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“Method of test for t ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 4214.12-2021
家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 风扇式加热器的特殊要求(中英文版)
Test method for noise of household and similar electrical appliances—Particular requirements for fan heaters
GB/T 4214.11-2021
家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 电动食品加工器具的特殊要求(中英文版)
Test method for noise of household and similar electrical appliances—Particular requirements for electrically-operated food preparation appliances
GB/T 3074.1-2021
The test method for flexural strength of carbon materials
GB/T 2567-2021
Test methods for properties of resin casting body
GB/T 1425-2021
贵金属及其合金熔化温度范围的测定 热分析试验方法(中英文版)
Determination of melting temperature range for precious metals and their alloys—Testing method of thermal analysis
GB/T 20081.3-2021
气动 减压阀和过滤减压阀 第3部分:测试减压阀流量特性的可选方法(中英文版)
Pneumatic fluid power—Compressed air pressure regulators and filter-regulators—Part 3:Alternative test methods for measuring the flow-rate characteristics of pressure regulators
GB/T 40286-2021
The performance testing method of bi-circulation unit for low-temperature waste heat recovery and utilization
GB/T 40271-2021
纺织纤维鉴别试验方法 差示扫描量热法(DSC)(中英文版)
Test method for identification of textile fibers—Differential scanningcalorimetry(DSC)
GB/T 40200-2021
Method of testing the performance of equipment for industrial organic waste gas purification
GB/T 40181-2021
Test method and evaluation for flushability of disposable sanitary nonwoven materials
GB/T 40260-2021
Test method for determining gas permeability of polymer membrane materials
GB/T 40237-2021
泡沫塑料着火性试验方法 电焊火花法(中英文版)
Test method for ignitability of foamed plastic—Welding spark method
GB/T 40128-2021
表面化学分析 原子力显微术 二硫化钼片层材料厚度测量方法(中英文版)
Surface chemical analysis—Atomic force microscopy—Test method for thickness of the two-dimensional layered molybdenum disulfide nanosheets
GB/T 40101-2021
Ultrasonic testing method for stainless steel bars,plates and forgings of PWR nuclear fuel assembly and associated assembly
GB/T 23902-2021
无损检测 超声检测 超声衍射声时技术检测和评价方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic testing - Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a method for detection and sizing of discontinuities
GB/T 14230-2021
Test method of tooth bending strength for gear load capacity
GB/T 14229-2021
Test method of surface contact strength for gear load capacity
GB/T 14146-2021
硅外延层载流子浓度的测试 电容-电压法(中英文版)
Test method for carrier concentration of silicon epitaxial layers - Capacitance-voltage method
GB/T 9966.9-2021
天然石材试验方法 第9部分:通过测量共振基本频率测定动力弹性模数(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone—Part 9: Determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity by measuring the fundamental resonance frequency
GB/T 9966.13-2021
天然石材试验方法 第13部分:毛细吸水系数的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone—Part 13:Determination of water absorption coefficient by capillarity
GB/T 9966.11-2021
天然石材试验方法 第11部分:激冷激热加速老化强度测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone—Part 11: Determination of resistance to ageing by cold and thermal shock
GB/T 8243.12-2021
内燃机全流式机油滤清器试验方法 第12部分:颗粒计数法滤清效率和容灰量(中英文版)
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines—Part 12: Filtration efficiency using particle counting and contaminant retention capacity
GB/T 1551-2021
硅单晶电阻率的测定 直排四探针法和直流两探针法(中英文版)
Test method for measuring resistivity of monocrystal silicon—In-line four-point probe and direct current two-point probe method
GB/T 19216.3-2021
在火焰条件下电缆或光缆的线路完整性试验 第3部分:火焰温度不低于830 ℃的供火并施加冲击振动,额定电压0.6/1 kV及以下电缆穿在金属管中进行的试验方法(中英文版)
Circuit integrity test for electric cables or optical fiber cables under fire conditions—Part 3:Test method for fire with shock at a temperature of at least 830℃ for cables of rated voltage up to and including 0.6/1 kV tested in a metal enclosure
GB/T 19216.2-2021
在火焰条件下电缆或光缆的线路完整性试验 第2部分:火焰温度不低于830 ℃的供火并施加冲击振动,额定电压0.6/1 kV及以下外径不超过20 mm电缆的试验方法(中英文版)
Circuit integrity test for electric cables or optical fiber cables under fire conditions - Part 2: Test method for fire with shock at a temperature of at least 830 ℃ for cables of rated voltage up to and including 0.6/1 kV and with an overall diameter not
GB/T 19216.1-2021
在火焰条件下电缆或光缆的线路完整性试验 第1部分:火焰温度不低于830 ℃的供火并施加冲击振动,额定电压0.6/1 kV及以下外径超过20 mm电缆的试验方法(中英文版)
Circuit integrity test for electric cables or optical fiber cables under fire conditions-Part 1:Test method for fire with shock at atemperature of at least 830 ℃ for cables of rated voltage up to and including 0.6/ 1 kV and with an overall diameter exceed
GB/T 39969-2021
Test method of ventilation and rain resistance performance for ventilation louvers of building
GB/T 25217.8-2021
冲击地压测定、监测与防治方法 第8部分:电磁辐射监测方法(中英文版)
Methods for test,monitoring and prevention of rock burst-Part 8:Monitoring method of electromagnetic radiation
GB/T 15972.30-2021
光纤试验方法规范 第30部分:机械性能的测量方法和试验程序 光纤筛选试验(中英文版)
Specifications for optical fibre test methods—Part 30: Measurement methods and test procedures for mechanical characteristics—Fibre proof test
GB/T 15911-2021
Monitoring and testing method for energy saving of industrial electroheat devices
GB/T 9966.17-2021
天然石材试验方法 第17部分:盐结晶强度的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone-Part 17:Determination of resistance to salt crystallization
GB/T 9966.16-2021
天然石材试验方法 第16部分:线性热膨胀系数的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone- Part 16:Determination of linear thermal expansion coefficient
GB/T 9966.15-2021
天然石材试验方法 第15部分:耐盐雾老化强度测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone- Part 15:Determination of resistance ageing by salt mist
GB/T 9966.14-2021
天然石材试验方法 第14部分:耐断裂能量的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone-Part 14:Determination of rupture energy
GB/T 9966.12-2021
天然石材试验方法 第12部分:静态弹性模数的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone-Part 12:Determination of static elastic modulus
GB/T 9966.10-2021
天然石材试验方法 第10部分:挂件组合单元抗震性能的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone-Part 10:Determination of resistance to shaking for individual stone anchoragest
GB/T 8361-2021
Ultrasonic testing method for the surface of cold drawn round steel
GB/T 6165-2021
高效空气过滤器性能试验方法 效率和阻力(中英文版)
Test method of the performance of high efficiency particulate air filter—Efficiency and resistance
GB/T 39948-2021
Method of heat distribution test for food thermal sterilization equipments
GB/T 39945-2021
Method of heat penetration test for canned food
GB/T 39849-2021
无损检测仪器 超声衍射声时检测仪 性能测试方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing instruments—Ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction instrument—Methods of performance tests
GB/T 39794.2-2021
金属屋面抗风掀性能检测方法 第2部分:动态压力法(中英文版)
Test method for wind uplift resistance of mental roof—Part 2:Dynamic pressure method
GB/T 39748.9-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第9部分:称重法测定密度(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 9:Gravimetric determination of density
GB/T 39748.8-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第8部分:称重法测定流量(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 8:Gravimetric determination of flowrate
GB/T 39748.7-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第7部分:称重法测定压力作用下的吸液量(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 7:Gravimetric determination of absorption under pressure
GB/T 39748.6-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第 6 部分: 称重法测定离心后的生理盐水保液率(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 6:Gravimetric determination of fluid retention capacity in saline solution after centrifugation
GB/T 39748.11-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测试方法 第11部分:可吸入颗粒含量的测定(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence—Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials—Part 11:Determination of content of respirable particles
GB/T 39748.10-2021
失禁用尿吸收辅助器具 聚合物基质吸液材料特性的测定方法 第10部分:电位滴定法测定可萃取聚合物量(中英文版)
Urine-absorbing aids for incontinence -- Test methods for characterizing polymer-based absorbent materials -- Part 10: Determination of extractable polymer content by potentiometric titration
GB/T 4214.9-2021
家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 风扇的特殊要求(中英文版)
Test method for noise of household and similar electrical appliances—Particular requirements for fans
GB/T 4214.8-2021
家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 电灶、烤箱、烤架、微波炉及其组合器具的特殊要求(中英文版)
Test method for noise of household and similar electrical appliances—Particular requirements for electric cooking ranges, ovens, grills, microwave ovens and any combination of these

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