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“Rubber hoses and hos” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
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GB/T 3683-2023
橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的钢丝编织增强液压型 规范(中英文版)
Specification for rubber hoses and hose assemblies, wire braid reinforced hydraulic types suitable for oil-based or water-based fluids
GB/T 18950-2023
橡胶和塑料软管 实验室光源暴露试验法 颜色、外观和其他物理性能变化的测定(中英文版)
Rubber and plastic hoses. Laboratory test methods for exposure to light sources. Determination of changes in color, appearance and other physical properties.
GB/T 10544-2022
橡胶软管及软管组合件? 油基或水基流体适用的钢丝缠绕增强外覆橡胶液压型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Rubber-covered spiral-wire-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids—Specification
GB/T 24146-2022
用于油燃烧器的橡胶软管和软管组合件? 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for use in oil burners—Specification
GB/T 24141.2-2022
内燃机燃油管路用橡胶软管和纯胶管 规范 第2部分:汽油燃料(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and tubing for fuel circuits for internal combustion engines—Specification—Part 2: Gasoline fuels
GB/T 5568-2022
橡胶或塑料软管及软管组合件 无曲挠液压脉冲试验(中英文版)
Rubber or plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Hydraulic impulse test without deflection
GB/T 39327-2020
船用发动机湿式排气系统用橡胶和塑料软管 规范(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses for marine-engine wet-exhaust systems—Specification
GB/T 39313-2020
橡胶软管及软管组合件 输送石油基或水基流体用致密钢丝编织增强液压型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Compact wire-braid-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids—Specification
GB/T 39309-2020
橡胶软管和软管组合件 液压用钢丝或织物增强单一压力型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Wire- or textile-reinforced single-pressure types for hydraulic applications—Specification
GB/T 39249-2020
橡胶和塑料软管及非增强软管 织物增强型 低温压扁试验(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing—Textile-reinforced types—Sub-ambient temperature crush test
GB/T 14905-2020
橡胶和塑料软管 各层间粘合强度的测定(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses—Determination of adhesion between components
GB/T 15329-2019
橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的织物增强液压型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Textile-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids—Specification
GB/T 9576-2019
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 选择、贮存、使用和维护指南(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies—Guidelines for selection, storage, use and maintenance
GB/T 37221-2018
Self-floating rubber hoses and hose assemblies for dredging applications
GB/T 5565.2-2017
橡胶和塑料软管及非增强软管 柔性及挺性的测量 第2部分:低于室温弯曲试验(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing—Measurement of flexibility and stiffness—Part 2: Bending tests at sub-ambient temperatures
GB/T 9574-2017
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 验证压力、爆破压力与最大工作压力的比率(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies—Ratios of proof and burst pressure to maximum working pressure
GB/T 5565.3-2017
橡胶和塑料软管及非增强软管 柔性及挺性的测量 第3部分:高温和低温弯曲试验(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing—Measurement of flexibility and stiffness—Part 3:Bending tests at high and low temperatures
GB/T 5565.1-2017
橡胶和塑料软管及非增强软管 柔性及挺性的测量 第1部分:室温弯曲试验(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing—Measurement of flexibility and stiffness—Part 1: Bending tests at ambient temperatures
GB/T 18948-2017
内燃机冷却系统用橡胶软管和纯胶管 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and tubing for cooling systems for internal-combustion engines—Specification
GB/T 33382-2016
Inner armoured rubber hoses and hose assemblies for conveying dredging soil
GB/T 32476-2016
Rubber and plastic hoses and hose assemblies with internal vapour recovery for measured fuel dispensing system
GB/T 32474-2016
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for petroleum drilling well control equipments
GB/T 2550-2016
气体焊接设备 焊接、切割和类似作业用橡胶软管(中英文版)
Gas welding equipment—Rubber hoses for welding, cutting and allied processes
GB 10543-2014
飞机地面加油和排油用橡胶软管及软管组合件 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for aircraft ground fuelling and defueling―Specification
GB/T 18425-2014
蒸汽橡胶软管和软管组合件 试验方法(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for steam―Test methods
GB/T 9572-2013
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 电阻和导电性的测定(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies—Determination of electrical resistance and conductivity
GB/T 5568-2013
橡胶或塑料软管及软管组合件 无曲挠液压脉冲试验(中英文版)
Rubber or plastics hoses and hose assemblies—Hydraulic-pressure impulse test without flexing
GB/T 5567-2013
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 耐真空性能的测定(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies―Determination of resistance to vacuum
GB/T 5563-2013
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 静液压试验方法(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies—Hydrostatic testing
GB/T 18422-2013
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 透气性的测定(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies—Determination of permeability to gas
GB/T 10544-2013
橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的钢丝缠绕增强外覆橡胶液压型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Rubber-covered spiral-wire-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids—Specification
GB 29993-2013
Rubber and/or plastics hoses and hoses assemblies for domestic gas-technical requirements and testing methods
GB/T 9576-2013
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 选择、贮存、使用和维护指南(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Guidelines for selection, storage, use and maintenance
GB/T 9575-2013
橡胶和塑料软管 软管规格和最大最小内径及切割长度公差(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses - Hose sizes, minimum and maximum inside diameters, and tolerances on cut-to-length hoses
GB/T 9573-2013
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 软管尺寸和软管组合件长度测量方法(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Methods of measurement of the dimensions of hoses and the lengths of hose assemblies
GB/T 18423-2013
橡胶和塑料软管及非增强软管 液体壁透性测定(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing - Determination of transmission of liquids through hose and tubing walls
GB/T 16591-2013
输送无水氨用橡胶软管及软管组合件 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for transferring anhydrous ammonia - Specification
GB/T 10546-2013
在 2.5MPa及以下压力下输送液态或气态液化石油气(LPG)和天然气的橡胶软管及软管组合件 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the liquid or gaseous phase and natural gas up to 2,5 MPa - Specification
GB/T 28605-2012
Rubber and plastics tubing and hoses and hose assemblies for drinking water
GB/T 7528-2011
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 术语(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Vocabulary
GB/T 14904-2011
钢丝增强橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 曲挠液压脉冲试验(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies with wire reinforcements Hydraulic impulse test with flexing
GB/T 3683-2011
橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的钢丝编织增强液压型 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies - Wire-braid-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids - Specification
GB/T 24146-2009
用于油燃烧器的橡胶软管和软管组合件 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for use in oil burners - Specification
GB/T 24145-2009
旋转钻探和减震用橡胶软管和软管组合件 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for rotary drilling and vibration application - Specification
GB/T 24144-2009
消防软管 橡胶和塑料吸引软管和软管组合件(中英文版)
Fire-fighting hoses - Rubber and plastics suction hoses and hose assemblies
GB/T 24141.2-2009
内燃机燃油管路用橡胶软管和纯胶管 规范 第2部分:汽油燃料(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and tubing for fuel circuits for internal combustion engines - Specification - Part 2: Diesel fuels
GB/T 24141.1-2009
内燃机燃油管路用橡胶软管和纯胶管 规范 第1部分:柴油燃料(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and tubing for fuel circuits for internal combustion engines - Specification - Part 1: Diesel fuels
GB/T 24134-2009
橡胶和塑料软管 静态条件下耐臭氧性能的评价(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses - Assessment of ozone resistance under static conditions
GB/T 24126-2009
橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 采购者、组装者、安装者和操作者使用指南(中英文版)
Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Guide for use by purchasers, assemblers, installers and operating personnel
GB/T 18948-2009
内燃机冷却系统用橡胶软管和纯胶管 规范(中英文版)
Rubber hoses and tubing for cooling systems for internal-combustion engines - Specification

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