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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 13333-2018
Concrete pump
GB/T 20914.5-2023
冲模 氮气弹簧 第5部分:氮气弹簧安全规范(中英文版)
Dies Nitrogen gas springs Part 5: Safety regulations for nitrogen springs
GB 18068.2-2012
非金属矿物制品业卫生防护距离 第2部分:石灰制造业(中英文版)
Health protection zone for non-metallic mineral products industry - Part 2:Lime industry
GB/T 34690.5-2017
印刷技术 胶印数字化过程控制 第5部分:软打样(中英文版)
Graphic technology—Digitalized process control for offset printing—Part 5: Soft proofing
GB/T 41660-2022
Monitoring and Evaluation Method for Energy Utilization of Refrigeration Test Equipment
GB/T 19222-2003
Sampling of coal petrology
GB/T 1773-2008
Flake silver powders
GB/T 23654-2009
硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶 建筑用预成型密封条的分类、要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Rubber,vulcanized and thermoplastic - Preformed gaskets used in buildings - Classification,specification and test methods
GB/T 31219.2-2014
图书馆馆藏资源数字化加工规范 第2部分:文本资源(中英文版)
Specification of library collections digitization―Part 2: Text resources
GB/T 35750-2017
烟花爆竹 炭粉(中英文版)
Fireworks—Charcoal powder
GB/T 36271.2-2021
交流1kV及直流1.5kV以上电力设施 第2部分:直流(中英文版)
Power installations exceeding 1 kV a.c. and 1.5 kV d.c.—Part 2: d.c.
GB/T 20527.3-2006
多媒体用户界面的软件人类工效学 第3部分:媒体选择与组合(中英文版)
Software ergonomics for multimedia user interfaces - Part 3: Media selection and combination
GB 14587-2011
Technical requirements for discharge of radioactive liquid effluents from nuclear power plant
GB/T 51175-2016
Technical code for refining fired heater
GB/T 40837-2021
畜禽饲料安全评价 蛋鸡饲养试验技术规程(中英文版)
Feed safety evaluation—Code of practice for the feeding trial of layers
GB/T 5523-2008
粮油检验 粮食、油料的脂肪酶活动度的测定(中英文版)
Inspection of grains and oils - Determination of lipase activity of grain and oilseeds
GB/T 2423.23-2013
环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Q:密封(中英文版)
Environmental testing - Part 2:Test methods - Test Q: Sealing
GB/T 31765-2015
High density fibreboard
GB/T 20975.13-2020
铝及铝合金化学分析方法 第13部分:钒含量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys—Part 13:Determination of vanadium content
GB/T 11936-1989
水源水中丙烯酰胺卫生检验标准方法 气相色谱法(中英文版)
Standard method for hygienic examination of acrylamide in drinking water sources--Gas chromatography
GB/T 8446.2-2004
电力半导体器件用散热器 第2部分:热阻和流阻测试方法(中英文版)
Heat sink for power semiconductor device--Part 2:Measuring method of thermal resistance and inputfluid-output fluid pressure difference
GB/T 11547-2008
塑料 耐液体化学试剂性能的测定(中英文版)
Plastic - Methods of test for the determination of the effects of immersion in liquid chemicals
GB/T 3785.1-2010
电声学 声级计 第1部分:规范(中英文版)
Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications
GB/T 37104-2018
Packaging—Tactile warnings of danger—Requirements
GB/T 31239-2023
Technical Specifications for 1000kV Substation Fittings
GB 17378.5-2007
海洋监测规范 第5部分: 沉积物分析(中英文版)
The specification for marine monitoring - Part 5:Sediment analysis
GB 28480-2012
饰品 有害元素限量的规定(中英文版)
Adornment - Provision for limit of baneful elements
GB/T 36076-2018
General specification for information identification of automatic warehousing and distribution packing-case
GB/T 42701-2023
纺织品 天然彩色棉的鉴别 化学显色法(中英文版)
Textiles - Identification of natural colored cotton - Chemochromogenic method
GB/T 13255.7-2009
工业用己内酰胺试验方法 第7部分:铁含量的测定(中英文版)
Test methods of caprolactam for industrial use - Part 7: Determination of iron content
GB/T 2982-2014
Designation,dimensions,inflation pressure and load capacity of pneumatic tyres for industrial vehicles
GB 33654-2017
The norm of energy consumption per unit throughput of gypsum plaster
GB/T 41828-2022
Guidelines for Health Risk Assessment of Raw Materials of Detergents
GB 19643-2005
Hygienic standard for marine algae algae products
GB/Z 26585-2011
Production technical practice for sweet pea with pod
GB/T 33071-2016
Technical specification for cobalt scrap treatment and disposal
GB/T 41072-2021
表面化学分析 电子能谱 紫外光电子能谱分析指南(中英文版)
Surface chemical analysis -- Electron spectroscopies -- Guidelines for ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy analysis
GB/T 4074.5-2008
绕组线试验方法 第5部分:电性能(中英文版)
Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: Electrical properties
GB 4706.10-2008
家用和类似用途电器的安全 按摩器具的特殊要求(中英文版)
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for massage appliances
GB 4789.31-2013
食品安全国家标准 食品微生物学检验 沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌和致泻大肠埃希氏菌的肠杆菌科噬菌体诊断检验(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food microbiology - Examination of bacteriophages of Enterobacteriaceae by Salmonella, Shigella and Escherichia coli
GB/T 14358-2015
Marine drinking water purifier
GB/T 6363-1986
Method for the subjective assessment of the quality of document facsimile
GB/T 20985.2-2020
信息技术 安全技术 信息安全事件管理 第2部分:事件响应规划和准备指南(中英文版)
Information technology—Security techniques—Information security incident management—Part 2: Guidelines to plan and prepare for incident response
GB/T 17672-1999
Determinations for isotopes of lead,strontium and neodymium in rock samples
GB/T 20127.8-2006
钢铁及合金 痕量元素的测定 第8部分:氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法测定锑含量(中英文版)
Steel and alloy - Determination of trace element contents Part 8: Determination of antimony content by hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometric method
GB 25467-2010
Emission Standard of Pollutants from Cu,Ni,Co Industry
GB/T 37333-2019
General technical specification of accessible facilities for railway passenger cars and multiple unit
GB/T 43977-2024
Electronic gas - octafluorocyclobutane
GB/T 13169-1991
标准1.2/4.4 mm同轴线对上4 MHz (960路)载波通信系统总技术要求(中英文版)
General specification for 4MHz (960ch) carrier systems on standardized 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
GB/T 14088-1993
Marine halon fire extinguishing system--Technical specifications

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