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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 29187-2012
品牌评价 品牌价值评价要求(中英文版)
Brand valuation - Requirements for monetary brand valuation
GB/T 13168-1991
标准2.6/9.5 mm 同轴线对上8 MHz (1800路) 载波通信系统总技术要求(中英文版)
General specification for 8MHz (1800ch) carrier systems on standardized 2.6/9.5mm coaxialcable pairs
GB 3906-2006
Alternating-current metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for rated voltages above 3.6 kV and up to and including 40.5 kV
GB/T 37532-2019
城市轨道交通市域快线120 km/h~160 km/h车辆通用技术条件(中英文版)
General technical specification for 120km~160 km/h commuter express of urban rail transit system
GB/T 43878-2024
Rotary drilling rig pick
GB/T 24257-2009
石油天然气工业 功能规范的内容与编写(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Content and drafting of a functional specification
GB/T 36683-2018
Specification for assessment of automobile after-sales service
GB/T 14926.16-2001
实验动物 乙型溶血性链球菌检测方法(中英文版)
Laboratory animal--Method for examination of β-hemolyticstreptococcus
GB/T 42867-2023
Technical Guidelines for Comprehensive Utilization of Coal Mine Predrainage
GB/T 9074.10-1988
Cross recessed raised countersunkhead screw and countersunk external toothed lock washer assemblies
GB/T 26972-2011
Vocabulary of concentrating solar thermal power
GB/T 9553-2017
Jingangmycin A aqueous solution
GB/T 26416.3-2022
稀土铁合金化学分析方法 第3部分:钙、镁、铝、镍、锰量的测 定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(中英文版)
Chemical analysis methods of rare earth ferroalloys - Part 3: Determination of calcium, magnesium, aluminum, nickel, manganese content - Inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry
GB/T 16716.1-2008
包装与包装废弃物 第1部分:处理和利用通则(中英文版)
Packaging and packaging waste - Part 1:General rules of disposal and utilization
GB 20936.4-2008
可燃性气体探测用电气设备 第4部分:显示气体体积含量至100%的II类探测器的性能要求(中英文版)
Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases - Part 4: Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% gas
GB/T 15898-2013
化学试剂 六水合硝酸钴(硝酸钴)(中英文版)
Chemical reagent—Cobalt nitrate hexahydrate
GB/T 21209-2017
用于电力传动系统的交流电机 应用导则(中英文版)
AC electrical machines used in power drive systems—Application guide
GB/T 20432.5-2007
摄影 照相级化学品 试验方法 第5部分:重金属和铁含量的测定(中英文版)
Photography Photographic-grade chemicals - Test methods Part 5: Determination of heavy metals and iron content
GB/T 39964-2021
Implementation guidance for energy management systemsin paper industry
GB 16542-2010
Safety technical requirements for cage
GB/T 32448-2015
胶粘剂中可溶性重金属铅、 铬、 镉、 钡、 汞、 砷、 硒、 锑的测定(中英文版)
Determination of the heavy metal Pb, Cr, Cd, Ba, Hg, As, Se, Sb dissolved in adhesives
GB/T 11357-2020
Quality, roughness and balance of transmission pulleys
GB/T 3597-2002
肥料中硝态氮含量的测定 氮试剂重量法(中英文版)
Fertilizer--Determination of nitrate nitrogen content--Nitron gravimetric method
GB/T 29311-2012
电气绝缘材料 交流电压耐久性评定 通则(中英文版)
Electrical insulating materials - A.C. voltage endurance evaluation - Introduction
GB/T 37871-2019
Technical specification for quality evaluation of nucleic acid test kit
GB 20936.2-2009
可燃性气体探测用电气设备 第2部分:显示空气中甲烷体积含量至5%的I类探测器的性能要求(中英文版)
Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases - Part 2: Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 5% methane in air
GB/T 36271.1-2018
交流1kV以上电力设施 第1部分:通则(中英文版)
Power installations exceeding 1kV a.c.—Part 1:Common rules
GB/T 21611-2008
危险品 易燃固体自燃试验方法(中英文版)
Dangerous goods - Test method of spontaneous combustion for flammable solids
GB 13057-2023
Strength of passenger car seats and their vehicle fasteners
GB/T 28221.3-2011
灾后过渡性安置区基本公共服务 第3部分:安全(中英文版)
Basic public services for post-disaster transitional resettlement area - Part 3: Safety
GB/T 20040-2005
地理标志产品 方正大米(中英文版)
Product of geographical indication -- Fangzheng rice
GB/T 34376-2017
数控板料折弯机 技术条件(中英文版)
NC press brake—Specifications
GB/T 21098-2022
灯头、灯座及检验其安全性和互换性的量规 第4部分:导则及一般信息(中英文版)
Lamp caps and holders and gauges for checking their safety and interchangeability - Part 4: guidelines and general information
GB/T 2952.1-2008
电缆外护层 第1部分:总则(中英文版)
Protective coverings for electric cables - Part 1: General
GB/T 4679-2003
Specification of die-casting die components
GB 50965-2014
Code for design of sinter and pellet flue gas ammonia desulfurization
GB/T 35596-2017
Heat resistant glass wares by blowing
GB/T 15109-2021
Terminology of baijiu industry
GB/T 25754-2010
真空技术 直角阀 尺寸和气动装置的接口(中英文版)
Vacuum technology - Right-angle valve - Dimensions and interfaces for pneumatic actuator
GB/T 32663-2016
成型模 压铸模订货技术规范(中英文版)
Tools for moulding—Tool specification sheet for diecasting dies
GB/T 39138.2-2020
金镍铬铁硅硼合金化学分析方法 第2部分:镍含量的测定 丁二酮肟重量法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of gold nickel chromium iron silicon boron alloys—Part 2:Determination of nickel content—Dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method
GB/T 11409-2008
橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂 试验方法(中英文版)
Test methods rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators
GB/T 29040-2012
汽车轮胎滚动阻力试验方法 单点试验和测量结果的相关性(中英文版)
Test methods of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres - Single point test and correlation of measurement results
GB/T 31555-2015
Manipulator for foundry
GB/T 20610-2006
道路运输与交通信息技术 电子收费(EFC)参与方之间信息交互接口的规范(中英文版)
Road transport and traffic telematics - Electronic fee collection(EFC)- Interface specification for clearing between operators
GB/T 30544.8-2019
纳米科技 术语 第8部分:纳米制造过程(中英文版)
Nanotechnologies—Vocabulary—Part 8: Nanomanufacturing processes
GB/T 24486-2009
Aluminium alloy wires for cable braiding
GB/T 12616.1-2004
封闭型沉头抽芯铆钉 11级(中英文版)
Closed end blind rivets with break pull mandrel and countersunk head--Property class 11
GB 31644-2018
National Food Safety Standard - Compound Seasoning
GB/T 43448-2023
蜂蜜中17-三十五烯含量的测定 气相色谱质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of 17-tripentadecene in honey by gas chromatography mass spectrometry

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