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1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 36055-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 含水率的测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of moisture content
GB/T 36056-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 可溶性糖的测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of soluble saccharides content
GB/T 36057-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 灰分的测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of ash content
GB/T 36058-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 不可溶性糖测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomas—Determination of insoluble saccharides content
GB/T 14571.2-2018
工业用乙二醇试验方法 第2部分:纯度和杂质的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Test method of ethylene glycol for industrial use—Part 2: Determination of purity and impurities—Gas chromatography
GB/T 35803-2018
化妆品中禁用物质尿刊酸及其乙酯的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of prohibited urocanic acid and its ethyl ester in cosmetics—High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 35824-2018
染发类化妆品中20种禁限用染料成分的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of 20 kinds of prohibited and restricted dyestuff in hair dyes—High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 1043.2-2018
塑料 简支梁冲击性能的测定 第2部分:仪器化冲击试验(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of charpy impact properties—Part 2:Instrumented impact test
GB/T 35809-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 蛋白质含量测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of protein content
GB/T 35808-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 纤维素酶活性测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of cellulase activity
GB/T 35815-2018
木质活性炭试验方法 甲苯吸附率的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of wooden activated carbon—Determination of toluene adsorption
GB/T 35812-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 预处理后不溶固体含量测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of insoluble solids following pretreatment
GB/T 35816-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 抽提物含量的测定(中英文版)
Standard method for analysis of forestry biomass-Determination of extractives content
GB/T 35811-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 淀粉测定(中英文版)
Method for analysis of forestry biomass—Determination of starch content
GB/T 35818-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 多糖及木质素含量的测定(中英文版)
Standard method for analysis of forestry biomass-Determination of structural polysaccharides and lignin
GB/T 35905-2018
林业生物质原料分析方法 总固体含量测定(中英文版)
Test methods for biomass—Determination of total solids in biomass
GB/T 6881.2-2017
声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级和声能量级 混响场内小型可移动声源工程法 硬壁测试室比较法(中英文版)
Acoustics—Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure—Engineering methods for small movable sources in reverberant fields—Comparison method for a hard-walled test room
GB/T 34887-2017
液压传动 马达噪声测定规范(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power—Test code for the determination of noise level of hydraulic motors
GB/T 2930.8-2017
草种子检验规程 水分测定(中英文版)
Rules of seed testing for forage, turfgrass and other herbaceous plant—Determination of moisture content
GB/T 2930.3-2017
草种子检验规程 其他植物种子数测定(中英文版)
Rules of seed testing for forage, turfgrass and other herbaceous plant—Determination of other seeds by number
GB/T 2930.9-2017
草种子检验规程 重量测定(中英文版)
Rules of seed testing for forage, turfgrass and other herbaceous plant—Weight determination
GB/T 34691.2-2017
塑料 热塑性聚酯(TP)模塑和挤出材料 第2部分:试样制备和性能测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Thermoplastic polyester (TP) moulding and extrusion materials—Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 3780.5-2017
炭黑 第5部分:比表面积的测定 CTAB法(中英文版)
Carbon black—Part5:Determination of specific surface area—CTAB test method
GB/T 34842-2017
鞋类 化学试验方法 甲酰胺的测定(中英文版)
Footwear—Chemical tests—Determination of formamide
GB/T 34100-2017
轻质烃及发动机燃料和其他油品中总硫含量的测定 紫外荧光法(中英文版)
Test method for determination of total sulfur in light hydrocarbons,spark ignition engine fuel ,diesel engine fuel, and engine oil—Ultraviolet fluorescence method
GB/T 34011-2017
建筑用绝热制品 外墙外保温系统抗拉脱性能的测定(泡沫块试验)(中英文版)
Thermal insulation products for building applications—Determination of the pull-off resistance of external thermal insulation composite systems(ETICS)(foam block test)
GB/T 13477.19-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第19部分:质量与体积变化的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 19:Determination of change in mass and volume
GB/T 13477.20-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第20部分:污染性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 20:Determination of staining
GB/T 33965-2017
金属材料 拉伸试验 矩形试样减薄率的测定(中英文版)
Metallic materials—Tensile testing—Determination of thickness reduction ratio for rectangular specimen
GB/T 2522-2017
Methods of test for the determination of coating insulation resistance and coating adhesion of electrical strip and sheet
GB/T 13477.15-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第15部分:经过热、透过玻璃的人工光源和水曝露后粘结性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 15:Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties after exposure to heat and artificial light through glass and to water
GB/T 13477.11-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第11部分:浸水后定伸粘结性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 11:Determination of tensile properties at maintained extension after immersion in wates
GB/T 13477.4-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第4部分:原包装单组分密封材料挤出性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 4:Determination of extrudability of one-component sealants
GB/T 13477.9-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第9部分:浸水后拉伸粘结性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 9:Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties after immersion in water
GB/T 13477.3-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第3部分:使用标准器具测定密封材料挤出性的方法(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 3:Determination of extrudability of sealants using standardized apparatus
GB/T 13477.10-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第10部分:定伸粘结性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 10:Determination of tensile properties at maintained extension
GB/T 13477.8-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第8部分:拉伸粘结性的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 8:Determination of tensile properties
GB/T 5541-2017
分散染料 高温分散稳定性的测定 双层滤纸过滤法(中英文版)
Disperse dyes—Determination of stability of dispersion at high temperature—Filter test of double filter papers
GB/T 5540-2017
分散染料 分散性能的测定 双层滤纸过滤法(中英文版)
Disperse dyes—Determination of dispersibility—Filter test of double filter papers
GB/T 33797-2017
塑料 在高固体份堆肥条件下最终厌氧生物分解能力的测定 采用分析测定释放生物气体的方法(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of the ultimate anaerobic biodegradation under high-solids anaerobic-digestion conditions—Method by analysis of released biogas
GB/T 24218.17-2017
纺织品 非织造布试验方法 第17部分:抗渗水性的测定(喷淋冲击法)(中英文版)
Textiles—Test methods for nonwovens—Part 17: Determination of resistance to penetration by water (spray impact)
GB/T 24218.16-2017
纺织品 非织造布试验方法 第16部分:抗渗水性的测定(静水压法)(中英文版)
Textiles—Test methods for nonwovens—Part 16: Determination of resistance to penetration by water(hydrostatic pressure)
GB/T 33732-2017
纺织品 抗渗水性的测定 冲击渗透试验(中英文版)
Textiles—Determination of resistance to water penetration—Impact penetration test
GB/T 33646-2017
车用汽油中酯类化合物的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of the ester compounds in motor rasoline—Gas chromatography
GB/T 33648-2017
车用汽油中典型非常规添加物的识别与测定 红外光谱法(中英文版)
Test method for identification and determination of specific non-regular additives in motor gasoline—Infrared spectroscopic method
GB/T 13477.17-2017
建筑密封材料试验方法 第17部分:弹性恢复率的测定(中英文版)
Test method for building sealants—Part 17:Determination of elastic recovery
GB/T 6394-2017
Determination of estimating the average grain size of metal
GB/T 35151-2017
Determination of total organic carbon in limestone
GB/T 35104-2017
肥料中邻苯二甲酸酯类增塑剂含量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of plasticizers (phthalic acid esters) in fertilizer—Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS)
GB/T 35565-2017
木质活性炭试验方法 甲醛吸附率的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of wooden activated carbon—Determination of formaldehyde adsorption

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