中華人民共和國國家標準(中國大陸GB標準)英文版 |
GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務; |
GB/T 20172-2006 石油天然气工业 设备可靠性和维修数据的采集与交换(中英文版) Petroleum and natural gas industries - Collection and exchange of reliability and maintenance data for equipment |
GB 9706.213-2021 医用电气设备 第2-13部分:麻醉工作站的基本安全和基本性能专用要求(中英文版) Medical electrical equipment—Part 2-13: Particular requirements for the basics safety and essential performance of an anaesthetic workstation |
GB/Z 24784-2009 黄磷安全规程(中英文版) Safety regulation for yellow phosphorus |
GB 31604.1-2015 食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品迁移试验通则(中英文版) National Food safety standard - General Principle for the Migration Test of Food Contact Materials and Their Products |
GB/T 7543-2020 一次性使用灭菌橡胶外科手套(中英文版) Single-use sterile rubber surgical gloves |
GB/T 16514-1996 电子设备用机电开关 第5部分:按钮开关分规范(中英文版) Electromechanical switches for use in electronic equipment--Part 5:Sectional specification for pushbutton switches |
GB/T 28249-2012 带轮滚刀 型式和尺寸(中英文版) The types and dimensions of timing belt wheel hobs |
GB/T 36918-2019 就地城镇化评价指标体系(中英文版) Assessment indicator frame of in-situ urbanization |
GB/T 6730.73-2024 铁矿石-全铁含量的测定-EDTA光度滴定法(中英文版) Iron Ore-Determination of Total Iron Content-ED TA photometric titration |
GB/T 22086-2008 铝及铝合金弧焊推荐工艺(中英文版) Recommendations for welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys |
GB/T 23380-2009 水果、蔬菜中多菌灵残留的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版) Determination of carbendazim residues in fruits and vegetables - HPLC method |
GB/T 3098.18-2004 紧固件机械性能 盲铆钉试验方法(中英文版) Mechanical properties of fasteners--Blind rivets testing |
GB 50849-2014 传染病医院建筑设计规范(中英文版) Code for design of infectious diseases hospital |
GB/T 36636-2018 识别卡 双界面集成电路卡模块规范(中英文版) Identification cards—Specification for dual-interface integrated circuit card module |
GB/T 16289-2007 豉香型白酒(中英文版) Chi-flavour Chinese spirits |
GB/T 1553-2023 硅和锗体内少数载流子寿命的测定 光电导衰减法(中英文版) Determination of minority carrier lifetime in silicon and germanium Photoconductivity decay method |
GB/Z 26157.8-2010 测量和控制数字数据通信 工业控制系统用现场总线 类型2:ControlNet和EtherNet/IP规范 第8部分:电子数据表(中英文版) Digital data communication for measurement and control - Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems - Type 2: ControlNet and EtherNet/IP specification - Part 8: Electronic data sheets |
GB/T 3883.403-2017 手持式、可移式电动工具和园林工具的安全 第4部分:步行式和手持式草坪修整机、草坪修边机的专用要求(中英文版) Safety of motor-operated hand-held, transportable and garden tools―Part 4: Particular requirements for walk-behind and hand-held lawn trimmers and lawn edge trimmers |
GB/T 21241-2022 卫生洁具清洗剂(中英文版) Sanitary Ware Cleaner |
GB/T 9771.4-2008 通信用单模光纤 第4部分:色散位移单模光纤特性(中英文版) Single-mode optical fibres for telecommunication - Part 4: Characteristics of a dispersion-shifted single-mode optical fibre |
GB 9706.14-1997 医用电气设备 第二部分:X射线设备附属设备安全专用要求(中英文版) Medical electrical equipment--Part 2:Particular requirements for the safety of associated equipment of X-ray equipment |
GB 29701-2013 食品安全国家标准 鸡可食性组织中地克珠利残留量的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版) National Food Safety Standard-Determination of diclazuril residue in chicken edible tissue by high performance liquid chromatography |
GB/T 33457-2016 商业网点规划制图规范(中英文版) Specification for drawing in commercial network planning |
GB/T 39776-2021 砖瓦工业隧道窑热平衡、热效率测定与计算方法(中英文版) Measuring and calculating methods of heat balance and heat efficiency of tunnel kiln of brick industrial |
GB/T 7308-2008 滑动轴承 有法兰或无法兰薄壁轴瓦 公差、结构要素和检验方法(中英文版) Plain bearings - Thin-walled half bearings with or without flange - Tolerances, design features and methods of test |
GB/T 24992-2010 纸、纸板和纸浆 砷含量的测定(中英文版) Paper,board and pulps - Determination of arsenic |
GB/T 6207-1986 示波管和指示管空白详细规范(可供认证用)(中英文版) Blank detail specification for oscilloscope tubes and indicator tubes |
GB/T 3766-2015 液压传动 系统及其元件的通用规则和安全要求(中英文版) Hydraulic fluid power—General rules and safety requirements for systems and their components |
GB/T 2481.2-2020 固结磨具用磨料 粒度组成的检测和标记 第2部分:微粉(中英文版) Bonded abrasives—Determination and designation of grain size distribution—Part 2:Microgrits |
GB/T 21374-2008 知识产权文献与信息 基本词汇(中英文版) Intellectual property documentation and information - Essential vocabulary |
GB/T 28406-2012 农用地估价规程(中英文版) Regulations for valuation on agriculture land |
GB/T 8753.1-2005 铝及铝合金阳极氧化 氧化膜封孔质量的评定方法 第1部分:无硝酸预浸的磷铬酸法(中英文版) Anodizing of aluminium and aluminium alloys-Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxide coatings Part 1:Phosphoric acid/chromic acid test without nitric acid predip |
GB/T 37686-2019 物联网 感知对象信息融合模型(中英文版) Internet of things—Sensing object information fusion model |
GB/T 44167-2024 大型货运无人机系统通用要求(中英文版) Large cargo unmanned aerial vehicle systems General requirements for the system |
GB/T 17772-1999 土方机械 保护结构的实验室鉴定 挠曲极限量的规定(中英文版) Earth-moving machinery--Laboratory evaluations of protective structures--Specifications for deflection-limiting volume |
GB/T 23720.1-2009 起重机 司机培训 第1部分:总则(中英文版) Cranes - Training of drivers - Part 1: General |
GB/T 31232.2-2014 电子商务统计指标体系 第2部分:在线营销(中英文版) E-commerce statistical indicator system—Part 2: Online marketing |
GB/T 36354-2018 数字语言学习环境设计要求(中英文版) Digital language learning environment design requirements |
GB/T 43180-2023 氰氟虫腙悬浮剂(中英文版) Flupron suspension |
GB/T 956.2-1987 锥形锯齿锁紧垫圈(中英文版) Countersunk serrated external toothed lock washers |
GB 7718-2011 食品安全国家标准 预包装食品标签通则(中英文版) National Food Safety Standard --Standard for nutrition labelling of prepackaged foods |
GB/T 20510-2017 氧化铟锡靶材(中英文版) Indium-tin oxide target |
GB/T 41416-2022 纺织品 α-溴代肉桂醛和1,3-丙烷磺酸内酯的测定(中英文版) Textiles α- Determination of bromocinnamaldehyde and 1,3-propane sulfonic acid lactone |
GB/T 21897-2008 承载防水卷材(中英文版) Load-bearing waterproof sheet |
GB/T 13554-2008 高效空气过滤器(中英文版) High efficiency particulate air filter |
GB/T 29893-2013 轻型木结构锯材用原木(中英文版) Log for lumber in light wood frame construction |
GB/T 35558-2017 游艇管理服务规范(中英文版) Specification of management service for yacht |
GB/T 3630-2006 铌板材、带材和箔材(中英文版) Niobium sheet,strip and foil |
GB/T 40173-2021 水溶性壳聚糖中还原性端基糖的测定 分光光度法(中英文版) Determination of reducing-end sugar in water-soluble chitosan—Spectrophotometric method |
GB/T 3367.5-2000 铁道机车名词术语 空气制动装置零部件名词(中英文版) Glossary of terms for railwaylocomotive--Names of component parts for air brake equipment |
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