中華人民共和國國家標準(中國大陸GB標準)英文版 |
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務; |
GB 40162-2021 饲料加工机械卫生规范(中英文版) Hygiene specification for feed processing machinery |
GB/T 18751-2002 磁性防伪油墨(中英文版) Magnetic anti-counterfeiting printing ink |
GB/T 19688.5-2009 信息与文献 书目数据元目录 第5部分:编目和元数据交换用数据元(中英文版) Information and documentation - Bibliographic data element directory - Part 5: Data elements for the exchange of cataloguing and metadata |
GB/T 18916.9-2014 取水定额 第9部分:味精制造(中英文版) Norm of water intake―Part 9: Monosodium L-glutamate production |
GB/T 32660.1-2016 金属材料 韦氏硬度试验 第1部分:试验方法(中英文版) Metallic materials—Webster hardness test—Part 1: Test method |
GB/T 39517.1-2020 农林拖拉机和机械 农用定位与导航系统测试规程 第1部分:卫星定位装置的动态测试(中英文版) Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry—Test procedures for positioning and guidance systems in agriculture—Part 1:Dynamic testing of satellite-based positioning devices |
GB/Z 21724-2008 出口蔬菜质量安全控制规范(中英文版) Code on quality and safety control of vegetable for export |
GB/T 14847-2010 重掺杂衬底上轻掺杂硅外延层厚度的红外反射测量方法(中英文版) Test mothod for thickness of lightly doped silicon epitaxial layers on heavily doped silicon substrates by infrared reflectance |
GB/T 31517-2015 海上风力发电机组 设计要求(中英文版) Design requirements for offshore wind turbines |
GB/T 38281.1-2019 家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的指示灯装置 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版) Indicator light units for household and similar fixed-electrical installations—Part 1: General requirements |
GB/T 17554.3-2006 识别卡 测试方法 第3部分:带触点的集成电路卡及其相关接口设备(中英文版) Identification cards - Test methods Part 3: Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts and related interface devices |
GB 29039-2012 钢制采暖散热器(中英文版) Steel heating radiator |
GB 19112-2003/XG1-2018 《米糠油》国家标准第1号修改单(中英文版) Rice bran oil |
GB/T 19168-2003 蜜蜂病虫害综合防治规范(中英文版) Standard for integrated pests management of honey bee |
GB/T 24685-2009 水田平地搅浆机(中英文版) Flatting and puddling paddy field machine |
GB/T 20840.6-2017 互感器 第6部分:低功率互感器的补充通用技术要求(中英文版) Instrument transformers—Part 6:Additional general requirements for low-power instrument transformers |
GB/T 42337-2023 公共信用信息报告编制指南(中英文版) Guidelines for the Preparation of Public Credit Information Reports |
GB/T 14038-2008 气动连接 气口和螺柱端(中英文版) Pneumatic fluid power - Connections - Ports and stud ends |
GB/T 27795-2011 非金属垫片腐蚀性试验方法(中英文版) Test method for corrosion testing of non-metallic gaskets |
GB/T 33725-2017 表壳体及其附件 耐磨损、划伤和冲击试验(中英文版) Watch cases and accessories—Tests of the resistance to wear, scratching and impacts |
GB/T 22359.2-2022 土方机械与建筑施工机械 内置电源机器的电磁兼容性(EMC) 第2部分:功能安全的EMC附加要求(中英文版) Earth-moving and building construction machinery - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of machines with built-in power supply - Part 2: Additional EMC requirements for functional safety |
GB/T 20746-2006 牛、猪的肝脏和肌肉中卡巴氧和喹乙醇及代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版) Method for the determination of the residues of carbadox,olaquindox and related metabolites in bovine and porcine liver and muscle tissues - LC-MS-MS method |
GB/T 15671-2009 农作物薄膜包衣种子技术条件(中英文版) Technique requirement of crops film coating seed |
GB/T 30907-2014 胶鞋 运动鞋减震性能试验方法(中英文版) Rubbershoes―Test method for shock attenuating properties of athletic shoes |
GB/T 11299.5-1989 卫星通信地球站无线电设备测量方法 第一部分:分系统和分系统组合通用的测量 第五节:噪声温度测量(中英文版) Methods of measurement for radio equipment used in satellite earth stations--Part 1:Measurements common to sub-systems and combinationsof sub-systems--Section five:Noise temperature measurements |
GB 1886.232-2016 食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 羧甲基纤维素钠(中英文版) National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose |
GB/T 40681.5-2021 生产过程能力和性能监测统计方法 第5部分:计数特性的过程能力和性能估计(中英文版) Statistical methods in monitoring process capability and performance—Part 5:Process capability estimates and performance for attributive characteristics |
GB/T 19408.1-2003 农业车辆 挂车和牵引车的机械连接 第1部分:牵引钩尺寸(中英文版) Agricultural vehicles--Mechanical connections between towed and towing vehicles--Part 1:Dimensions of hitch-hooks |
GB/T 26239-2010 软件工程 开发方法元模型(中英文版) Software engineering - Metamodel for development methodologies |
GB/T 31963-2015 金属氢化物-镍电池负极用稀土镁系超晶格贮氢合金粉(中英文版) RE-Mg-Ni-base superlattice hydrogen storage powder used in negative electrodes of nickel-metal hydride batteries |
GB/T 39388-2020 照度计和亮度计的性能表征方法(中英文版) Characterization of the performance of illuminance meters and luminance meters |
GB/T 17375-2008 动植物油脂 灰分测定(中英文版) Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ash |
GB/T 29577-2013 腐烂茎线虫检疫鉴定方法(中英文版) Detection and identification of Ditylenchus destructor Thorne |
GB/T 37400.12-2019 重型机械通用技术条件 第12部分:涂装(中英文版) Heavy mechanical general technical specification—Part 5:Nonferrous metal casting |
GB/T 43773-2024 电子气体-羰基硫(中英文版) Electronic gas-carbonyl sulfide |
GB/T 21291-2007 鱼糜加工机械安全卫生技术条件(中英文版) Technical specifications of safety and sanitation for surimi processing machinery |
GB 50517-2010 石油化工金属管道工程施工质量验收规范(中英文版) Code for construction quality acceptance of metallic piping in petrochemical engineering |
GB/T 36875-2018 猪瘟病毒RT-nPCR检测方法(中英文版) Method of RT-nPCR for detection of classical swine fever virus |
GB/T 8094-2005 收获机械 联合收割机 粮箱容量及卸粮机构性能的测定(中英文版) Equipment for harvesting-Combine harvesters-Determination and designation of grain tank capacity and unloading device performance |
GB/T 33061.5-2023 塑料 动态力学性能的测定 第5部分:非共振弯曲振动法(中英文版) Plastics - Determination of dynamic mechanical properties - Part 5: Non-resonant bending vibration method |
GB 19606-2004 家用和类似用途电器噪声限值(中英文版) Noise limit value for household and similarelectrical appliances |
GB 28375-2012 混凝土结构防火涂料(中英文版) Fireproof coatings for concrete structure |
GB/T 33967-2017 免铅浴淬火钢丝用热轧盘条(中英文版) Wire rods for conversion to wire without intermediate heat treatment |
GB/T 42087-2022 液压传动 系统 清洗程序和清洁度检验方法(中英文版) Hydraulic transmission system - Cleaning procedure and cleanliness inspection method |
GB/T 11066.9-2009 金化学分析方法 砷和锡量的测定 氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法(中英文版) Methods for chemical analysis of gold - Determination of arsenic and tin contents - Hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
GB/T 31001-2014 高清晰度数字电视主观评价用测试图像(中英文版) Test materials to be used in subjective assessment for high definition television |
GB/T 33308-2016 化妆品中游离甲醇的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版) Determination of free methanol in cosmetics—Gas chromatography |
GB/T 17587.1-1998 滚珠丝杠副 第1部分:术语和符号(中英文版) Ball screws--Part 1:Vocabulary and designation |
GB/T 41042-2021 煤中有价元素含量分级及应用导则(中英文版) Guidance for utilization and classification of content of valuable elements in coal |
GB/T 2366-2008 化工产品中水含量的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版) Determination of water content in industrial chemicals - Gas chromatographic method |
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