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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 21407-2015
Doubly fed variable speed constant frequency wind turbine
GB/T 16010-1995
Workplace air--Determination oflead--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2411-2008
塑料和硬橡胶 使用硬度计测定压痕硬度(邵氏硬度)(中英文版)
Plastics and ebonite - Determination of indentation hardness by means of a duronmeter(shore hardness)
GB/T 39640-2020
Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus with regard to human exposure
GB 50432-2007
Code for design of coking technology
GB/T 28198-2011
Ventilator for windows
GB/T 37542-2019
GB/T 43870.1-2024
Measurement method of Curie temperature of magnetic materials - Part 1: permanent magnetic materials
GB/T 23296.7-2009
食品接触材料 塑料中表氯醇含量的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Food contact materials - Determination of epichlorohydrin in plastics - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 51013-2014
Code for design of uranium conversion facility
GB/T 4937.21-2018
半导体器件 机械和气候试验方法 第21部分:可焊性(中英文版)
Semiconductor devices—Mechanical and climatic test methods—Part 21: Solderability
GB/T 42829-2023
Basic requirements for quantum secure communication applications
GB/T 18717.3-2002
用于机械安全的人类工效学设计 第3部分:人体测量数据(中英文版)
Ergonomic design for the safety of machinery--Part 3:Anthropometric data
GB/T 16656.508-2010
工业自动化系统与集成 产品数据表达与交换 第 508 部分:应用解释构造:非流形曲面(中英文版)
Industrial automation systems and integration - Product data representation and exchange - Part 508:Application interpreted construct:Non-manifold surface
GB/T 34248-2017
Performance test method of three-way catalyst
GB 16357-1996
Radiological protection standards for industrial X-ray detection
GB/T 29307-2022
Reliability test method of drive motor system for electric vehicles
GB/T 1406.4-2008
灯头的型式和尺寸 第4部分:杂类灯头(中英文版)
Types and dimensions of lamp caps - Part 4: Miscellaneous caps
GB/T 50837-2013
Standard for non-ferrous metal refinery drawings
GB/T 30428.7-2017
数字化城市管理信息系统 第7部分:监管信息采集(中英文版)
Information system for digitized supervision and management of city—Part 7:Supervision imformation collection
GB/T 3488.3-2021
硬质合金 显微组织的金相测定 第3部分:Ti(C,N)和WC立方碳化物基硬质合金显微组织的金相测定(中英文版)
Hardmetals—Metallographic determination of microstructure—Part 3: Measurement of microstructural features in Ti (C, N) and WC/cubic carbide based hardmetals
GB 14746-2006
Safety requirements for bicycles for young children
GB/T 24881-2010
Ningqiang horse
GB/T 32462-2015
聚酯树脂及其成型品中锑迁移量的测定 原子荧光光度法(中英文版)
Determination of the migration of antimony in polyester resin and products—Atomic fluorescence spectrophotometer
GB 38031-2020
Electric vehicles traction battery safety requirements
GB/T 4458.2-2003
机械制图 装配图中零、部件序号及其编排方法(中英文版)
Mechanical drawings--Item references and its arrangement for assembling drawings
GB/T 23615.2-2012
铝合金建筑型材用辅助材料 第2部分:聚氨酯隔热胶材料(中英文版)
Accessorial material for architectural aluminum alloy profiles - part 2: Material for thermal barrier polyurethane
GB/T 37879-2019
智能家用电器的智能化技术 空调器的特殊要求(中英文版)
Intelligentization technology for intelligent household appliances—Particular requirements for room air conditioner
GB 16788-1997
30 MHz~1GHz 声音和电视信号电缆分配系统抗扰度测量方法和限值(中英文版)
Measurements and limits of immunity of cabled distribution systems primarily intended for sound and television signals operating between 30MHz and 1GHz
GB/T 22853-2009
Knitted sportwear
GB/T 22063-2008
显微镜 C型接口(中英文版)
Microscopes - Interfacing connection type C
GB/Z 5169.34-2014
电工电子产品着火危险试验 第34部分:着火危险评定导则 起燃性 试验方法概要和相关性(中英文版)
Fire hazard testing for electric and eletronic products—Part 34: Guidance for assessing the fire hazard—Ignitability—Summary and relevance of test methods
GB/T 23147-2018
GB 24502-2023
Coal mine self-rescuer
GB/T 10199.2-1988
传真机测试方法 文件传真机(数字)(中英文版)
Test procedure for facsimile apparatus--Document facsimile (digital)
GB/T 6739-2006
色漆和清漆 铅笔法测定漆膜硬度(中英文版)
Paints and varnishes - Determination of film hardness by pencil test
GB/T 26308-2010
Classification and specification for silver metal scraps
GB/T 21412.15-2017
石油天然气工业 水下生产系统的设计和操作 第15部分:水下结构物及管汇(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries—Design and operation of subsea production systems—Part15:Subsea structures and manifolds
GB/T 24174-2022
钢 烘烤硬化值(BH)的测定方法(中英文版)
Method for determination of bake hardening value (BH) of steel
GB 1534-2003
Peanut oil
GB/T 22492-2008
Soy peptides powder
GB/T 29777-2013
Toy coating technology condition
GB/T 17743-2017
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of electrical lighting and similar equipment
GB/T 27926.1-2021
金融服务 金融业通用报文方案 第1部分:元模型(中英文版)
Financial services — Universal financial industry message scheme — Part 1: Metamodel
GB/T 17182-1997
Peak programme level meters
GB/Z 25008-2010
饲料和食品链的可追溯性 体系设计与实施指南(中英文版)
Traceability in the feed and food chain - Guideline for system design and implementation
GB/T 32669-2016
Extinction spectra characterization of aggregate structure of gold nanorods
GB/T 465.2-2008
纸和纸板 浸水后抗张强度的测定(中英文版)
Paper and board - Determination of tensile strength after immersion in water
GB/T 39123-2020
Specification for cadmium-zinc telluride single crystal material for X-ray and γ-ray detector
GB/T 13871.4-2007
密封元件为弹性体材料的旋转轴唇形密封圈 第4部分:性能试验程序(中英文版)
Rotary shaft lip type seals incorporating elastomeric sealing elements - Part 4:Performance test procedures

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