GB/T 20671.11-2006
非金属垫片材料分类体系及试验方法 第11部分: 合成聚合材料抗霉性测定方法(中英文版)
Classification system and test methods for nonmetallic gasket materials - Part 11: Standard practice for determining resistance of synthetic polymeric materials to fungi
GB/T 1410-2006
Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating materials
GB/T 10581-2006
Method of test for electrical resistance and resistivity of insulating materials at elevated temperatures
GB/T 10064-2006
Methods of test for the determination of the insulation resistance of solid insulating materials
GB/T 3810.9-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第9部分:抗热震性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock
GB/T 3810.7-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第7部分:有釉砖表面耐磨性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 7: Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles
GB/T 3810.6-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第6部分:无釉砖耐磨深度的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 6: Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
GB/T 3810.5-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第5部分:用恢复系数确定砖的抗冲击性(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 5: Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution
GB/T 3810.14-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第14部分:耐污染性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 14: Determination of resistance to stains
GB/T 3810.13-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第13部分:耐化学腐蚀性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 13: Determination of chemical resistance
GB/T 3810.12-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第12部分:抗冻性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 12: Determination of frost resistance
GB/T 3810.11-2006
陶瓷砖试验方法 第11部分:有釉砖抗釉裂性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 11: Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
GB/T 6148-2005
Test method for temperature-resistance coefficient of precision resistance alloys
GB/T 6147-2005
精密电阻合金热电动势率 测试方法(中英文版)
Test method for thermoelectric power of precision resistance alloys
GB/T 3857-2005
Test method for chemical resistance of glass fiber reinforced thermosetting plastics
GB/T 19687-2005
闭孔塑料长期热阻变化的测定 实验室加速测试方法(中英文版)
Determination of the long-term change in thermal resistance of closed-cell plastics(accelerated laboratory test methods)
GB/T 19248-2003
Test method for measuring the resistance of package leads
GB/T 8243.3-2003
内燃机全流式机油滤清器试验方法 第3部分: 耐高压差和耐高温特性(中英文版)
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines--Part 3: Resistance to high differential pressure and to elevated temperature
GB/T 6111-2003
Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids--Resistance to internal pressure--Test method
GB/T 14831-2003
Test method of resistance to steam ageing forrubber latex products
GB/T 13477.16-2002
建筑密封材料试验方法 第16部分:压缩特性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for buildingsealants--Part 16:Determination of resistance to compression
GB/T 13477.14-2002
建筑密封材料试验方法 第14部分:浸水及拉伸-压缩循环后粘结性的测定(中英文版)
Testmethod for building sealants--Part 14:Determination of resistance to prolonged exposure to water
GB/T 18575-2001
Shaking table test method of earthquakeresistant performance for building curtain wall
GB/T 18476-2001
流体输送用聚烯烃管材 耐裂纹扩展的测定 切口管材裂纹慢速增长的试验方法(切口试验)(中英文版)
Polyolefin pipes for the conveyance of fluids--Determination of resistance to crack propagation--Test method for slow crack growth on notched pipes(notch test)
GB/T 18244-2000
Test methods for resistance to weathering of building waterproofing materials
GB/T 18029-2000
轮椅车 座(靠)垫阻燃性的要求和测试方法(中英文版)
Wheelchairs--Resistance to ignition of upholstered parts--Requirements and test methods
GB/T 12496.6-1999
木质活性炭试验方法 强度的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of abrasion resistance

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