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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 1677-2008
Determinating the epoxy value of plasticizers
GB/T 26237.8-2022
信息技术 生物特征识别数据交换格式 第8部分:指纹骨架数据(中英文版)
Information technology - Biometric data exchange format - Part 8: Fingerprint skeleton data
GB/T 12314-1990
感官分析方法 不能直接感官分析的样品制备准则(中英文版)
Sensory analysis method--Guide lines for the preparation of samples for which direct sensory analysis is not feasible
GB/T 6935-2010
Breeding stock of Chinese sika-deer
GB/T 20643.3-2006
特殊环境条件 环境试验方法 第3部分:人工模拟试验方法及导则 高分子材料(中英文版)
Special environmental condition - Environmental test method - Part 3: Artificial environmental test method and guidance - Polymer material
GB/T 33115-2016
Detection and identification of Narcissus late season yellows virus
GB/T 20076-2021
Measurement methods of maximum torque and maximum net power of engines for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 4476.1-2008
金属船体制图 第1部分:一般规定(中英文版)
Drawing for metal hull of ships - Part 1: General provisions
GB/T 19523-2004
缩微摄影技术 16mm与35mm 缩微胶片防光片盘与片盘 技术规范(中英文版)
Micrographics--16mm and 35mm microfilm spools and reels--Specifications
GB/T 7690.6-2013
增强材料 纱线试验方法 第6部分:捻度平衡指数的测定(中英文版)
Reinforcements - Test method for yarns - Part 6: Determination of twist balance index
GB/T 32168-2015
The specification for online service of administrative service center
GB/T 5825-1986
Symbolic designation of direction of opening and closing and faces of doors and windows
GB/T 39690.2-2020
塑料 源自柔性和刚性消费品包装的聚丙烯(PP)和聚乙烯(PE)回收混合物 第2部分:试样制备和性能测定(中英文版)
Plastics—Mixtures of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) recyclate derived from PP and PE used for flexible and rigid consumer packaging—Part 2:Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB 3836.1-2010
爆炸性环境 第1部分:设备 通用要求(中英文版)
Explosive atmospheres - Part 1: Equipment - General requirements
GB/T 37642-2019
GB/T 7676.3-1998
直接作用模拟指示电测量仪表及其附件 第3部分:功率表和无功率表的特殊要求(中英文版)
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories--Part 3:Special requirements for wattmeters and varmeters
GB/T 4697-2008
Hot-rolled U-type steel for mine timbering
GB/T 43259.556-2024
Energy management system application program interface (EMS-API) Part 556: Based on CIM graphics exchange format (CIM/G)
GB/T 12310-2012
感官分析方法 成对比较检验(中英文版)
Sensory analysis method - Paired comparison test
GB/T 14573.1-1993
声学 确定和检验机器设备规定的噪声辐射值的统计学方法 第一部分:概述与定义(中英文版)
Acoustics--Statistical methods for determining and verifying stated noise emission values of machinery and equipment--Part 1:General considerations and definitions
GB/T 21330-2007
动物源性食品中链霉素残留量测定方法 - 酶联免疫法(中英文版)
Method for the determination of Streptomycin residues in Aminal Original food - Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assay
GB/T 36773-2018
Technical rule of phytosanitary treatment for bamboo products
GB/T 42844-2023
微细气泡技术 超细气泡水分散体系的存储和运输(中英文版)
Micro-bubble technology Storage and transportation of ultra-fine bubble water dispersion system
GB/T 23798-2009
病媒生物密度监测方法 鼠类(中英文版)
Surveillance methods for vector density - Rodent
GB/T 7251.8-2005
低压成套开关设备和控制设备 智能型成套设备通用技术要求(中英文版)
Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear assemblies General Technology Requirement for Intelligent Assemblies
GB 51049-2014
Code for construction and acceptance of series capacitor installation electrical equipment installation engineering
GB/T 34242-2017
Test methods for nanofiltration membranes
GB/T 34590.8-2022
道路车辆 功能安全 第8部分:支持过程(中英文版)
Road vehicles - Functional safety - Part 8: Supporting processes
GB/T 10597-2011
Hoisting hoister
GB/T 35552.1-2017
船舶自动识别系统(AIS)B类设备技术要求 第1部分:载波侦听时分多址(CSTDMA)(中英文版)
Technical requirements for Class B shipborne equipment of the automatic identification system(AIS)—Part 1: Carrier-sense time division multiple access(CSTDMA) techniques
GB/T 39794.2-2021
金属屋面抗风掀性能检测方法 第2部分:动态压力法(中英文版)
Test method for wind uplift resistance of mental roof—Part 2:Dynamic pressure method
GB/T 17980.7-2000
农药 田间药效试验准则(一) 杀螨剂防治苹果叶螨(中英文版)
Pesticide--Guidelines for the field efficacy trials(I)--Acaricides against spidermite on apple
GB/T 7702.3-2008
煤质颗粒活性炭试验方法 强度的测定(中英文版)
Test method for granular activated carbon from coal - Determination of hardness
GB/T 13580.4-1992
大气降水pH值的测定 电极法(中英文版)
Determination of pH value of the wet precipitation--Glass electrode method
GB/T 4615-2013
聚氯乙烯 残留氯乙烯单体的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Poly(vinyl chloride) - Determination of residual vinyl chloride monomer gas-chromatographic method
GB/T 15394-1994
General specification for probe tester
GB/T 18787.1-2015
信息技术 电子书 第1部分:设备通用规范(中英文版)
Information technology—Electronic book—Part 1:General specification of device
GB/T 27403-2008
实验室质量控制规范 食品分子生物学检测(中英文版)
Criterion on quality control of laboratories - Molecular biological testing of food
GB/T 9771.3-2020
通信用单模光纤 第3部分:波长段扩展的非色散位移单模光纤特性(中英文版)
Single-mode optical fibres for telecommunication—Part 3: Characteristics of an extended wavelength band dispersion unshifted single-mode optical fibre
GB/T 25207-2010
火灾试验 表面制品的实体房间火试验方法(中英文版)
Fire tests - Full-scale room test for surface products
GB/T 16262.2-2006
信息技术 抽象语法记法一(ASN.1)第2部分:信息客体规范(中英文版)
Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) Part 2: Information object specification
GB/T 37915-2019
Establishment and functional requirements of community commercial facilities
GB/T 28699-2012
Steel structure protection General requirements of coatings
GB/T 11716-2018
Logs of small diameter
GB 1886.316-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 胭脂树橙(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard Food Additive Annatto
GB/T 14926.43-2001
实验动物 细菌学检测 染色法、培养基和试剂(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Bacteriological monitoring--Staining,media and reagents
GB/T 23908-2009
无损检测 接触式超声脉冲回波直射检测方法(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing - Practice for ultrasonic pulse-echo straight-beam testing by the contact method
GB/T 31092-2014
Monocrystalline sapphire ingot
GB 16000-1995
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of HIV/AIDS
GB 22548-2017
饲料添加剂 磷酸二氢钙(中英文版)
Feed additive―Monocalcium phosphate

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