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“Transformers and ind” 中國GB標準檢索結果

1. 已翻譯的GB標準英文版(有 SALE 標誌的),以及GB標準中文版,可以直接在網站上購買,在收到您付款後,會在1~3天內發您郵箱。
2. 其他未翻譯的GB標準英文版,在接到您翻譯訂單後,才進行翻譯,時間一般需要多3~5天。
GB/T 32580.303-2016
轨道交通 地面装置 交流开关设备的特殊要求 第3-3部分:交流牵引系统专用测量、控制和保护装置 单相感性电压互感器(中英文版)
Railway applications—Fixed installations—Particular requirements for a.c.switchgear—Part 3-3: Measuement,control and protection devices for specific use in a.c. traction systems—Single-phase inductive voltage transformers
GB/T 14860.4-2012
电子和通信设备用变压器和电感器 第4部分:按能力批准程序评定质量的开关电源变压器分规范(中英文版)
Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification for power transformers for switched mode power supplies (SMPS) on the basis of the capability approval procedure
GB/T 14860.3-2012
电子和通信设备用变压器和电感器 第3部分:按能力批准程序评定质量的电源变压器分规范(中英文版)
Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 3:Sectional specification for power transformers on the basis of the capability approval procedure
GB/T 14860.1-2012
电子和通信设备用变压器和电感器 第1部分:通用规范(中英文版)
Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment - Part 1:Generic specification
GB/T 11441.1-2012
通信和电子设备用变压器和电感器铁心片 第1部分:机械和电性能(中英文版)
Laminations for transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment - Part 1:Mechanical and electrical characteristics
GB/T 11441.2-2011
通信和电子设备用变压器和电感器铁心片 第2部分:软磁金属叠片最低磁导率规范(中英文版)
Laminations for transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment - Part 2: Specification for the minimum permeabilities of laminations made of soft magnetic metallic materials
GB/T 25120-2010
轨道交通 机车车辆牵引变压器和电抗器(中英文版)
Railway applications - Traction transformers and inductors on board rolling stock
GB 50148-2010
Code for construction and acceptance of power transformers oil reactor and mutual inductor
GB/T 18909-2002
Sectional specification for high-frequency inductors and intermediate frequency transformers for use in electronic equipment for capability approval
GB/T 9632.1-2002
Measuring methods of cores for inductors and transformers for telecommunications
GB/T 8554-1998
电子和通信设备用变压器和电感器 测量方法及试验程序(中英文版)
Transformers and inductors for use in electronic and telecommunication equipment--Measuring methodsand test procedures
GB/T 14006.3-1997
通信和电子设备用变压器和电感器外形尺寸 第3部分:使用YUI-1系列铁心片的变压器和电感器(中英文版)
Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment--Part 3:Transformers and inductors using YUI-1 laminations
GB/T 14006.2-1997
通信和电子设备用变压器和电感器外形尺寸 第2部分:采用YEx-2系列铁心片印制板安装式变压器和电感器(中英文版)
Outline dimemsions of transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipmemt--Part 2:Transformers and inductors using YEx-2 laminations for printed wiring boardmounting
GB/T 14006-1992
通信和电子设备用变压器和电感器外形尺寸 第一部分:采用 YEI-1铁心片的变压器和电感器(中英文版)
Outline dimensions of transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment--Part 1:Transformers and inductors using YEI-1 laminations
GB/T 9629-1988
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第四部分:空白详细规范 电源变压器和扼流圈用磁性氧化物磁芯 评定水平 A(可供认证用)(中英文版)
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 4:Blank detail specification--Magnetic oxide cores for transformers and chokes for power applications--Assessment level A
GB/T 9628-1988
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第四部分:分规范 电源变压器和扼流圈用磁性氧化物磁芯(可供认证用)(中英文版)
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part4:sectional specification--Magnetic oxide cores for transformers and chokes forpower applications
GB/T 9627-1988
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第三部分:空白详细规范 宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平 A和B (可供认证用)(中英文版)
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 3:Blank detail specification--Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers--Assessment levels A and B
GB/T 9626-1988
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第三部分:分规范 宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯 (可供认证用)(中英文版)
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 3:Sectional specification--Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers

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