中華人民共和國國家標準(中國大陸GB標準)英文版 |
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務; |
GB/T 22352-2008 土方机械 吊管机 术语和商业规格(中英文版) Earth-moving machinery - Pipelayers - Terminology and commercial specifications |
GB/T 31742-2015 皂荚多糖胶(中英文版) Gleditsia sinensis polysaccharide gum |
GB/T 2968-2020 金属钐(中英文版) Samarium metal |
GB/T 21427-2008 特殊环境条件 干热沙漠对内燃机电站系统的技术要求及试验方法(中英文版) Special environmental condition - Requirements and test methods for electric powerplant with internal combustion engines in dry heat-desert |
GB 4865-1985 职业性慢性氯丙烯中毒诊断标准及处理原则(中英文版) Diagnostic criteria and principles of management of occupational chronic allyl chloride poisoning |
GB/T 16903.3-2013 标志用图形符号表示规则 第3部分:感知性测试方法(中英文版) Rules for the presentation of graphical symbols for use on graphical signs - Part 3: Method for testing perceptibility |
GB 19079.2-2005 体育场所开放条件与技术要求 第2部分:卡丁车场所(中英文版) Operation conditions and technical requirements for gymnasium and playground Part 2:karting Circuit |
GB/T 19842-2005 轨道车辆空调机组(中英文版) Air-conditioning units for railbound vehicles |
GB/T 8511-2018 振动压路机(中英文版) Vibratory roller |
GB 9764-2009 轮胎气门嘴芯腔(中英文版) Tyre valve-core chambers |
GB/T 26991-2023 燃料电池电动汽车动力性能试验方法(中英文版) Fuel cell electric vehicle power performance test method |
GB/T 36094-2018 信息技术 生物特征识别 嵌入式BioAPI(中英文版) Information technology—Biometrics—Embedded BioAPI |
GB/T 17633-1998 土工布及其有关产品 平面内水流量的测定(中英文版) Geotextiles and geotextile-related products--Determination of water flow capacity in their plane |
GB/T 42810-2023 港口地理要素分类与编码规范(中英文版) Specification for classification and coding of geographical elements of ports |
GB 28241-2012 液压机 安全技术要求(中英文版) Hydraulic presses - Safety requirements |
GB/T 31465.6-2017 道路车辆 熔断器 第6部分:螺栓式高压熔断器(中英文版) Road vehicles—Fuse-links—Part 6: Fuse-links with bolt-in contacts with high voltage |
GB/T 17606-2009 原油中硫含量的测定 能量色散X-射线荧光光谱法(中英文版) Determination of sulfur in crude-oil by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
GB/T 20001.11-2022 标准编写规则 第11部分:管理体系标准(中英文版) Rules for writing standards - Part 11: Management system standards |
GB/T 8301-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 机械稳定度的测定(中英文版) Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of mechanical stability |
GB/T 31185-2014 石油天然气管道工程用管材制造监理技术要求(中英文版) Technical requirements of tubular goods manufacturing consulting service for oil and gas pipeline project |
GB/T 31052.8-2016 起重机械 检查与维护规程 第8部分:铁路起重机(中英文版) Lifting appliances—Code of inspection and maintenance—Part 8: Railway cranes |
GB 1922-2006 油漆及清洗用溶剂油(中英文版) Petroleum solvents for paints and cleaning |
GB/T 41182-2021 盲文点显器通用技术规范(中英文版) General specification for the braille display |
GB/T 26204-2010 纸面石膏板护面纸板(中英文版) Plaster liner board |
GB 51136-2015 薄膜晶体管液晶显示器工厂设计规范(中英文版) Code for design of thin film transistor liquid crystal display plant |
GB/T 3656-2008 软磁材料矫顽力的抛移测量方法(中英文版) Method of coercivity measurement for magnetically soft materials by pull out procedure |
GB/T 12565-1990 半导体器件 光电子器件分规范 (可供认证用)(中英文版) Semiconductor devices--Sectional specification for optoelectronic devices |
GB/T 15092.1-2020 器具开关 第1部分:通用要求(中英文版) Switches for appliances—Part 1:General requirements |
GB 14035-1993 内河船舶救生浮具 睡垫 枕头 座垫(中英文版) Lifesaving appliances(bed-type, pillow-type and cushion-type) for inland waterway ships |
GB/T 41-2000 六角螺母 C级(中英文版) Hexagon nuts--Product grade C |
GB/T 29729-2013 氢系统安全的基本要求(中英文版) Essential requirements for the safety of hydrogen systems |
GB/T 37665-2019 古陶瓷化学组成无损检测 PIXE分析技术规范(中英文版) :Non-destructive testing for chemical compositions of ancient ceramics—PIXE analysis technique standards |
GB/T 24919-2010 工业阀门 安装使用维护 一般要求(中英文版) Installation, operation, maintenance of industrial valves - General requirements |
GB/T 44020-2024 信息技术-计算机图形图像处理和环境数据表示-混合与增强现实中实时人物肖像和实体的表示(中英文版) Information Technology - Computer Graphics Image Processing and Environmental Data Representation - Representation of Real-time Portraits and Entities in Mixed and Augmented Reality |
GB/T 10267.3-2008 金属钙分析方法 第3部分:原子吸收分光光度法直接测定铁、镍、铜、锰、镁(中英文版) Method for analysis of calcium metal - Part 3: Direct determination of iron,nickel,copper,manganese and magnesium in calcium metal by atomic absorptiom spectrophotometry |
GB/T 36715-2018 节能评估技术导则 煤炭矿井及选煤厂项目(中英文版) General principles for energy conservation assessment—Coal mine and coal preparation plant project |
GB 12641-2007 教学视听设备及系统维护与操作的安全要求(中英文版) Safety requirements for handling and operation of audiovisual teaching equipment and syatems |
GB/T 42907-2023 硅锭、硅块和硅片中非平衡载流子复合寿命的测试 非接触涡流感应法(中英文版) Testing of non-equilibrium carrier recombination lifetime in silicon ingots, silicon blocks and silicon wafers Non-contact eddy current induction method |
GB/T 28439-2012 热转印色带通用规范(中英文版) General specification for thermal transfer ribbons |
GB/T 34072-2017 物联网温度变送器规范(中英文版) Specification of temperature transmitter for internet of things |
GB/T 23493-2009 中式香肠(中英文版) Chinese sausage |
GB/T 42152-2022 废旧办公耗材与配件再制造通用规范(中英文版) General specification for remanufacturing waste office consumables and accessories |
GB 14944-1994 食品包装用聚氯乙烯瓶盖垫片及粒料卫生标准(中英文版) Hygienic standard for bottle sheet and granular materials of polyvinyl chloride for food packaging |
GB/T 18526.5-2001 熟畜禽肉类辐照杀菌工艺(中英文版) Code of good irradiation practice for cooked meat of livestock and poultry to control microflora and/or extend shelf-life |
GB 50219-2014 水喷雾灭火系统技术规范(中英文版) Technical code for water spray fire protection systems |
GB/T 33455-2016 公共事务活动风险管理指南(中英文版) Guidelines on risk management in public affairs activity |
GB/T 39796-2021 动车组玻璃隔声性能试验方法(中英文版) Test method for airbone sound insulating properties of glass used on multipe units |
GB/T 26388-2011 表面活性剂中二噁烷残留量的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版) Determination of dioxane residues in surfactants - Gas chromatographic method |
GB/T 11297.8-2015 热释电材料热释电系数的测试方法(中英文版) Test method for pyroelectric coefficient of pyroelectric materials |
GB/T 18158-2008 转马类游艺机通用技术条件(中英文版) Specifications of amusement rides merry go round category |
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