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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 50951-2013
Design document preparation standard of construction project for nonferrous mine
GB/T 5009.96-2003
Determination of ochratoxin A in cerealsand soybeans
GB 21904-2008
Discharge standards of water pollutants for pharmaceutical industry chemical synthesis products category
GB/T 16041-1995
Workplace air--Determination of cyclohexane--Direct injection gas chromatographic method
GB/T 25449-2010
Specification for fuel bundles of PHWR plant
GB/T 36263-2018
Symbol and measurement requirements for city gas
GB 1886.321-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 索马甜(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Thaumatin
GB/T 20323.1-2006
铣刀代号 第1部分:整体或镶齿结构的带柄立铣刀(中英文版)
Milling cutters - Designation - Part 1: Shank type end mills of solid or tipped design
GB 34470-2017
饲料添加剂 磷酸二氢钾(中英文版)
Feed additive―Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
GB/T 29352-2012
Requirements for photography and videography of evidence examination
GB/T 41454-2022
Quality inspection and acceptance of real image data products
GB/T 7610-1987
Characteristics of pulse code modulation for voice-frequencies
GB/T 11594-2009
List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal equipment(DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment(DCE) on public data networks
GB/T 22199.2-2017
电动助力车用阀控式铅酸蓄电池 第2部分:产品品种和规格(中英文版)
Valve-regulated lead-acid batteries for moped—Part 2: Kinds of products and specifications
GB/T 19016-2021
质量管理 项目质量管理指南(中英文版)
Quality management—Guidelines for quality management in projects
GB/T 19470-2004
土工合成材料 塑料土工网(中英文版)
Geosythetics--Plastic geonet
GB/T 7593-2008
机动工业车辆 驾驶员控制装置及其他显示装置用符号(中英文版)
Powered industrial trucks - Symbols for operator controls and other displays
GB 16391-1996
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for combined radiation-blast injury
GB/T 3810.8-2016
陶瓷砖试验方法 第8部分:线性热膨胀的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of ceramic tiles—Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion
GB 8821-2011
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 β-胡萝卜素(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additive - β-Carotene
GB/T 39514-2020
Terminology,defination, identification of biobased materials
GB/T 1147.1-2007
中小功率内燃机 第1部分:通用技术条件(中英文版)
Small and medium power internal combustion engines - Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 18090-2008
Diagnostic methods of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
GB/T 31544-2015
玻璃材料高温弹性性能试验方法 脉冲激振法(中英文版)
Test method for elastic properties of glass at high temperatures—Impulse excitation of vibration
GB/T 38297-2019
GB/T 30314-2013
橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 耐磨性的测定 泰伯法(中英文版)
Rubber-or plastis-coated fabrics—Determination of abrasion resistance—Taber abrader
GB 25567-2010
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 焦磷酸二氢二钠(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Disodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate
GB/T 51336-2018
Seismic design standard for underground structures
GB 39800.5-2023
个体防护装备配备规范 第5部分:建材(中英文版)
Specifications for the Equipment of Personal Protective Equipment Part 5: Building Materials
GB/T 16863-1997
Method for testing refractive index of crystals
GB/T 34690.3-2017
印刷技术 胶印数字化过程控制 第3部分:原始资料的接收和处理(中英文版)
Graphic technology—Digitalized process control for offset printing—Part 3: Originals reception and processing
GB/T 1151-2012
内燃机 主轴瓦及连杆轴瓦 技术条件(中英文版)
Internal combustion engines - Main and connecting rod bearings - Specifications
GB/T 3157-2023
Chinese Holstein
GB/T 20432.6-2008
摄影 照相级化学品 试验方法 第6部分: 卤化物含量的测定(中英文版)
Photography - Photographic-grade chemicals - Test methods - Part 6: Determination of halide content
GB/T 24452-2009
Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature)inside buildings - Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-C)
GB/T 12496.18-1999
木质活性炭试验方法 酸溶物的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of wooden activated carbon--Determination of acid-soluble substance
GB 17740-2017
General ruler for earthquake magnitude
GB/T 41870-2022
工业互联网平台 企业应用水平与绩效评价(中英文版)
Industrial Internet Platform Enterprise Application Level and Performance Evaluation
GB/T 19915.6-2005
Method of the real-time PCR for the detection of Streptococcus suis
GB 1886.26-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 石蜡(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-paraffin
GB 28150-2011
Chlorsulfuron water dispersible granules
GB/T 40972-2021
Specification of formulation and evaluation for the clinical practice guideline of acupuncture and moxibustion
GB/T 23267-2009
Motorboat using norm
GB/T 4132-2015
Definitions of terms relating to thermal insulating materials
GB/T 17193-1997
Extra-heavy duty rigid steel conduits for electrical installations
GB/T 39442-2020
Coding rules of public credit information resource identifications
GB/T 50977-2014
Code for design of water saving in chemical engineering
GB/T 12665-2008
Requirements of damp-heat testing of electrical machine for service in general environmental condition
GB/T 14885-2010
Classification and codes for fixed assets
GB 18321-2001
农用运输车 噪声限值(中英文版)
Limits for noise emitted by agricultural vehicles

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