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“Specifications of an” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 36192-2024
Technical specifications for transportation of live aquatic products
GB/T 24861-2024
Technical specifications for circulation management of aquatic products
GB/T 19822-2024
Specifications for hard anodized films of aluminum and aluminum alloys
GB/T 44029-2024
Technical specifications for continuous external retorting of low-rank pulverized coal
GB/T 33423-2024
Technical specifications for corrosion control of coastal and offshore wind turbines
GB/T 43916-2024
Vacuum technology - Vacuum gauges - Specifications, calibration and measurement uncertainty of capacitance diaphragm vacuum gauges
GB/T 43920-2024
General technical specifications for centralized smelting and distribution of aluminum liquid for die casting
GB/T 43926-2024
Technical specifications for post-accident status assessment of oil and gas pipelines
GB/T 43933-2024
Technical specifications for land reclamation and ecological restoration of metal mines
GB/T 43934-2024
Technical specifications for land reclamation and ecological restoration of coal mines
GB/T 43935-2024
Technical specifications for monitoring and evaluation of land reclamation and ecological restoration of mines
GB/T 43936-2024
Technical specifications for land reclamation and ecological restoration of oil and gas projects
GB/T 43937-2024
Specifications for the development and utilization of water and soil resources in karst areas
GB/T 42793-2024
General Technical Specifications for Aluminum Alloy Tubes, Rods, Profiles and Wires for Aviation
GB/T 24834-2023
Technical Specifications for Fittings of 1000kV AC Overhead Transmission Lines
GB/Z 43592.1-2023
纳米技术 磁性纳米材料 第1部分:磁性纳米悬浮液的特性和测量规范(中英文版)
Nanotechnology Magnetic nanomaterials Part 1: Characterization and measurement specifications of magnetic nanosuspensions
GB/T 43370-2023
Technical Specifications for Geofencing Data for Civilian UAVs
GB/T 30000.31-2023
化学品分类和标签规范 第31部分:化学品作业场所警示性标志(中英文版)
Specifications for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals Part 31: Warning signs for chemical workplaces
GB/T 8586-2023
Operating frequency allocation of fish finders and technical specifications for preventing acoustic interference
GB/T 43412-2023
Recommended process specifications for resistance spot welding of metal sheets
GB 31612-2023
食品安全国家标准 食品加工用菌种制剂生产卫生规范(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Hygienic Specifications for the Production of Strain Preparations for Food Processing
GB 19303-2023
食品安全国家标准 熟肉制品生产卫生规范(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Hygienic Specifications for the Production of Cooked Meat Products
GB 31653-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品中黄曲霉毒素污染控制规范(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Specifications for Control of Aflatoxin Contamination in Food
GB 31652-2021
食品安全国家标准 即食鲜切果蔬生产卫生规范(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Hygienic Specifications for the Production of Ready-to-Eat Fresh-Cut Fruits and Vegetables
GB 31651-2021
食品安全国家标准 餐(饮)具集中消毒卫生规范(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Hygiene Specifications for Centralized Disinfection of Table (Drinking) Utensils
GB/T 43247-2023
Hygienic technical specifications for the collection and transportation of remains
GB/T 43239-2023
Specifications for setting signs of urban comprehensive pipe corridors
GB/T 42466-2023
Technical specifications for the management of pluripotent stem cells in biobanks
GB/T 38698.2-2023
车用动力电池回收利用 管理规范 第2部分:回收服务网点(中英文版)
Management Specifications for Recycling and Utilization of Vehicle Power Batteries Part 2: Recycling Service Outlets
GB/T 42927-2023
Financial industry open source software evaluation specifications
GB/T 42926-2023
Specifications for Network Security Risk Assessment of Financial Information Systems
GB/T 29344-2023
Technical Specifications for Harvesting and Processing of Ganoderma Spore Powder
GB/T 25283-2023
Specifications for Comprehensive Exploration and Evaluation of Mineral Resources
GB/T 42525-2023
Technical Specifications for Microfiltration Membrane Sterilization and Filtration System
GB/T 42686-2023
船舶与海上技术 海上环境保护 吸着剂的设计和选用规范(中英文版)
Ships and marine technology - Offshore environmental protection - Specifications for the design and selection of sorbents
GB/T 42438-2023
Service Specifications for Traceability System of Jewelry and Jade
GB/T 42549-2023
Specifications for Safety Management of Marine Survey Ship Laboratory
GB/T 42637-2023
Specifications for investigation of oceanic polymetallic sulphide resources
GB/T 42556-2023
Specifications for Supervision and Management of Electric Energy Meters
GB/Z 42468.4-2023
纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第4部分:修复操作指南(中英文版)
Specifications for Rescue and Restoration of Paper Archives Part 4: Restoration Operation Guide
GB/T 42468.3-2023
纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第3部分:修复质量要求(中英文版)
Specifications for Rescue and Restoration of Paper Archives Part 3: Restoration Quality Requirements
GB/T 42468.2-2023
纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第2部分:档案保存状况的调查(中英文版)
Specifications for Rescue and Restoration of Paper Archives Part 2: Investigation of Archives Preservation Status
GB/T 42468.1-2023
纸质档案抢救与修复规范 第1部分:破损等级的划分(中英文版)
Specifications for rescue and restoration of paper archives Part 1: Classification of damage levels
GB/T 42420-2023
智慧城市基础设施 突发公共卫生事件居住社区基础设施数据获取和报送规范(中英文版)
Smart city infrastructure - Specifications for data acquisition and submission of residential community infrastructure for public health emergencies
GB/T 42482-2023
Technical specifications for packaging, storage and cold chain transportation of fresh white fungus
GB/T 42481-2023
Specifications for protection and management of small and micro wetlands
GB/T 42352-2023
金属覆盖层 钢铁上物理气相沉积镉涂层 技术规范与试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic coatings - Physical vapor deposition of cadmium coatings on iron and steel - Specifications and test methods
GB/T 42332-2023
Specifications for surveying and mapping of topographic maps of islands and surrounding sea areas
GB 12320-2022
Specifications for Compilation and Drawing of China's Nautical Charts
GB/T 41539-2022
Product specifications for satellite remote sensing images of land surface temperature

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