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“Specification for a ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版鍏有 SALE 標誌的梺,以儎GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收柍您剦鐐後,會在1橆3天內發您郵箱ф
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GB/T 26065-2010
Specification for polished test silicon wafers
GB/T 26025-2010
Specifications for copper mould plates of continuous casting
GB/T 26020-2010
Classification and specification for gold metal scraps
GB/T 14525-2010
General specification for corrugated metal hose assemblies
GB/T 26084-2010
General specification for electric rubber products of ship
GB/T 25895.2-2010
水域安全标志和沙滩安全旗 第2部分:沙滩安全旗颜色被形状被曨义儎性能的繂范鍏中英文版梺
Water safety signs and beach safety flags - Part2: Specifications for beach safety flags - Colour, shape, meaning and performance
GB/T 25895.1-2010
水域安全标志和沙滩安全旗 第1部分:闁作场所和惧共区域用水域安全标志鍏中英文版梺
Water safety signs and beach safety flags - Part1: Specifications for water safety signs used in workplaces and public areas
GB/T 25847-2010
Standard specification for chemically setting silicate chemical - resistant mortars
GB 25974.2-2010
箛矿用液压支架 第2部分:立柱和千课顶技术条件鍏中英文版梺
Powered support for coal mine - Part 2: Specification for power set legs and rams
GB 25974.1-2010
箛矿用液压支架 第1部分:通用技术条件鍏中英文版梺
Powered support for coal mine 垹 Part 1: General specification
GB/T 25969-2010
Specification of material selecting for main parts of domestic solar water heating system
GB/T 25932-2010
General specification of superalloy master alloys for castings
GB/Z 6113.405-2010
无线☆骚扰和抗扰度闁量设嚌和闁量方ュ繂范 第4-5部分:娲确定度被统计学和限值囶模替欓试验方ュ的使用条件鍏中英文版梺
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-5: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Conditions for the use of alternative test methods
GB/T 25773-2010
Fusion welding specifications for combustion engine
GB/Z 25843-2010
Specifications for control and protection equipment of ±800kV ultra high voltage direct current transmission
GB/T 2694-2010
Specification of manufacturing for transmission line tower
GB/T 18482-2010
Specification for start-up test of reversible pumped-storage units
GB/T 25508-2010
Evaluating specification for ASP service of manufacturing enterprise
GB/T 25489-2010
Technical specification for the functional planning of networked manufacturing system
GB/T 25483-2010
Specification of testing enterprise integration platform for manufacturing informatization
GB/T 25470-2010
Service platform function specification for commonness technical resource of manufacturing informatization
GB/T 25469-2010
Cooperation platform function specification for manufacturing industrial chain
GB/T 25459-2010
Specification of testing ASP platform for networked manufacturing
GB/T 20441.1-2010
☆声学 闁量増声器 第1部分:实验室标准増声器繂范鍏中英文版梺
Electroacoustics - Measurement microphones - Part 1: Specifications for laboratory standard microphones
GB/T 15952-2010
☆声学 个人声暴露计繂范鍏中英文版梺
Electroacoustics - Specifications for personal sound exposure meters
GB/T 11159-2010
Specifications for low air pressure test chambers
GB/T 25656-2010
信息技术 中文Linux应用编程i面(API)繂范鍏中英文版梺
Information technology - Specification for Chinese Linux programming interface (API)
GB/T 25646-2010
信息技术 中文Linux用庢i面繂范鍏中英文版梺
Information technology - Specification for chinese linux user interface
GB/T 25644-2010
信息技术 软件闁程 可复用资产繂范鍏中英文版梺
Information technology - Software engineering - Reusable asset specification
GB/T 21645.4-2010
自动閼欓ら网络(ASON梺技术要求 第4部分:信令技术鍏中英文版梺
Technical requirements for automatically switched optical network - Part 4:Technical specification of signalling
GB/Z 25599-2010
地理信息 注册服务繂范鍏中英文版梺
Geographic information - Registry service specification
GB/Z 25598-2010
地理信息 目录服务繂范鍏中英文版梺
Geographic information - Catalogue service specification
GB/T 25633-2010
☆火梺加闁机缂 ☆磁瑜容性试验繂范鍏中英文版梺
Electro-discharge machines - Test specification for electromagnetic compatibility
GB/T 25528-2010
地理信息 数据产品繂范鍏中英文版梺
Geographic information - Data product specifications
GB/T 8118-2010
The general specification for arc welding machines
GB/T 25455-2010
☆鸣乐器放音设嚌 设嚌音乐性能评价繂范鍏中英文版梺
Electrophones musical instruments playback equipment - Specification of assessment for musical performance
GB/T 25454-2010
General specification for equalization equipment of electrophones musical instruments
GB/T 25453-2010
Specification for natural uranium dioxide powder for PHWR plant
GB/T 25452-2010
Specification for sintered natural uranium dioxide pellets for PHWR plant
GB/T 25449-2010
Specification for fuel bundles of PHWR plant
GB/T 25446-2010
Specification and technical requirements for oil-immersed amorphous alloy core distribution transformers
GB/T 25438-2010
Specification and technical requirements for three-phase oil-immersed tridimensional toroidal-core distribution transformers
GB/T 25319-2010
汽车用燃料☆池发☆系统 技术条件鍏中英文版梺
Fuel cell power system used for motor vehicles - Technical specification
GB/T 25303-2010
纺织专用高串率永磁同步☆动机技术条件 (机座号 90橆225)鍏中英文版梺
Specification for high efficiency permanent magnet synchronous motor for textile purpose鍏Frame size 90橆225梺
GB/T 25302-2010
纺织专用高串率三相异步☆动机技术条件 (机座号90橆225梺鍏中英文版梺
Specification for high efficiency three-phase induction motor for textile purpose (Frame size 90橆225)
GB/T 25301-2010
☆阻鍏设嚌 适用于所有氶压器的通用技术条件鍏中英文版梺
Resistance welding equipment - General specifications applicable to all transformers
GB/T 25298-2010
☆阻鍏机控制器 通用技术条件鍏中英文版梺
The general specifications for resistance welding controller
GB/T 25292-2010
Specification for direct current machine in ships
GB/T 25291-2010
Specification for three-phase constant torque asynchronous motor for cargo winches in ships
GB/T 25290-2010
Specification for Y3 series鍏IP55梺three-phase induction motor 鍏Frame size 63橆355梺

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