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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 10493-2018
Technical specification for crossing signal equipment within the station
GB/T 2423.55-2023
环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Eh:锤击试验(中英文版)
Environmental testing Part 2: Test methods Test Eh: Hammer test
GB 16134-2011
Standards for physical examination redords for elementary and middle school students
GB/T 34022-2017
小型游乐设施 立体攀网(中英文版)
Small-scale play facilities—Three-dimensional climbing net
GB/T 41360-2022
中药材种子(种苗) 菘蓝(中英文版)
Chinese herbal medicine seeds (seedlings) isatis
GB/T 23237-2009
Methods of anthropometry for locating acupuncture points
GB/T 35353-2017
大型游艇 甲板机械 锚泊设备(中英文版)
Large yachts—Deck equipment—Anchoring equipments
GB 50986-2014
Code for design of dry red mud stack
GB/T 19267.7-2008
刑事技术微量物证的理化检验 第7部分:气相色谱-质谱法(中英文版)
Physical and chemical examination of trace evidence in forensic sciences - Part 7:Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry
GB/T 40059-2021
设施管理 战略寻购和协议制定指南(中英文版)
Facility management—Guidance on strategic sourcing and the development of agreements
GB/T 7635.2-2002
全国主要产品分类与代码 第2部分:不可运输产品(中英文版)
National central product classification and code--Part 2:Non-transportable product
GB/T 25965-2010
Test methods of normal emittance of materials and hemispherical emittance of all-glass evacuated collector tubes
GB/T 17189-2007
Code for field measurement of vibrations and pulsation in hydraulic machines (turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines)
GB 23200.102-2016
食品安全国家标准 蜂王浆中杀虫脒及其代谢产物残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法(中英文版)
National food safety standards—Determination of chlordimeform and its metabolites residues in royal jelly - Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB/T 20975.5-2020
铝及铝合金化学分析方法 第5部分:硅含量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys—Part 5:Determination of silicon content
GB/T 6701-2005
Method for the determination of The non-volatile of naphthalene
GB/T 29025-2012
粒度分析 电阻法(中英文版)
Determination of particle size distributions - Electrical sensing zone method
GB/T 3451-1982
Standard tuning frequency
GB/T 51344-2019
Technical standard for anti-leakage retrofits of in-service fuel storage tanks in filling stations
GB/T 24611-2009
滚动轴承 损伤和失效 术语、特征及原因(中英文版)
Rolling bearings - Damage and failures - Terms,characteristics and causes
GB/T 10045-2018
Tubular cored electrodes for non-alloy and fine grain steels
GB 31610.5-2023
食品安全国家标准 动物性水产品及其制品中并殖吸虫的检验(中英文版)
National food safety standards Inspection of Paragonimus in animal aquatic products and their products
GB/T 17006.7-2003
医用成像部门的评价及例行试验 第2-7部分: 稳定性试验 口内牙科X射线摄影设备不包括牙科全景设备(中英文版)
Evaluation and routine testing in medical imaging departments--Part 2-7: Constancy tests--Equipment for intra-oral dental radiography excluding dental panoramic equipment
GB/T 28180-2011
Guide of eco-design for power and distribution transformers
GB/T 21853-2008
化学品 分配系数(正辛醇-水) 摇瓶法试验(中英文版)
Testing of chemicals - Partition coefficient(n-octanol/water)- Shake flask method
GB/T 34840.1-2017
信息与文献 电子办公环境中文件管理原则与功能要求 第1部分: 概述和原则(中英文版)
Information and documentation—Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments—Part 1:Overview and statement of principles
GB/T 12281-1990
Requirements for the interconnections and matching of color television broadcast receivers and other equipment
GB/T 17164-2022
几何量测量器具术语 产品术语(中英文版)
Terminology for measuring instruments for geometric quantities Product terminology
GB/T 23315-2009
Touch and close fasteners
GB/T 18272.8-2006
工业过程测量和控制 系统评估中系统特性的评定 第8部分:与任务无关的系统特性评估(中英文版)
Industrial-process measurement and control-Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment-Part8:Assessment of non-task-reated system properties
GB/T 35631-2017
Specification for XML description of map symbol
GB/T 30847.2-2014
系统与软件工程 可信计算平台可信性度量 第2部分:信任链(中英文版)
System and software engineering—Trusted computing platform trustworthiness measurement—Part 2: Trust chain
GB/T 22590-2021
Refractory castables for rolling mill reheating furnace
GB 25893.1-2010
信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集 蒙古文名义字符与变形显现字符 16点阵字型 第1部分:白体(中英文版)
Information technology - Universal multi-octet coded character set - Mongolian nominal characters and presentation forms - 16 Dot matrix font - Part 1: Bai Ti
GB/T 32784-2016
含镍生铁 铬含量的测定 过硫酸铵-硫酸亚铁铵滴定法(中英文版)
Pig iron contenting nickel—Determination of chromium content—Ammonium per sulfate-ammonium ferrous sulfate titration method
GB/T 40817.1-2021
核电主泵电机技术条件 第1部分:轴封泵异步电机(中英文版)
Specification for nuclear power reactor coolant pump motor—Part 1:Asynchronous motor for shaft sealing pump
GB 19434.8-2004
危险货物刚性塑料中型散装容器检验安全规范 性能检验(中英文版)
Safety code for theinspection of rigid plastics IBCs for dangerous goods--Performance tests
GB/T 18001-2015
Oleoresin from Pinus elliottii Engelm
GB/T 29521-2013
Safety specification for underground mining of tungsten mine
GB/T 17215.323-2008
交流电测量设备 特殊要求 第23部分:静止式无功电能表(2级和3级)(中英文版)
Electricity metering equipment (a.c.) - Particular requirements - Part 23: Static meters for reactive energy (classes 2 and 3)
GB/T 28029.8-2020
轨道交通电子设备 列车通信网络(TCN) 第2-7部分:基于电台的无线列车骨干网(WLTB)(中英文版)
Electronic railway equipment—Train communication network (TCN)—Part 2-7: Radio based Wireless Train Backbone (WLTB)
GB/T 24774-2009
化学品分类和危险性象形图标识 通则(中英文版)
Classification and hazard pictograms for chemicals - General specification
GB/T 6960.6-2007
拖拉机术语 第6部分: 液压悬挂系及牵引、拖挂装置(中英文版)
Tractor terminology - Part 6: Hydraulic hitch system and drawbar, hook
GB/T 16427-2018
Determination for electrical resistivity of dust layers
GB/T 23519-2023
triphenylphosphine rhodium chloride
GB 14232.3-2011
人体血液及血液成分袋式塑料容器 第3部分:含特殊组件的血袋系统(中英文版)
Plastics collapsible containers for human blood and blood components - Part 3: Blood bag systems with integrated features
GB/T 36085-2018
纳米技术 纳米粉体材料测试参考样品研制指南(中英文版)
Nanotechnologies—Guidance for developing representative test materials consisting of nano-objects in dry powder form
GB/T 42474.3-2023
爆炸危险化学品汽车运输安全监控系统 第3部分:车载装置安装(中英文版)
Safety monitoring system for vehicle transportation of explosive hazardous chemicals Part 3: Installation of vehicle-mounted devices
GB 11239.1-2005
手术显微镜 第1部分:要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Operation microscopes Part1:Requirements and test methods
GB/T 23564.2-2009
冲模滚动导向钢板上模座 第2部分:对角导柱上模座(中英文版)
Ball-bearing guide steel-plate punch holders of stamping dies - Part 2: Diagonal-pillar punch holders

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