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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 37848-2019
Determination of strontium isotopic ratios in aqueous solution
GB/T 3246.2-2012
变形铝及铝合金制品组织检验方法 第2部分:低倍组织检验方法(中英文版)
Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Part 2: Inspection method for macrostructure
GB/T 14949.4-1994
锰矿石化学分析方法 钒量的测定(中英文版)
Manganese ores--Determination of vanadium content
GB/T 35075-2018
Energy saving test rules for gas burner
GB/Z 40602.4-2023
天线及接收系统的无线电干扰 第4部分:无线接收系统 集成无线模块电子设备电磁兼容测试方法(中英文版)
Radio interference from antennas and receiving systems Part 4: Wireless receiving systems Electromagnetic compatibility test methods for electronic equipment with integrated wireless modules
GB 14391-2009
Technical requirements for satellite emergency position-indicating radio beacons
GB/T 34386-2017
Web-fed print quality inspection system
GB/T 17466.22-2022
家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的电器附件安装盒和外壳 第22部分:连接盒与外壳的特殊要求(中英文版)
Accessories for household and similar fixed electrical installations - mounting boxes and enclosures - Part 22: Particular requirements for connection boxes and enclosures
GB/T 12666.3-2008
单根电线电缆燃烧试验方法 第3部分:倾斜燃烧试验(中英文版)
Test method on a single wire or cable under fire conditions - Part 3: Slanting specimen flame test
GB/T 18212-2000
Calculation of maximum external diameter of cables for indoor installations
GB/T 13142-1991
Extension of the Latin alphabet coded character set for bibliographic information interchange
GB/T 27735-2011
Camping tents
GB/T 35217-2017
Cutting panel
GB/T 20914.2-2007
冲模 氮气弹簧 第2部分:附件规格(中英文版)
Stamping dies - Gas springs - Part 2: Specification of accessories
GB/T 40310.2-2021
滚动花键副 第2部分:动态和静态额定载荷和额定寿命(中英文版)
Ball splines—Part 2:Dynamic and static load ratings and rating life
GB/T 23424-2009
Tie-down of overlimited (outsize or heavy) cargo on ULDs
GB/T 30939-2014
化妆品中污染物双酚A的测定 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(中英文版)
Determination of the contaminant bisphenol A in cosmetics—High performance liquid chromatograpy-tandem Mass spectrometry
GB/T 15549-1995
感官分析 方法学 检测和识别气味方面评价员的入门和培训(中英文版)
Sensory analysis--Methodology--Initiation and training of assessors in the detection and recognition of odours
GB/T 32635-2016
Specification of online game software development process
GB/T 39121-2020
Specification for operation management of biochar production from crop staw on soil quality improvement project
GB/T 12085.15-2010
光学和光学仪器 环境试验方法 第15部分:宽带随机振动(数字控制)与高温、低温综合试验(中英文版)
Optics and optical instruments - Environmental test methods - Part 15: Combined digitally controlled broad-band random vibration and dry heat or cold
GB/T 31492-2015
Technical requirements and test methods for TS generator of digital television
GB/T 22079-2019
户内和户外用高压聚合物绝缘子 一般定义、试验方法和接收准则(中英文版)
HV polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use—General definitions ,test methods and acceptance criteria
GB 18191-2008
包装容器 危险品包装用塑料桶(中英文版)
Packing containers - Plastic drum for packages of dangerous goods
GB/T 9966.7-2001
天然饰面石材试验方法 第7部分:检测板材挂件组合单元挂装强度试验方法(中英文版)
Test methods for natural facing stones--Part 7:Test method for strength of individual stone anchorages
GB/T 11408-2013
硫化促进剂 二硫化二苯骈噻唑(MBTS)(中英文版)
Vulcanizing accelerator - Dibenzothiazole disulfide (MBTS)
GB/T 37212-2018
General technical specification of outdoor air conditioning equipment
GB 6940-2008
Guan Zhong donkey
GB/T 862.2-1987
Serrated lock washers external teeth
GB/T 43295-2023
教育与学习服务 远程学习服务要求(中英文版)
Education and Learning Services Distance Learning Service Requirements
GB 50530-2010
Code for design of alumina refinery process
GB/T 2423.28-2005
电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验T:锡焊(中英文版)
Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products-Part2:Test methods-Test T:Soldering
GB/T 16121-1995
Workplace air--Determination of parathion--Solvent desorption gas chromatographic method
GB/T 4965-1985
Classification and designation for getter
GB/T 34867.1-2017
电动机系统节能量测量和验证方法 第1部分:电动机现场能效测试方法(中英文版)
Procedures for measurement and verification of motor-system energy-savings—Part 1: Test procedures on working site for energy efficiency of motor
GB/T 32800.1-2023
手持式非电类动力工具 安全要求 第1部分:非螺纹结构紧固件用装配动力工具(中英文版)
Hand-held non-electric power tools—Safety requirements—Part 1: Assembly power tools for non-threaded structural fasteners
GB 50757-2012
Code for design of sludge co-processing in cement kiln
GB/T 4323-2017
Pin coupling with elastic sleeve
GB/T 30966.1-2022
风力发电机组 风力发电场监控系统通信 第1部分:原则与模型(中英文版)
Wind turbines -- Communications for wind farm monitoring systems -- Part 1: Principles and models
GB/T 23561.6-2009
煤和岩石物理力学性质测定方法 第6部分:煤和岩石含水率测定方法(中英文版)
Methods for determining the physical and mechanical properties of coal and rock - Part 6: Methods for determining the moisture content of coal and rock
GB 15322.4-2003
可燃气体探测器 第4部分: 测量人工煤气的点型可燃气体探测器(中英文版)
Combustible gas detectors--Part 4: Point type detectors for combustible man-made gas
GB/T 5907.1-2014
消防词汇 第1部分:通用术语(中英文版)
Fire protection vocabulary—Part 1: General terms
GB 1886.102-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 硬脂酸钙(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - calcium stearate
GB/T 40787-2021
小艇 航行灯 安装、布置和能见度(中英文版)
Small craft—Navigation lights—Installation,placement and visibility
GB 50434-2008
Control standards for soil and water loss on development and construction projects
GB 26445-2010
危险货物运输 物品、包装物品或包装物质可运输性试验方法和判据(中英文版)
Transport of dangerous goods - Test methods and criteria relating to article, packaged article or packaged substance for transport
GB/T 31923.2-2015
高炉炉料用铁矿石 低温还原粉化静态试验 第2部分:与CO和N2的反应(中英文版)
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks—Determinaction of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method—Part 2: Reduction with CO and N2
GB/T 5195.3-2006
萤石 105℃质损量的测定 重量法(中英文版)
Fluorspar―Determination of loss in mass at 105℃―Gravimetric method
GB/T 7577-1996
Blank detail specification for case-rated bipolar transistors for low-frequency amplification
GB/T 39318-2020
军民通用资源 标识代码映射要求(中英文版)
General resource of military and civilian─Requirement for identification number mapping

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