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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 5271.3-2008
信息技术 词汇 第3部分:设备技术(中英文版)
Information technology - Vocabulary - Part 3: Equipment technology
GB/T 13651-2023
Aviation retreaded tires
GB 50709-2011
Code for design of pipe supports in iron and steel enterprises
GB/T 16110-1995
Workplace air--Determination of phosphorus--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 18400.9-2007
加工中心检验条件 第9部分:刀具交换和托板交换操作时间的评定(中英文版)
Test conditions for machining centres - Part 9: Evaluation of the operating times of tool change and pallet change
GB/T 34693-2017
塑料 氯化聚氯乙烯树脂(中英文版)
Plastic—Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)resins
GB/T 41566-2022
General Rules for the Exchange of Consumer Product Safety Information
GB/T 22772-2008
Mechanical clocks with pendulum
GB/T 30161-2013
Coated fabrics for membrane structures
GB/T 35322-2017
粮油机械 砂辊碾米机(中英文版)
Grain and oil machinery—Emery roll whitening machine
GB/T 29166-2021
石油天然气工业 钢制钻杆(中英文版)
Petroleum and natural gas industries—Steel drill pipe
GB/T 25408-2010
Hanging type long-range sprinkling irrigation machines
GB 50287-2016
Code for hydropower engineering geological investigation
GB/T 40641-2021
松针聚戊烯醇含量的测定 高效液相色谱法(中英文版)
Determination of polyprenol from pine needles—High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 18271.4-2000
过程测量和控制装置 通用性能评定方法和程序 第4部分:评定报告的内容(中英文版)
Process measurement and control devices--General methods and procedures for evaluating performance--Part 4:Evaluation report content
GB 11666.1-2012
肥料制造业卫生防护距离 第1部分:氮肥制造业(中英文版)
Health protection zone for fertilizer industry - Part 1:Nitrogen fertilizer industry
GB/T 2525-1996
Cerium metal
GB/T 31747-2015
Thermally-modified wood
GB/T 21584-2008
危险品 大包装跌落试验方法(中英文版)
Dangerous goods - Test method for drop of large packaging
GB/T 5832.4-2020
气体分析 微量水分的测定 第4部分:石英晶体振荡法(中英文版)
Gas analysis—Determination of moisture—Part 4: The method of quartz crystal oscillation
GB/T 3208-2009
Standard test method for the total tulfur tontent in tenzene - Type products by oxidative microcoulometry
GB 50368-2005
Residential building code
GB/T 13190.1-2015
信息与文献 叙词表及与其他词表的互操作 第1部分:用于信息检索的叙词表(中英文版)
Information and documentation—Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies—Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval
GB/T 2423.47-2018
Environmental testing—Part 2: Test methods—Test Fg: Acoustic vibration
GB/T 28054-2023
Steel seamless gas cylinder clustering device
GB/T 26935-2011
Preparation of steel substrates and paints application for freight containers
GB/T 35819-2018
Good agricultural practice for natural rubber
GB/T 8152.17-2023
铅精矿化学分析方法 第17部分:铝、镁、铁、铜、锌、镉、砷、锑、铋、钙含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of lead concentrates - Part 17: Determination of aluminum, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, cadmium, arsenic, antimony, bismuth, calcium content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 14794-2002
Steam reciprocating pump
GB 13140.2-2008
家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器件 第2部分:作为独立单元的带螺纹型夹紧件的连接器件的特殊要求(中英文版)
Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes - Part 2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with screw-type clamping units
GB/T 30284-2013
Technical requirements of security for operating system in smart mobile terminal(EAL2)
GB/T 11298.4-1997
卫星电视地球接收站测量方法 室内单元测量(中英文版)
Methods of measurement for satellite television earth receive-only station--Door-in unit measurement
GB/T 33636-2017
气动 用于塑料管的插入式管接头(中英文版)
Pneumatic fluid power—Push-in connectors for plastic tubes
GB 5296.3-2008
消费品使用说明 化妆品通用标签(中英文版)
Instruction for use of consumer products - General labelling for cosmetics
GB/T 23050-2022
信息化和工业化融合管理体系 供应链数字化管理指南(中英文版)
Informatization and Industrialization Integration Management System Supply Chain Digital Management Guide
GB/T 6149-2010
New constantan resistance alloy
GB/T 6730.9-2006
铁矿石 硅含量的测定 硫酸亚铁铵还原-硅钼蓝分光光度法(中英文版)
Iron ores - Determination of silicon contents - The silicomolybdic blue spectrophotometric method reduce by ammonium ferrous sulfate
GB/T 33027-2016
Methodology for field long-term observation of forest ecosystem
GB/T 41198-2021
Guidelines for validation and verification of forestry carbon projects
GB/T 29270.1-2012
信息技术 编码字符集测试规范 第1部分:蒙古文(中英文版)
Information technology - Specification for the testing of coded character sets - Part 1:Mongolian
GB/T 32158-2015
Coal-based needle coke
GB/T 16895.21-2020
低压电气装置 第4-41部分:安全防护 电击防护(中英文版)
Low-voltage electrical installations—Part 4–41:Protection for safety—Protection against electric shock
GB/T 19067.1-2003
产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 测量标准 第1部分:实物测量标准(中英文版)
Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS)--Surface texture: Profile method--Measurement standards--Part 1: Material measures
GB/T 24397-2009
Screw and squeeze multifunction vermicelli machinery
GB/T 17277-1998
广播磁带录像机测量方法 第1部分:机械测量(中英文版)
Broadcast video tape recorders methods of measurement--Part 1:Mechanical measurements
GB/T 37681-2019
大型铸钢件 通用技术规范(中英文版)
Heavy steel castings—General technical specification
GB/T 2406.1-2008
塑料 用氧指数法测定燃烧行为 第1部分:导则(中英文版)
Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Part 1: Guidance
GB/T 44007-2024
Nanotechnology - Determination of Hydrogen Storage in Nanoporous Materials - Gas Adsorption Method
GB/T 27958-2011
Grade of marine wind warning
GB/T 8363-2007
Test method for drop - Weight tear tests of steel products

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