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GB標準是中華人民共和國國家標準,也叫GB國標,是中國大陸強制執行的國家標準,所有中國大陸境內銷售的商品及提供服務都必須符合GB國家標準的要求,包括進口商品及服務; 本網站提供GB國家標準的查詢檢索,英文版翻譯,GB標準產品檢測檢驗及合規性分析服務;
GB/T 18417-2009
家用卫生杀虫用品 电热蚊香片(中英文版)
Domestic sanitary insecticide electrothermal - Vaporizing mats
GB/T 3934-2003
普通螺纹量规 技术条件(中英文版)
Specification of gauges for general purpose screw threads
GB/T 32836-2016
Sphercial bearings for steel building structure
GB/T 40698-2021
General requirements for aerospace control system engineering
GB/T 20422-2006
Lead-free solders
GB/T 32021-2015
Biaxially oriented polypropylene matt film
GB/T 17314-2011
Operation rules of production technology of foundation seed of three-line parents in indica hybrid rice
GB/T 35132.5-2020
自动化系统与集成 制造系统能源效率以及其他环境影响因素的评估 第5部分:环境绩效评估数据(中英文版)
Automation systems and integration—Evaluating energy efficiency and other factors of manufacturing systems that influence the environment—Part 5: Environmental performance evaluation data
GB/T 22692-2008
Switches for electric tools
GB/T 15000.5-1994
标准样品工作导则(5) 化学成分标准样品技术通则(中英文版)
Directives for the work of reference materials(5)--Technologic rules for reference materials of chemical composition
GB/T 25000.2-2018
Systems and software engineering—Systems and software Quality Requirements and Evaluation(SQuaRE)—Part 2:Planning and management
GB/T 10827.1-2014
工业车辆 安全要求和验证 第1部分:自行式工业车辆(除无人驾驶车辆、伸缩臂式叉车和载运车)(中英文版)
Industrial trucks—Safety requirements and verification—Part 1:Self-propelled industrial trucks, other than driverless trucks,variable-reach trucks and burden-carrier trucks
GB/Z 29014.1-2024
Gas detectors for explosive atmospheres-Part 2: Selection, installation, use and maintenance of combustible gas and oxygen detectors
GB/T 2828.3-2008
计数抽样检验程序 第3部分:跳批抽样程序(中英文版)
Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 3: Skip-lot sampling procedures
GB/T 16709.2-2010
真空技术 管路配件的装配尺寸 第2部分:刀口法兰型(中英文版)
Vacuum technology- Mounting dimensions of pipeline fittings Part 2: Knife-edge flange type
GB/T 19554.2-2004
纺织机械与附件 开口式综耳钢片综及相应穿综杆的主要尺寸 第2部分:J型综耳(中英文版)
Textile machinery and accessories--Main dimension of open end loop flat steelhealds and their corresponding heald-carrying rods--Part 2:J-shapes end loops
GB/T 35896-2018
Ridge tail shrimp
GB/T 20945-2023
信息安全技术 网络安全审计产品技术规范(中英文版)
Information Security Technology - Technical Specifications for Network Security Audit Products
GB/T 77-2007
Hexagon socket set screws with flat point
GB/T 15670.24-2017
农药登记毒理学试验方法 第24部分:两代繁殖毒性试验(中英文版)
Toxicological test methods for pesticides registration—Part 24: Two-generation reproduction toxicity study
GB/T 8077-2012
Methods for testing uniformity of concrete admixture
GB/T 21205-2022
旋转电机 修理、检修和修复(中英文版)
Rotating Electrical Machines Repair, Overhaul and Restoration
GB/T 17516.1-1998
V带和多楔带传动 测定节面位置的动态试验方法 第1部分:V带(中英文版)
V-and ribbedbelts drive--Dynamic test to determine pitch zone location--Part 1:V-belts
GB/T 1555-2009
Testing methods for determining the orientation of a semiconductor single crystal
GB/T 33000-2016
Guideline of China occupational safety and health management system
GB/T 10091.1-1995
事物特性表 定义和原理(中英文版)
Tabular layouts of article characteristics--Definitions and principles
GB/T 26641-2021
无损检测 磁记忆检测 总体要求(中英文版)
Non-destructive testing—Magnetic memory testing—General requirements
GB/T 15969.6-2015
可编程序控制器 第6部分:功能安全(中英文版)
Programmable controllers—Part 6: Functional safety
GB/T 27882-2011
Carriage requirement of live animals for air transport
GB/T 38541-2020
信息安全技术 电子文件密码应用指南(中英文版)
Information security technology—Guidance of cryptographic application for electronic records
GB/T 21548-2008
Methods of measurement of the high speed semiconductor lasers directly modulated for optical fiber communication systems
GB/T 23253-2009
液压传动 电控液压泵 性能试验方法(中英文版)
Hydraulic fluid power - Electrically controlled hydraulic pumps - Test methods to determine performance characteristics
GB/T 8547-2019
Titanium clad steel plate
GB/T 30711-2014
Test method for thermogravimetry(TG) of friction materials
GB/T 609-2018
Chemical reagents - General method for determination of total nitrogen
GB/T 19971-2005
医疗保健产品灭菌 术语汇编(中英文版)
Sterilization of health care products -- Vocabulary
GB 18083-2000
Health protection zone standards for industrial enterprises by noise
GB/T 26047-2010
Insulators of primary lithium Battery for pillar
GB/T 18240.2-2018
税控收款机 第2部分:税控IC卡规范(中英文版)
Fiscal cash register—Part 2: Specification for fiscal IC card
GB/T 16143-1995
Charcoal canister method for measuring 222Rn exhalation rate from building surface
GB/T 23337-2023
内燃机 进、排气门 技术条件(中英文版)
Internal combustion engine intake and exhaust valves technical conditions
GB/T 827-1986
Rivets for name plate
GB/T 34550.2-2017
海水冷却水处理药剂性能评价方法 第2部分:阻垢性能的测定(中英文版)
Method for evaluation of cooling seawater treatment agents—Part 2: Determination of scale inhibition performance
GB/T 29491-2013
Domestic dolomite wares
GB/T 1094.11-2022
电力变压器? 第11部分:干式变压器(中英文版)
Power transformers—Part 11: Dry-type transformers
GB/T 22034-2008
信息技术 藏文编码字符集键盘字母数字区的布局(中英文版)
Information technology - Keyboard layout of the alphanumeric zone for Tibetan coded character set
GB/T 24730-2009
General technical conditions for detachable grip of passenger ropeway
GB/T 18318.6-2017
纺织品 弯曲性能的测定 第6部分:马鞍法(中英文版)
Textiles—Determination of bending behavior—Part 6: Saddle method
GB/T 40028.2-2021
智慧城市 智慧医疗 第2部分:移动健康(中英文版)
Smart city—Smart medical—Part 2:Mobile health
GB/T 3003-2006
耐火材料 陶瓷纤维及制品(中英文版)
Refractory - Ceramic fibre and the products

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