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1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 24131.2-2017
生橡胶 挥发分含量的测定 第2部分:带红外线干燥单元的自动分析仪加热失重法(中英文版)
Rubber,raw—Determination of volatile-matter content—Part 2:Thermogravimetric methods using an automatic analyser with an infrared drying unit
GB/T 33392-2016
皮革和毛皮 化学试验 禁用偶氮染料中4-氨基偶氮苯的测定(中英文版)
Leather and fur—Chemical tests—Determination of 4-aminoazobenzene derived from azo colorants
GB 31643-2016
食品安全国家标准 含硅酸盐辐照食品的鉴定 热释光法(中英文版)
National food safety standard - Determination of Irradiated foodstuffs containing silicate - Thermoluminescence method
GB/T 4702.17-2016
金属铬 氧、氮、氢含量的测定 惰性气体熔融红外吸收法和热导法(中英文版)
Chromium metal─Determination of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen content─Inert gas fusion thermal infrared detection method and conductivity method
GB/T 33307-2016
化妆品中镍、锑、碲含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(中英文版)
Determination of the content of Ni,Sb and Te in cosmetics—Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry
GB/T 33285-2016
皮革和毛皮 化学试验验 壬基酚及壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚含量的测定(中英文版)
Leather and fur—Chemical tests—Determination of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates
GB/T 20216-2016
纸浆和纸 有效残余油墨浓度(ERIC值)的测定 红外线反射率测量法(中英文版)
Pulp and paper—Determination of the effective residual ink concentration (ERIC number)—Infrared reflectance measurement
GB/T 15789-2016
土工布及其有关产品 无负荷时垂直渗透特性的测定(中英文版)
Geotextiles and geotextile-related products—Determination of water permeability characteristics normal to the plane,without load
GB 31604.47-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品 纸、纸板及纸制品中荧光增白剂的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food contact materials and products-Paper, board and paper products in the determination of fluorescent brighteners
GB 31604.14-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品 1-辛烯和四氢呋喃迁移量的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food contact materials and products-Determination of the shift of 1 - octene and tetrahydrofuran
GB 31604.11-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品 1,3-苯二甲胺迁移量的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food contact materials and products-Determination of the migration amount of 1,3 - xylylenediamine
GB/T 33002-2016
建筑用绝热制品 在规定压缩载荷和温度条件下变形的测定(中英文版)
Thermal insulating products for building applications—Determination of deformation under specified compressive load and temperature conditions
GB/T 33011-2016
建筑用绝热制品 抗冻融性能的测定(中英文版)
Thermal insulating products for building applications—Determination of freeze-thaw resistance
GB/T 33065-2016
制冷剂用氟代烯烃 酸度的测定通用方法(中英文版)
Fluorinated olefins for refrigerant use—General method for the determination of acidity
GB/T 33066-2016
制冷剂用氟代烯烃 蒸发残留物的测定通用方法(中英文版)
Fluorinated olefins for refrigerant use—General method for the determination of high-boiling residues
GB/T 33063-2016
制冷剂用氟代烯烃 不凝性气体(NCG)测定通用方法(中英文版)
Fluorinated olefins for refrigerant use—General method for the determination of non-condensable gas(NCG)
GB/T 33064-2016
制冷剂用氟代烯烃 氯化物(Cl-)测定通用方法(中英文版)
Fluorinated olefins for refrigerant use—General method for the determination of chloride (Cl-)
GB 5009.35-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品中合成着色剂的测定(中英文版)
GB 5009.210-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品中泛酸的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Determination of pantothenic acid in food
GB 5009.232-2016
食品安全国家标准 水果、蔬菜及其制品中甲酸的测定(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Determination of formic acid in fruits, vegetables and their products
GB/T 3074.4-2016
Method for the determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion of graphite electrodes
GB/T 32947-2016
蜂蜡中二十八烷醇、三十烷醇的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of the octacosanol and triacontanol contents in beewax—Gas chromatography
GB/T 32693-2016
汽油中苯胺类化合物的测定 气相色谱质谱联用法(中英文版)
Determination of the aniline compounds in gasoline—By gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB/T 503-2016
汽油辛烷值的测定 马达法(中英文版)
Determination of the gasoline octane number—Test method for motor octane number
GB/T 32696-2016
摄影 已加工过的摄影材料上残留的硫代硫酸盐和其它相关的化学品的测定方法 碘直链淀粉、亚甲基蓝和硫化银法(中英文版)
Photography—Determination of residual thiosulfate and other related chemicals in processed photographic materials—Methods using iodine-amylose,methylene blue and silver sulfide
GB/T 3810.9-2016
陶瓷砖试验方法 第9部分:抗热震性的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles—Part 9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock
GB/T 3810.8-2016
陶瓷砖试验方法 第8部分:线性热膨胀的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles—Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion
GB/T 32603-2016
玩具材料中可迁移元素砷、锑、硒、汞的测定 原子荧光光谱法(中英文版)
Determination of the content of migration of arsenic,antimony, selenium,mercury from toy materials—Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 32601.2-2016
纺织品 含纤维素纺织品抗微生物性的测定 土埋试验 第2部分:防腐长期性的评定(中英文版)
Textiles—Determination of the resistance of cellulose-containing textiles to micro-organisms—Soil burial test—Part 2: Identification of long-term resistance of a rot-retardant finish
GB/T 32601.1-2016
纺织品 含纤维素纺织品抗微生物性的测定 土埋试验 第1部分:防腐性的评定(中英文版)
Textiles—Determination of the resistance of cellulose-containing textiles to micro-organisms—Soil burial test—Part 1: Assessment of rot-retardant finishing
GB/T 20388-2016
纺织品 邻苯二甲酸酯的测定 四氢呋喃法(中英文版)
Textiles—Determination of the phthalate content—Tetrahydrofuran method
GB/T 32550-2016
金属和合金的腐蚀 恒电位控制下的临界点蚀温度测定(中英文版)
Corrosion of metals and alloys—Determination of the critical pitting temperature under potentiostatic control
GB/T 32477-2016
塑料 用于聚氨酯生产的甲苯二异氰酸酯中总氯含量的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of total chlorine content in toluene diisocyanates for use in the production of polyurethanes
GB/T 32471-2016
塑料 用于聚氨酯生产的甲苯二异氰酸酯异构比的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Determination of the isomer ratio in toluene diisocyanates for use in the production of polyurethanes
GB/T 12009.5-2016
塑料 聚氨酯生产用芳香族异氰酸酯 第5部分:酸度的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Aromatic isocyanates for use in the production of polyurethane—Part 5: Determination of acidity
GB/T 12009.4-2016
塑料 聚氨酯生产用芳香族异氰酸酯 第4部分:异氰酸根含量的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Aromatic isocyanates for use in the production of polyurethane—Part 4: Determination of isocyanate content
GB/T 12009.2-2016
塑料 聚氨酯生产用芳香族异氰酸酯 第2部分:水解氯的测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Aromatic isocyanates for use in the production of polyurethane—Part 2: Determination of hydrolysable chlorine
GB 23200.88-2016
食品安全国家标准 水产品中多种有机氯农药残留量的检测方法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of the multiple organochlorine pesticides residue in aquatic products
GB 23200.82-2016
食品安全国家标准 肉及肉制品中乙烯利残留量的检测方法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of ethephon residues in meats and meat products
GB 23200.28-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品中多种醚类除草剂残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of multiple ether herbicides residues in foods Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry
GB 23200.16-2016
食品安全国家标准 水果和蔬菜中乙烯利残留量的测定 液相色谱法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of ethephon residue in fruits and vegetables Gas chromatography
GB 23200.2-2016
食品安全国家标准 除草剂残留量检测方法第2部分:气相色谱-质谱法测定 粮谷及油籽中二苯醚类除草剂残留量(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of diphenyl ether herbicide residues in cereals and oil seeds Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB/T 32367-2015
胶鞋 整鞋挥发性有机物(VOC)含量的测定(中英文版)
Rubber shoes—Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from whole shoe
GB/T 32378-2015
玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料(GRP)管 湿态环境下长期极限弯曲应变和长期极限相对环变形的测定(中英文版)
Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) pipes—Determination of the long-term ultimate bending strain and the long-term ultimate relative ring deflection under wet conditions
GB/T 32462-2015
聚酯树脂及其成型品中锑迁移量的测定 原子荧光光度法(中英文版)
Determination of the migration of antimony in polyester resin and products—Atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer
GB/T 32461-2015
氨基树脂、酚醛树脂中甲醛含量及其成型品中甲醛迁移量的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of formaldehyde in amino resins and phenolic resins and the migration of formaldehyde in their molding—High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 32443-2015
家具中挥发性有机物释放量的测定 小型散发罩法(中英文版)
Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from furniture—Emission test cell method
GB/T 32371.4-2015
低溶剂型或无溶剂型胶粘剂涂敷后释放特性的短期测量方法 第4部分:挥发性二异氰酸酯的测定(中英文版)
Short term method for measuring the emission properties of low-solvent or solvent-free adhesives after application—Part 4: Determination of volatile diisocyanates
GB/T 32371.2-2015
低溶剂型或无溶剂型胶粘剂涂敷后释放特性的短期测量方法 第2部分:挥发性有机化合物的测定(中英文版)
Short term method for measuring the emission prorerties of low-solvent or solvent-free adhesives after application—Part 2: Determination of volatile organic compound
GB/T 32370-2015
Determination of the length and width for adhesive tapes

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