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GB/T 17105-2024
Classification of aluminum silicon dense shaped refractory products
铝硅系致密定形耐火制品分类 - 中英文版
GB/T 19544-2024
Classification and general technical conditions of spinal orthotics
脊柱矫形器的分类及通用技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 43850-2024
Classification and Coding of R&D Design Resources for Equipment Manufacturing
面向装备制造业的研发设计资源分类及编码 - 中英文版
GB/T 16763-2023
Classification of shaped thermal insulation and refractory products
定形隔热耐火制品分类 - 中英文版
GB/T 30000.31-2023
Specifications for Classification and Labeling of Chemicals Part 31: Warning signs for chemical workplaces
化学品分类和标签规范 第31部分:化学品作业场所警示性标志 - 中英文版
GB/T 14308-2023
Classification and Rating of Tourist Hotel Stars
旅游饭店星级的划分与评定 - 中英文版
GB/T 43143-2023
Nondestructive testing Acoustic emission testing Detection method for classification of active cracks in concrete structures
无损检测 声发射检测 混凝土结构活动裂缝分类的检测方法 - 中英文版
GB/T 22789.2-2023
Plastic products Rigid polyvinyl chloride sheets (sheets) Part 2: Classification, size and properties of sheets with thickness less than 1mm
塑料制品 硬质聚氯乙烯板(片)材 第2部分:厚度1mm以下片材的分类、尺寸和性能 - 中英文版
GB/T 22789.1-2023
Plastic products Rigid polyvinyl chloride sheets (sheets) Part 1: Classification, dimensions and properties of sheets with a thickness of 1 mm and above
塑料制品 硬质聚氯乙烯板(片)材 第1部分:厚度1mm及以上板材的分类、尺寸和性能 - 中英文版
GB/T 19632-2023
Classification and coding of funeral services, facilities, equipment and supplies
殡葬服务、设施、设备、用品分类与代码 - 中英文版
GB/T 35964-2023
Securities and related financial instruments Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI) codes
证券及相关金融工具 金融工具分类(CFI)编码 - 中英文版
GB/T 10095.2-2023
Cylindrical gear ISO tooth surface tolerance classification system Part 2: Definition and allowable value of radial comprehensive deviation
圆柱齿轮 ISO齿面公差分级制 第2部分:径向综合偏差的定义和允许值 - 中英文版
GB/T 42374-2023
Standards for Classification and Evaluation of Popular Skiing Events
大众滑雪赛事活动等级划分与评定规范 - 中英文版
GB/Z 42759-2023
Smart City: Guidelines for the Classification of AI Technology Application Scenarios
智慧城市 人工智能技术应用场景分类指南 - 中英文版
GB/T 4798.4-2023
Classification of environmental conditions Classification of environmental parameter groups and their severity levels Part 4: Stationary use in places without weather protection
环境条件分类 环境参数组分类及其严酷程度分级 第4部分:无气候防护场所固定使用 - 中英文版
GB/T 20986-2023
Information security technology - Guidelines for classification and grading of network security incidents
信息安全技术 网络安全事件分类分级指南 - 中英文版
GB/T 4798.3-2023
Classification of environmental conditions Classification of environmental parameter groups and their severity classification Part 3: Stationary use in places with weather protection
环境条件分类 环境参数组分类及其严酷程度分级 第3部分:有气候防护场所固定使用 - 中英文版
GB/T 42551-2023
Classification and description of catering service information
餐饮服务信息分类与描述 - 中英文版
GB/T 42594-2023
Guidelines for Hazard Classification of Media for Pressure Equipment
承压设备介质危害分类导则 - 中英文版
GB/T 42810-2023
Specification for classification and coding of geographical elements of ports
港口地理要素分类与编码规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 42499-2023
Classification and codes of e-commerce complaints and reports
电子商务投诉举报信息分类与代码 - 中英文版
GB/T 16731-2023
Classification of sound-absorbing performance of building sound-absorbing products
建筑吸声产品的吸声性能分级 - 中英文版
GB/T 41513-2022
Classification and Terminology of Spray Equipment
喷射设备分类及名词术语 - 中英文版
GB/T 41575-2022
Classification and codes of unhealthy Internet content for minors
未成年人互联网不健康内容分类与代码 - 中英文版
GB/T 2546.1-2022
Plastics - Polypropylene (PP) molding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Nomenclature system and basis of classification
塑料 聚丙烯(PP)模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础 - 中英文版
GB/T 41562-2022
Classification method of online reputation of consumer goods
消费品在线信誉 等级划分方法 - 中英文版
GB/T 41431-2022
Terminology and classification of household robots and similar services
家用和类似用途服务机器人 术语和分类 - 中英文版
GB/T 30283-2022
Information security technology classification and code of information security services
信息安全技术 信息安全服务 分类与代码 - 中英文版
GB/T 13923-2022
Classification and code of basic geographic information elements
基础地理信息要素分类与代码 - 中英文版
GB/T 21355-2022
Non-destructive testing—Industrial computed radiography with storage phosphor imaging plates—Classification of systems
无损检测  基于存储磷光成像板的工业计算机射线照相检测   系统分类 - 中英文版
GB/T 41344.3-2022
Safety of machinery - Risk warning - Part 3: Classification
机械安全 风险预警 第3部分:分级 - 中英文版
GB/T 41336-2022
Classification and test method of fire performance of building curtain wall
建筑幕墙防火性能分级及试验方法 - 中英文版
GB/T 41963-2022
Technical requirements for classification and collection of chemicals used in waste vehicles
废弃车用化学品分类与收集技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 41925-2022
Classification of Urban Underground Space and Underground Engineering
城市地下空间与地下工程分类 - 中英文版
GB/T 42003-2022
Multilingual classification and naming of cross-border e-commerce transaction products Ceramic products
跨境电子商务交易类产品多语种分类与命名 陶瓷产品 - 中英文版
GB/T 41758.1-2022
Plastics - Polyketone (PK) molding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Nomenclature system and basis of classification
塑料 聚酮(PK)模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础 - 中英文版
GB/T 997-2022
Classification of structure type, installation type and terminal box position of rotating electrical machines (IM code)
旋转电机结构型式、安装型式及接线盒位置的分类(IM代码) - 中英文版
GB/T 5169.47-2022
Fire Hazard Tests for Electric and Electronic Products - Part 47: Guidelines for Classification of Electric Power and Energy in Relation to the Probability of Ignition and Fire for Low-Voltage Electrical Products
电工电子产品着火危险试验 第47部分:与低压电工产品起燃和着火概率相关的电功率和能量分级导则 - 中英文版
GB/T 41696-2022
Classification and general technical requirements of lower limb rehabilitation training equipment
下肢康复训练设备的分类及通用技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 41877.1-2022
Plastics - Ethylene-vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer molding and extrusion materials - Part 1: Nomenclature system and basis of classification
塑料 乙烯-乙烯醇(EVOH)共聚物模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础 - 中英文版
GB/T 18931-2022
Classification of alkaline dense shaped refractory products with carbon content less than 7%
碳含量小于7%的碱性致密定形耐火制品分类 - 中英文版
GB/T 41972-2022
Iron castings - Classification and naming of casting defects
铸铁件 铸造缺陷分类及命名 - 中英文版
GB/T 10095.1-2022
Cylindrical gears - ISO tooth surface tolerance classification system - Part 1: Definition and permissible values of tooth surface deviations
圆柱齿轮 ISO齿面公差分级制 第1部分:齿面偏差的定义和允许值 - 中英文版
GB/T 16931-2022
Classification of winter para sports athletes
残疾人冬季运动项目运动员分级 - 中英文版
GB/T 16931-2022
Classification of winter para sports athletes
残疾人冬季运动项目运动员分级 - 中英文版
GB/T 25915.8-2021
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Part 8: Classification of air cleanliness by chemical concentration (ACC)
洁净室及相关受控环境 第8部分:按化学物浓度划分空气洁净度(ACC)等级 - 中英文版
GB/T 25915.1-2021
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Part 1: Classification of air cleanliness by particle concentration
洁净室及相关受控环境 第1部分:按粒子浓度划分空气洁净度等级 - 中英文版
GB/T 25915.10-2021
Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments—Part 10: Classification of surface cleanliness by chemical concentration
洁净室及相关受控环境 第10部分:按化学物浓度划分表面洁净度等级 - 中英文版
GB/T 15728-2021
Glass resistance to attack by a boiling hydrochloric acid gravimetric method of test and classification
玻璃耐沸腾盐酸侵蚀性的重量试验方法和分级 - 中英文版
GB/T 6582-2021
Glass—Hydrolytic resisitance of glass grains at 98℃—Method of test and classification
玻璃 玻璃颗粒在98℃时的耐水性 试验方法和分级 - 中英文版

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