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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB 1886.358-2021
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 磷脂(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standards Food Additives Phospholipids
GB/T 21433-2008
Detecting susceptibility to intergranular corrosion in stainless steel pressure vessels
GB 18393-2001
Code for product quality inspection for cattle or sheep in slaughtering
GB/T 23954-2009
Technical regulations for cleaning of reverse osmosis membrane element
GB/T 16665-2017
Monitoring and testing for energy saving of air compressor unit and air distribution system
GB/T 41656-2022
道路车辆 尾部安装牵引杆连接器的牵引车与牵引杆挂车间的机械连接 互换性(中英文版)
Road vehicles - Mechanical coupling of towing vehicles with rear-mounted towbar couplings to towbar trailers - Interchangeability
GB/T 31355-2014
包装件和容器水蒸气透过性测试方法 红外传感器法(中英文版)
Determination of water vapor transmission rate through dry packages—Mmodulated infrared sensor
GB/T 14909-2005
Technical guides for exergy analysis in energy system
GB/T 94.4-2017
弹性垫圈技术条件 锥形弹性垫圈(中英文版)
Specifications for spring washers—Conical spring washers
GB/T 26765-2011
Specifications for power-driven vehicle safety inspection business information system and networking
GB/T 19559-2021
Method of determining coalbed methane content
GB/T 2893.2-2008
图形符号 安全色和安全标志 第2部分:产品安全标签的设计原则(中英文版)
Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels
GB/T 17146-1997
Test methods for water vapour transmission of building materials
GB/T 21883-2016
荧光增白剂 荧光强度的测定(中英文版)
Fluorescent whitening agents—Determination of fluoristrength
GB 55009-2021
Code for design of city gas engineering
GB/T 30072-2013
镍铁 镍含量的测定 EDTA滴定法(中英文版)
Ferronickel - Determination of nickel content - EDTA titrimetric method
GB/T 2423.4-2008
电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Db 交变湿热(12h+12h循环)(中英文版)
Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test method - Test Db: Damp heat,cyclic ( 12h+12h cycle)
GB/T 18814-2002
小艇 电气系统 交流装置(中英文版)
Small craft--Electrical systems--Alternating current installations
GB/T 31587-2015
Honeycomb-type DeNOx catalysts
GB/T 25359-2010
Petroleum and natural gas industries - Packaged reciprocating gas compressors
GB/T 38328-2019
Common specifications of high-voltage direct current circuit-breakers for high-voltage direct current transmission using voltage sourced converters(VSC-HVDC)
GB 7512-2006
Valves for liquefied petroleum gas cylinders
GB/T 13937-1992
分级用硫化橡胶动态性能的测定 强迫正弦剪切应变法(中英文版)
Rubber--Determinationof dynamic properties of vulcanizates for classification purposes (by forced sinusoidal shear strain)
GB/T 51240-2018
Soil and water conservation monitoring and evaluation standards for production and construction projects
GB/T 19229.3-2012
燃煤烟气脱硫设备 第3部分:燃煤烟气海水脱硫设备(中英文版)
Coal-fired flue gas desulphurization equipment - Part 3:The equipment for coal-fired flue gas desulphurization by seawater
GB/T 5766-2023
Rockwell hardness test method for friction materials
GB/T 24176-2009
金属材料 疲劳试验 数据统计方案与分析方法(中英文版)
Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Statistical planning and analysis of data
GB/T 35601-2017
绿色产品评价 人造板和木质地板(中英文版)
Green product assessment—Wood-based panels and wooden flooring
GB/T 42467.5-2023
中医临床名词术语 第5部分:骨伤科学(中英文版)
Clinical Terminology of Traditional Chinese Medicine Part 5: Orthopedics and Traumatology
GB/T 19121-2015
三轮汽车和低速货车 转向系(中英文版)
Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles—Steering system
GB/T 9588-2008
Methods of test of Geiger - Müller counter tubes
GB/T 19216.25-2003
在火焰条件下电缆或光缆的线路完整性试验 第25部分: 试验步骤和要求 光缆(中英文版)
Tests for electric cables under fire conditions--Circuit integrity--Part 25: Procedures and requirements--Optical fibre cables
GB/T 33588.2-2017
雷电防护系统部件(LPSC) 第2部分:导体和接地极的要求(中英文版)
Lightning protection system components(LPSC)—Part 2: Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
GB/T 28004-2011
Disposal diapers
GB/T 38265.6-2022
软钎剂试验方法 第6部分:卤化物(不包括氟化物)含量的测定(中英文版)
Test methods for soldering fluxes - Part 6: Determination of halide (excluding fluoride) content
GB/T 6438-2007
Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of crude ash
GB/T 22761-2008
Electric circular saws
GB 1886.194-2016
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 丁酸乙酯(中英文版)
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Butyrate
GB/T 956.1-1987
Countersunk external toothed lock washers
GB/T 40923.1-2021
滑雪单板 固定器安装区 第1部分:无嵌件滑雪单板的要求和试验方法(中英文版)
Snowboards—Binding mounting area—Part 1:Requirements and test methods for snowboards without inserts
GB/Z 30424-2013
Design guidelines of thyristor valves for high voltage direct current(HVDC)power transmission
GB 32028-2015
Minimum allowable values of energy efficiency and energy efficiency grades for projectors
GB/T 20441.1-2010
电声学 测量传声器 第1部分:实验室标准传声器规范(中英文版)
Electroacoustics - Measurement microphones - Part 1: Specifications for laboratory standard microphones
GB/T 39480-2020
钢丝绳吊索 使用和维护(中英文版)
Steel wire rope slings—Use and maintenance
GB 5959.41-2004
电热设备的安全 第41部分:对电阻加热装置----玻璃加热和熔化装置的特殊要求(中英文版)
Safety in electroheat installations--Part 41:Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment--Heating and melting glass equipment
GB/T 18454-2019
Laminated bags for aseptic packaging of liquid food
GB/T 29196-2012
独立光伏系统 技术规范(中英文版)
Technical specification for stand-alone photovoltaic systems
GB/T 33285.2-2024
Leather and fur - Determination of alkylphenols and alkylphenol polyoxyethylene ethers - Part 2: Indirect method
GB/T 15076.12-2008
钽铌化学分析方法 钽中磷量的测定(中英文版)
Methods for chemical analysis of tantalum and niobium - Determination of phosphorus content in tantalum
GB/T 24348.4-2009
纺织机械与附件 筘 第4部分:树脂固化金属丝扎筘的尺寸和标记(中英文版)
Textile machinery and accessories - Reeds - Part 4: Dimensions and designation of plastic-bound metal reeds

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