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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 34371-2017
游乐设施风险评价 总则(中英文版)
Risk assessment for amusement ride—General principles
GB/T 4971-2009
Terms and definitions for automotive ride comfort
GB/T 8446.1-2022
电力半导体器件用散热器? 第1部分:散热体(中英文版)
Heat sinks for power semiconductor devices—Part 1: Radiators
GB/T 15936.7-1996
信息处理 文本与办公系统 办公文件体系结构(ODA)和交换格式 第七部分:光栅图形体系结构(中英文版)
Information processing--Text and office systems--Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format--Part 7:Raster graphics content architectures
GB/T 197-2003
普通螺纹 公差(中英文版)
General purpose metric screw threads--Tolerances
GB/T 35166-2017
建筑材料及制品的湿热性能 吸/放湿性能的测定 湿度反应法(中英文版)
Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products—Determination of moisture adsorption/desorption properties in response to humidity variation
GB/T 1149.5-2008
内燃机 活塞环 第5部分:检验方法(中英文版)
Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 5: Inspection measuring principles
GB/T 12703.1-2021
纺织品 静电性能试验方法 第1部分:电晕充电法(中英文版)
Textiles - Test methods for electrostatic propensity - Part 1: Test method using corona charging
GB/T 11940-1989
水源水中巴豆醛卫生检验标准方法 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Standard method for hygienic examination of crotonaldehyde in drinking water sources--Gas chromato-graphy
GB/T 28070-2011
Detection and identification of Tilletia walkeri Castlebury&Carris
GB/T 21305-2007
谷物及谷物制品水分的测定 常规法(中英文版)
Cereals and cereal products - Determination of moisture content - Routine reference method
GB/T 32475-2016
Rubber hose and hose assemblies for coal seam water injection,gas drainage and drilling plugging
GB/T 12970.4-2009
电工软铜绞线 第4部分:铜电刷线(中英文版)
Flexilbe copper stranded conductors for electrical purposes - Part 4: Copper wires for electric brush
GB/T 38869-2020
基于OPC UA的数字化车间互联网络架构(中英文版)
OPC UA-based interconnected network architecture in digital plant
GB 50201-2014
Standard for flood control
GB/T 19713-2005
信息技术 安全技术 公钥基础设施 在线证书状态协议(中英文版)
Information technology-Security techniques-Public key in frastructure-Online certificate status protocol
GB/T 38281.1-2019
家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的指示灯装置 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Indicator light units for household and similar fixed-electrical installations—Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 26102-2010
计算机辅助工艺设计 导则(中英文版)
Guideline for computer aided process planning
GB/T 16751.3-1997
中医临床诊疗术语 治法部分(中英文版)
Clinic terminology of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment--Therapeutic methods
GB/T 18714.3-2003
信息技术 开放分布式处理 参考模型 第3部分:体系结构(中英文版)
Information technology--Open distributed processing--Reference model--Part 3:Architecture
GB 51276-2018
Coal enterprise master plan transportation design standard
GB/T 43254-2023
Functional safety requirements and test methods for drive motor systems for electric vehicles
GB/T 4325.10-2013
钼化学分析方法 第10部分:铜量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 10: Determination of copper content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 21782.4-2008
粉末涂料 第4部分:爆炸下限的计算(中英文版)
Coating powders - Part 4: Calculation of lower explosion limit
GB/T 18190-2017
海洋学术语 海洋地质学(中英文版)
Oceanological terminology—Marine geology
GB/T 24739-2009
机械制图 机件上倾斜结构的表示法(中英文版)
Mechanical drawings - Representation for declining component of mechanical parts
GB/T 17465.1-2022
家用和类似用途器具耦合器 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版)
Household and similar appliance couplers - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 12690.15-2006
稀土金属及其氧化物中非稀土杂质化学分析方法 钙量的测定(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods for non-rare earth metals and their oxide Determination of calcium oxide content
GB/T 9074.32-2017
Bolt or screw and washer assemblies with conical spring washers
GB/T 40406-2021
Standard test method for static modulus of elasticity and poisson's ratio of carbon materials in compression
GB/T 27686-2011
The metal scraps in waste electrical and electronic equipment
GB/T 17143.3-1997
信息技术 开放系统互连 系统管理 第3部分:表示关系的属性(中英文版)
Information technology--Open systems interconnection--Systems management--Part 3:Attributes for representing relationships
GB/T 32851-2016
Requirements on air cargo transport services of space blocked and aircraft ULD (container and pallet)chartered for international freight forwarders
GB/T 3939.3-2004
主要渔具材料命名与标记 绳索(中英文版)
Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material--Rope
GB/T 23472-2009
Surface decorated strawboard with paper impregnated thermosetting resin
GB/T 20184-2021
Raman fiber amplifier
GB/T 13157-1991
35 mm影片光学声迹的还音电声频率响应特性(中英文版)
Overall electro-acoustic frequency response for reproduction of 35mm optical sound track--Reproduction characteristics
GB/T 3355-2014
Test method for in-plane shear response of polymer matrix composite materials
GB/T 6346.3-2015
电子设备用固定电容器 第3部分:分规范 表面安装MnO2固体电解质钽固定电容器(中英文版)
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment—Part 3: Sectional specification—Surface mount fixed tantalum electrolytic capacitors with manganese dioxide solid electrolyte
GB/T 22105.2-2008
土壤质量 总汞、总砷、总铅的测定 原子荧光法 第2部分:土壤中总砷的测定(中英文版)
Soil quality - Analysis of total mercury、arsenic and lead contents in soils - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry - Part 2:Analysis of total arsenic contents in soils
GB/T 39334.2-2020
机械产品制造过程数字化仿真 第2部分:生产线规划和布局仿真要求(中英文版)
Digital simulation of mechanical products manufacturing process—Part 2: Requirements of production line planning and layout simulation
GB/T 26182-2010
Household and similar healthful massage chair
GB/T 17555-1998
信息技术 计算机图形与图像处理 图形标准实现的一致性测试(中英文版)
Information technology--Computer graphics and image processing--Conformance testing of implementations of graphics standards
GB 13078.3-2007
Tolerance limits for deoxynivalenol in formula feed
GB/T 22386-2008
Common format for transient data exchange(COMTRADE) for power systems
GB/T 36942-2018
Determination of 10 alkaloids in cosmetics—Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 43511-2023
轨道交通 电力牵引架空刚性接触网(中英文版)
Rail transit electric traction overhead rigid catenary
GB/T 14458-2013
Method for inspection of flower concrete
GB/T 22517.7-2018
体育场地使用要求及检验方法 第7部分:网球场地(中英文版)
Technical requirements and test methods for sports field—Part 7:Tennis
GB/T 1944-1980
Light cargo hoisting rod

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