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1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 26785-2011
General technical specifications for water mist extinguishing systems and components
GB/Z 26157.4-2010
测量和控制数字数据通信 工业控制系统用现场总线 类型2:ControlNet和EtherNet/IP规范 第4部分:网络层及传输层(中英文版)
Digital data communication for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Type 2: ControlNet and EtherNet/IP specification - Part 4: Network and transport layer
GB/T 26274-2010
General specification for transport stream analyzer of digital television
GB/T 26241.1-2010
信息技术 增强型通信运输协议 第1部分:单工组播运输规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Enhenced communication transport protocol - Part 1: Specification of simplex multicast transport
GB/T 25920-2010
Plastic body and pressured parts of the meter for cold potable water - Technical specifications
GB/T 26065-2010
Specification for polished test silicon wafers
GB 25974.2-2010
煤矿用液压支架 第2部分:立柱和千斤顶技术条件(中英文版)
Powered support for coal mine - Part 2: Specification for power set legs and rams
GB 25974.1-2010
煤矿用液压支架 第1部分:通用技术条件(中英文版)
Powered support for coal mine - Part 1: General specification
GB/T 15952-2010
电声学 个人声暴露计规范(中英文版)
Electroacoustics - Specifications for personal sound exposure meters
GB/T 25453-2010
Specification for natural uranium dioxide powder for PHWR plant
GB/T 25319-2010
汽车用燃料电池发电系统 技术条件(中英文版)
Fuel cell power system used for motor vehicles - Technical specification
GB/T 25303-2010
纺织专用高效率永磁同步电动机技术条件 (机座号 90~225)(中英文版)
Specification for high efficiency permanent magnet synchronous motor for textile purpose(Frame size 90~225)
GB/T 25302-2010
纺织专用高效率三相异步电动机技术条件 (机座号90~225)(中英文版)
Specification for high efficiency three-phase induction motor for textile purpose (Frame size 90~225)
GB/T 25500.3-2010
可扩展商业报告语言(XBRL)技术规范 第3部分:公式(中英文版)
Extensible Business Reporting Language(XBRL) specification - Part 3: Formula
GB 16669-2010
General technical specifications for components of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems
GB 16668-2010
General technical specifications for powder extinguishing system and components
GB/T 7562-2010
Specification of coal used for pulverized coal-fired boiler for power generation
GB/T 15629.15-2010
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 局域网和城域网 特定要求 第15部分:低速无线个域网(WPAN)媒体访问控制和物理层规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 15.4: Wireless medium access control and physical layer(PHY))specification for low rate wireless p
GB/T 22839-2010
Technical specification for sodium hypochlorite generation installation of electrolysis of seawater
GB/Z 24839-2009
Technical specification of post insulators for 1000kV a.c. system
GB/T 24716-2009
General specifications of solar energy power system for highway facilities
GB/T 17126.2-2009
农业拖拉机和机械 动力输出万向节传动轴和动力输入连接装置 第2部分:动力输出万向节传动轴使用规范、各类联接装置用动力输出传动系和动力输入连接装置位置及间隙范围(中英文版)
Agricultural tractors and machinery - Power take-off drive shafts and power-input connection - Part 2:Specification for use of PTO drive shaft, and position and clearance of PTO drive line and PIC for various attachments
GB/T 24363-2009
信息安全技术 信息安全应急响应计划规范(中英文版)
Information security technology - Specifications of emergency response plan for information security
GB/T 11162-2009
General specification of optical components for the scale and surface defects
GB/T 14737-2009
Specification for the operation of sling used in the port for cargo handling
GB/T 14736-2009
Specification for the operation of the hanging ring used in the port for cargo handling
GB/T 14735-2009
Specification for the operation of the hook used in the port for cargo handling
GB 12463-2009
General specifications for transport packages of dangerous goods
GB/T 24271-2009
Specification for strip component of thermostat metals
GB/T 24132.3-2009
室内装饰用塑料涂覆织物 第3部分:聚氨酯涂覆编织织物规范(中英文版)
Plastics-coated fabrics for upholstery - Part 3: Specification for polyurethane-coated woven fabrics
GB/T 15597.1-2009
塑料 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)模塑和挤塑材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础(中英文版)
Plastics - Poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA)moulding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 5019.8-2009
以云母为基的绝缘材料 第8部分:玻璃布补强B阶环氧树脂粘合云母带(中英文版)
Specification for insulating materials based on mica - Part 8: Glass-backed mica paper with a B-stage epoxy resin binder
GB/T 23646-2009
电动自行车用燃料电池发电系统 技术条件(中英文版)
Fuel cell power system for electric bicycles - Technical specification
GB/T 23392.4-2009
十字花科蔬菜病虫害测报技术规范 第4部分:甜菜夜蛾(中英文版)
Technical specification for the forecast of diseases and insects on cruciferous plants - Part 4: Spodoptera exigua(Hvbner)
GB/T 23392.1-2009
十字花科蔬菜病虫害测报技术规范 第1部分:霜霉病(中英文版)
Technical specification for the forecast of diseases and insects on cruciferous plants - Part 1: Pernospora parasitica (Pers.) Fr.
GB/T 23268.1-2009
运动保护装备要求 第1部分:登山动力绳(中英文版)
Specifications for protective equipments for sports - Part 1: Dynamic mountaineering ropes
GB/T 18314-2009
Specifications for global positioning system (GPS) surveys
GB/T 12343.3-2009
国家基本比例尺地图编绘规范 第3部分:1:500 000 1:1 000 000地形图编绘规范(中英文版)
Compilation specifications for national fundamental scale maps - Part 3: Compilation specifications for 1:500 000 1:1 000 000 topographic maps
GB 14196.2-2008
白炽灯安全要求 第2部分:家庭和类似场合普通照明用卤钨灯(中英文版)
Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 2: Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes
GB 14196.1-2008
白炽灯安全要求 第1部分:家庭和类似场合普通照明用钨丝灯(中英文版)
Incandescent lamps - Safety specifications - Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes
GB/T 20634.4-2008
电气用非浸渍致密层压木 第4部分:单项材料规范 由桦木薄片制成的环材(中英文版)
Non-impregnated densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 4: Specifications for individual materials - Rings produced from birch veneer
GB/T 20634.3-2008
电气用非浸渍致密层压木 第3部分:单项材料规范 由桦木薄片制成的板材(中英文版)
Non-impregnated densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 3: Specifications for individual materials - Sheets produced from birch veneer
GB/T 22717-2008
Test specifications of interturn insulation of field pole coil and field winding for electrical machines
GB/T 22409-2008
摄影 加工用化学品 亚硫酸钾溶液(650g/L)(中英文版)
Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for possium sulfite solution,650g/L
GB/T 22405-2008
摄影 加工用化学品 溴化钾(中英文版)
Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for potassium bromide
GB/T 22403-2008
摄影 加工用化学品 无水碳酸钾(中英文版)
Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for anhydrous potassium carbonate
GB/T 22384-2008
Testing specification of security and stability control system for power system
GB/T 18038-2008
General specification of microprocessor-based protection equipment for electrified railway traction power supply system
GB/T 11920-2008
General specification of central control equipment and system for electrical parts in power stations and substations
GB/T 22398-2008
摄影 加工用化学品 氢氧化钾(中英文版)
Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for potassium hydroxide

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