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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 32371.3-2015
低溶剂型或无溶剂型胶粘剂涂敷后释放特性的短期测量方法 第3部分:挥发性醛类化合物的测定(中英文版)
Short term method for measuring the emission prorerties of low-solvent or solvent-free adhesives after application—Part 3: Determination of volatile aldehydes
GB/T 14655-1993
General rules for Ro/Ro ship-to-shore connection
GB/T 38729-2020
表面活性剂 工业伯烷基硫酸钠试验方法 (中英文版)
Surface active agents—Test methods of technical sodium primary alkylsulphates
GB/T 10558-1989
Method for measuring the root-mean-square (RMS) granularity of photographic materials/process combination
GB/T 18403.2-2013
气体分析器性能表示 第2部分:气体中氧(采用高温电化学传感器)(中英文版)
Expression of performance of gas analyzers - Part 2: Oxygen in gas (Utilizing high temperature electrochemical sensors)
GB/T 37838-2019
纸浆 铜乙二胺(CED)溶液动力粘度的测定(中英文版)
Pulp—Determination of dynamic viscosity number in cupri-ethylenediamine(CED) solution
GB/T 18794.4-2003
信息技术 开放系统互连 开放系统安全框架 第4部分:抗抵赖框架(中英文版)
Information technology--Open Systems Interconnection--Security frameworks for open systems--Part 4:Non-repudiation framework
GB/T 5686.5-2008
锰铁、锰硅合金、氮化锰铁和金属锰 碳含量的测定 红外线吸收法、气体容量法、重量法和库仑法(中英文版)
Ferromanganese, ferromanganese-silicon , nitrogen-bearing ferromanganese and manganese metal - Determination of carbon content - The infrared absorption method ,the gasometric method ,the gravimetric and the coulometric method
GB 50567-2010
Technical code for shell structure of ironmaking furnace
GB/T 36210-2018
农业良种繁育与推广 种植业良种繁育基地建设及评价指南(中英文版)
Breeding and popularization of agricultural varieties—Guidelines on construction and evaluation for planting breeding base
GB/T 8595-2023
土方机械 司机的操纵装置(中英文版)
Earthmoving machinery driver's controls
GB/T 20284-2006
Single burning item test for building materials and products
GB/T 28385-2012
印刷机械 锁线机(中英文版)
Printing machinery - Drilling and sewing machine
GB/T 18881-2017
Catalyst for light-duty petrol vehicle exhaust purification
GB/T 15461-1995
电子设备用机电开关 第3部分:成列直插封装式开关分规范(中英文版)
Electromechanicalswitches for use in electronic equipments--Part 3:Sectional specification for in-line package switches
GB/T 14463-2022
Viscose staple fiber
GB/T 6609.2-2009
氧化铝化学分析方法和物理性能测定方法 第2部分:300℃和1000℃质量损失的测定(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods and determination of physical performance of aluminium hydroxide - Part 2: Determination of loss of mass at 300℃ and 1000℃
GB/T 31100.201-2014
信息技术 家用电子系统(HES)体系结构 第2-1部分:导言和设备模块化(中英文版)
Information technology―home electronic system (HES) architecture―Part 2-1: Introduction and device modularity
GB/T 35790.1-2017
机动车电子标识安装规范 第1部分:汽车(中英文版)
Specification for installation of the electronic identification of motor vehicles—Part 1:Automobile
GB/T 40287-2021
General framework of information and communication for electric internet of things
GB/T 3939.5-2004
主要渔具材料命名与标记 沉子(中英文版)
Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material--Sinker
GB/T 17670-2008
Unified catalogue for natural stone
GB/T 6391-2010
滚动轴承 额定动载荷和额定寿命(中英文版)
Rolling bearings - Dynamic load ratings and rating life
GB/T 32622-2016
Standards for collection and payment audit of social insurance
GB/T 6534-1986
Gasoline--Determination of vapor-liquid ratio
GB/T 39140.1-2020
金刚石圆锯片用夹紧卡盘 第1部分:石材加工(中英文版)
Clamping flanges for diamond circular saw blade—Part 1:Stone processing
GB/T 20899.3-2007
金矿石化学分析方法 第3部分:砷量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold ores - Part 3:Determination of arsenic contents
GB/T 19015-2008
质量管理体系 质量计划指南(中英文版)
Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plans
GB/T 29786-2013
电子电气产品中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法(中英文版)
Determination of phthalates in electrical and electronic equipments - Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB/T 31471-2015
General specification for metal foil for printed circuits
GB/T 18442.2-2019
固定式真空绝热深冷压力容器 第2部分:材料(中英文版)
Static vacuum insulated cryogenic pressure vessels—Part 2:Materials
GB/T 16041-1995
Workplace air--Determination of cyclohexane--Direct injection gas chromatographic method
GB/T 17558-1998
Camera flash illuminants--Determination of spectral distribution index(ISO/SDI)
GB/T 22124.3-2010
面向装备制造业 产品全生命周期工艺知识 第3部分:通用制造工艺描述与表达规范(中英文版)
Equipment manufacturing oriented product life-cycle technology knowledge - Part3 : Description and representation specification of general manufacturing technology
GB/T 10593.3-1990
电工电子产品环境参数测量方法 振动数据处理和归纳(中英文版)
Methods of measuring environmental parameters for electric and electronic products--Treatment andinduction for the vibration data
GB/T 37196-2018
Plastics—Polyether polyols/polymeric polyols—Determination of aldehydes and ketones
GB/T 43328-2023
aerostat terminology
GB 17568-2008
Regulations for design construction and use of gamma irradiation facilities
GB/T 28533.1-2012
爆炸性气体环境用电气耦合连接器 第1部分:“n”型耦合连接器(中英文版)
Coupling connector for use in explosive gas atmospheres - Part 1: Type of protection “n” coupling connector
GB/T 34805-2017
农业废弃物综合利用 通用要求(中英文版)
Comprehensive utilization of agricultural production waste—General requirement
GB/T 42347-2023
General technical requirements and test methods for mechanical pre-cooling equipment
GB/T 271-2008
滚动轴承 分类(中英文版)
Rolling bearings - Classification
GB/T 14092.5-2009
机械产品环境条件 工业腐蚀(中英文版)
Environmental condition for machinery products - Industrial corrosion
GB/T 14353.13-2014
铜矿石、铅矿石和锌矿石化学分析方法 第13部分:镓量、铟量、铊量、钨量和钼量测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of copper ores, lead ores and zinc ores―Part 13: Determination of gallium content、indium content、thallium content、tungsten content and molybdenum content
GB/T 33720-2017
Accelerated test method of luminous flux depreciation for LED lighting products
GB/T 21737-2022
Provide consumers with information about products and related services
GB 16391-1996
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for combined radiation-blast injury
GB/T 12905-2000
Bar coding terminology
GB/T 8381.8-2005
饲料中多氯联苯的测定 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of Polychlorobiphenyls(PCBs)in Feeds-Gas Chromatography
GB/T 655-2011
化学试剂 过硫酸铵(中英文版)
Chemical reagent - Ammonium persulfate

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