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“Classification ” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 35940-2018
Seawater cultured pearl oysters and classification of pearls
GB/T 35919-2018
Oral cavity nursing materials classifications and terms
GB/T 35975-2018
起重吊具 分类(中英文版)
Load lifting attachments—Classification
GB/T 35964-2018
证券及相关金融工具 金融工具分类(CFI编码)(中英文版)
Securities and related financial instruments-Classification of financial instruments(CFI code)
GB/T 13611-2018
Classification and basic characteristics of city gas
GB/T 5001-2018
Classification of domestic ceramics
GB/T 35825-2018
The method of tea classification by chemical analysis
GB/T 34846-2017
Classification and interface technical requirements of the specialized modules for LED road/tunnel lighting
GB/T 34803-2017
农业社会化服务 分类(中英文版)
Agricultural service—Classification
GB/T 17948.3-2017
旋转电机 绝缘结构功能性评定 成型绕组试验规程 旋转电机绝缘结构热评定和分级(中英文版)
Rotating electrical machines—Functional evaluation of insulation systems—Test procedures for form-wound windings—Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in rotating machines
GB/T 304.1-2017
关节轴承 分类(中英文版)
Spherical plain bearings—Classification
GB/T 21725-2017
天然香辛料 分类(中英文版)
Natural spices—Classification
GB/T 34751-2017
Utilization site classification of rangeland
GB/T 18670-2017
Cosmetic classification
GB/T 34913-2017
Classification and presentation of civil building energy use
GB/T 34710.1-2017
混合气体的分类 第1部分:毒性分类(中英文版)
Classification of the mixture gas—Part 1:Toxic classification
GB/T 34711-2017
Testing method for classification of chemically unstable gases
GB/T 34837-2017
计时仪器零部件分类、名称和编号 石英手表机心(中英文版)
Classification, terminology and numbering for parts and assemblies of the time measuring instruments—Quartz wrist watch movements
GB/T 21010-2017
Current land use classification
GB/T 34346-2017
Guidelines for risk based safety hazard classification of oil and gas pipelines
GB/T 7631.18-2017
润滑剂、工业用油和有关产品(L类)的分类 第18部分:Y组(其他应用)(中英文版)
Lubricants,industrial oils and related products(class L)—Classification—Part 18:Family Y(Miscellaneous)
GB/T 30559.3-2017
电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道的能量性能 第3部分:自动扶梯和自动人行道的能量计算与分级(中英文版)
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks - Part 3: Energy calculation and classification of escalators and moving walks
GB/T 30559.2-2017
电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道的能量性能 第2部分:电梯的能量计算与分级(中英文版)
Energy performance of lifts, escalators and moving walks - Part 2: Energy calculation and classification for lifts (elevators)
GB/T 34431-2017
Terminology and classification for circulation of excess inventory commodity
GB/T 34401-2017
Classification of commercial network
GB/T 21334-2017
Classification and planning fundamental requirements of logistics park
GB/T 34640.1-2017
变形铝及铝合金废料分类、回收与利用 第1部分:废料的分类(中英文版)
Classification and recycling and utilization of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy scraps—Part 1:Classification of scraps
GB/T 34640.3-2017
变形铝及铝合金废料分类、回收与利用 第3部分:废料的利用(中英文版)
Classification and recycling and utilization of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy scraps—Part 3:Utilization of scraps
GB/T 34640.2-2017
变形铝及铝合金废料分类、回收与利用 第2部分:废料的回收(中英文版)
Classification and recycling and utilization of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy scraps—Part 2:Recycling of scraps
GB/T 34410-2017
Classification and general technology of upper limb orthoses
GB/T 34298-2017
Classification of snowstorms
GB/T 34308.3-2017
体育信息分类与代码 第3部分:运动生理生化与营养指标代码(中英文版)
Sports information classification and code—Part 3: Sport physiology, biochemistry and nutrition index codes
GB/T 34308.2-2017
体育信息分类与代码 第2部分:运动竞赛赛事代码(中英文版)
Sports information classification and code—Part 2: Code for cport competition
GB/T 34308.1-2017
体育信息分类与代码 第1部分:分类编码导则(中英文版)
Sport information classification and code—Part 1: Guide of classifying and coding
GB/T 34308.4-2017
体育信息分类与代码 第4部分:运动医学指标代码(中英文版)
Sports information classification and codes—Part 4: Sports medicine index code
GB/T 34281-2017
Requirement of the classification and configuration for public fitness activity center
GB/T 34262-2017
Terms and classification of egg and egg products
GB/T 34069-2017
物联网总体技术 智能传感器特性与分类(中英文版)
General technology of internet of things—Characteristic and classification of intelligent sensor
GB/T 34098-2017
石英质玉 分类与定名(中英文版)
Quartzose jade—Classification and nomenclature
GB/T 34045-2017
Classification of service resources for service platform of manufacturing informatization
GB/T 15019-2017
Designation and classification of rapidly quenched metals
GB/T 33872-2017
Guide to classification of solar energy resources observation station
GB/T 4754-2017
Industrial classification for national economic activities
GB/T 7778-2017
Number designation and safety classification of refrigerants + No.2 modification sheet
GB/T 20480-2017
Classification of sand and dust weather
GB/T 33561-2017
信息安全技术 安全漏洞分类(中英文版)
Information security technology—Vulnerability classification
GB/T 4976-2017
压缩机 分类(中英文版)
GB/T 33677-2017
太阳能资源等级 直接辐射(中英文版)
Classification of solar energy resources—Direct radiation
GB/T 33733-2017
Terminology and classification for the kitchen and sanitary ware fittings
GB/T 271-2017
滚动轴承 分类(中英文版)
Rolling bearings—Classification

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