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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 29698-2013
食品安全国家标准 奶及奶制品中17β-雌二醇、雌三醇、炔雌醇多残留的测定 气相色谱-质谱法(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Determination of 17β-estradiol, estriol and ethinylestradiol residues in milk and milk products by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB/T 5070-2015
Chemical analysis of refractories containing chrome
GB/T 31523.3-2020
安全信息识别系统 第3部分:设计原则与要求(中英文版)
Safety information identification systems—Part 3: Design principles and requirements
GB/T 24989-2010
Decorative bese paper
GB/T 9952-2008
信息技术 数据通信 15插针DTE/DCE接口连接器和接触件编号分配(中英文版)
Information technology - Data comunication - 15-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignment
GB/T 16731-1997
The graduation of sound absorption propertyfor absorbent products
GB 7956.23-2019
消防车 第23部分:供气消防车(中英文版)
Fire fighting vehicles—Part 23: Compressed air supply fire fighting vehicle
GB/T 44086.1-2024
BeiDou-3 regional short message communication user terminal information interface-Part 1: User management module interface
GB/T 28398-2012
Norms of energy consumption statistics for coal enterprises
GB/T 3728-2007
Ethyl acetate for industrial use
GB/T 6090-2003
Drill chuck tapers
GB/T 12563-1990
Requirements of terrestrial interface for domestic satellite communications earth stations
GB/T 22539-2018
Grade quality of sugar ginseng
GB/T 42988-2023
Multi-source remote sensing image network collaborative interpretation
GB/T 9335-2009
GB/T 31228-2014
仪器化纳米压入试验 术语(中英文版)
Instrumented nanoindentation test―Terminology
GB/T 3685-2017
输送带 实验室规模的燃烧特性 试验方法(中英文版)
Conveyor belts—Laboratory scale flammability characteristics—Test method
GB/T 41158.6-2022
机械产品三维工艺设计 第6部分:数据要求(中英文版)
Three-dimensional process planning for mechanical products—Part 6:Data requirements
GB 2760-2011
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂使用标准(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards – Standards for Uses of Food Additives
GB/T 10193-1997
电子设备用压敏电阻器 第1部分:总规范(中英文版)
Varistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 1:Generic specification
GB/T 35663-2017
Basic terminology of weather forecast
GB 8283-1987
Diagnostic criteria and principles of management for radiation cataract
GB/T 9966.9-2021
天然石材试验方法 第9部分:通过测量共振基本频率测定动力弹性模数(中英文版)
Test methods for natural stone—Part 9: Determination of the dynamic modulus of elasticity by measuring the fundamental resonance frequency
GB/T 11228-2008
Fundamental parameters for kitchens and related equipments in housing
GB/T 29890-2013
Technical criterion for grain and oil-seeds storage
GB/T 5574-2008
Industrial rubber sheet
GB/T 19531.1-2004
地震台站观测环境技术要求 第1部分:测震(中英文版)
Technical requirement for the observational environment of seismic stations--Part 1:Seismometry
GB/T 3451-1982
Standard tuning frequency
GB/T 2970-2016
Method for ultrasonic testing of thicker steel plates
GB/T 38924.2-2020
民用轻小型无人机系统环境试验方法 第2部分: 低温试验(中英文版)
Environmental test methods for civil small and light unmanned aircraft system—Part 2: Low-temperature test
GB/T 25048-2010
金属材料 管 环拉伸试验方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials - Tube - Ring tensile test
GB/T 3450-2006
Noise limit and measurement inside driver’s cabs of railway locomotive and powered car train-sets
GB/T 38268-2019
Determination of short chain chlorinated paraffins in textiles dyeing and finishing auxiliaries
GB/T 17520-1998
Determination of solubility and solution stability of reactive dyes in the presence of electrolytes
GB/T 28650-2012
Road safety barrel
GB/T 36233-2018
Tubular cored electrodes for high-strength steels
GB/T 19515-2023
道路车辆 可再利用率和可回收利用率 要求及计算方法(中英文版)
Road vehicles reusability and recycling rates requirements and calculation methods
GB/T 15452-2009
工业循环冷却水中钙、镁离子的测定 EDTA滴定法(中英文版)
Industrial circulating cooling water - Determination of calcium and magnesium - EDTA titration method
GB 4706.36-2014
家用和类似用途电器的安全 商用电开水器和液体加热器的特殊要求(中英文版)
Household and similar electrical appliances―Safety―Particular requirements for commercial water electric boilers and liquid heaters
GB/T 14310-2008
Cotton grey corduroy
GB/T 13713-1992
纤维光学分路器 第一部分:总规范 (可供认证用)(中英文版)
Fibre optic branching devices--Part 1:Generic speci-fication
GB/T 34712-2017
Determination for the flagging of adhesive tape
GB/T 41569-2022
激光器和激光相关设备 激光装置 文件基本要求(中英文版)
Lasers and laser-related equipment - Laser installations - Basic requirements for documentation
GB/T 26676-2011
机床电气、电子和可编程电子控制系统 耐压试验规范(中英文版)
Electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems of machine tools - Specification of withstanding voltage test
GB/T 20634.1-2006
电气用非浸渍致密层压木 第1部分:定义、命名和一般要求(中英文版)
Non-impregnated densified laminated wood for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions,designation and general requirements
GB/T 4247-2017
Machine bridge reamers with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 40395-2021
工业用甲醇中铵离子的测定 离子色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of ammonium in methanol for industrial use—Ion chromatography
GB 22614-2008
Clethodim technical
GB/T 18050-2000
Tests of electric submersible pump cable systems
GB/T 30084-2013
Portable fuel cell power system-safety

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