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GB/T 15939-1995
General specification for land mobile communication system equipment using multi-channel access techniques without a central controller
无中心多信道选址移动通信系统设备通用规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 16124-1995
Technical specifications for medical assessment of environmental impact on water conservancy and hydroelectric projects
水利水电工程环境影响医学评价技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 15768-1995
General specification for the capacitance type humidity sensor and transducer
电容式湿敏元件与湿度传感器总规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 6360-1995
Specification for laser radiation power and energy measuring equipment
激光功率能量测试仪器规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 2927-1994
Optical printing ratios forenlargement and reduction of motion-picture film images--specification
电影影片画幅放大或缩小光学印片比率技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 15300-1994
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment--Part 2:Blank detail specification--Lead-screw actuated and rotary preset potentiometers--Assessmentlevel E
电子设备用电位器 第二部分:空白详细规范 螺杆驱动和旋转预调电位器 评定水平 E - 中英文版
GB/T 15299-1994
Potentiometers for use in electronic equipment--Part 2:Sectional specification--Lead-screw actuated and rotary preset potentiometers
电子设备用电位器 第二部分:分规范 螺杆驱动和旋转预调电位器 - 中英文版
GB/T 15288-1994
Complete filter units for radio interference suppression--Part 2:Sectional specification--Selection of methods of test and general requirements
抑制射频干扰整件滤波器 第二部分:分规范 试验方法的选择和一般要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 15176-1994
Generic specification for socketsand accessories for electronic plug-in devices
插入式电子元器件用插座及其附件总规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 15157-1994
Connectors for frequencies below 3MHz for use with printed boards--Part l:Generic specification--Gen-eral requirements and guide for the preparation of detail specifications, with assessedquality
印制板用频率低于3 MHz的连接器 第1 部分:总规范 一般要求和编制有质量评定的详细规范的导则 - 中英文版
GB/T 15061-1994
General specifications for sensitometry of silver halide photographic materials--Part 1:Sensitometric exposure conditions of films to be exposured for incandescent tungsten and daylight
银盐感光材料感光测定通则 第1 部分:适用于白炽钨光和模拟日光曝光的试样曝光条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 14313-1993
Rigid precision coaxial lines and their associated precision connectors, Generic specification of
精密硬同轴线及其精密连接器总规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 14236-1993
Specifications of equipement for video and pulse system of TV centre
电视中心视频系统和脉冲系统设备技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 14183-1993
Blank detail specification for image-converter tubes and image intensifier tubes
变像管和像增强管空白详细规范(可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 14182-1993
Generic specification for image-converter tubes and image intensifier tubes
变像管和像增强管总规范(可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 14077-1993
Measurement specification for birefractance crystal and polarizer
双折射晶体和偏振器件测试规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 14110-1993
General specification for thyratrons and gas-filled rectifier tubes
闸流管与充气整流管总规范 (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 14084-1993
General specification of Chinese and English electronic typewriter for office management
办公事务处理用中西文电子打字机通用技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 14016-1992
Marine acoustic and optical alarm signaller general specification
船用声光报警信号器通用技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 14012-1992
Generial specification for black-and-white picture tube bulbs
黑白显象管玻壳总规范 (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 13827-1992
Standard specification for sintered austenitic stainless steel structural part
烧结奥氏体不锈钢结构零件技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 13765-1992
Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Specification for standard adjacent fabric of linen and ramie
纺织品 色牢度试验 亚麻和苎麻标准贴衬织物规格 - 中英文版
GB/T 13858.1-1992
Specification for colour TV modulation and demodulation equipment(1TV+4 sound program)used in middle distance terrestrial analog radio-relay systems
中距离地面模拟无线电接力系统彩色电视调制机和解调机(1路电视和4路伴音)技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 13857-1992
Specification for microwave communication system remote supervisory and control equipment
微波通信系统远程监控设备技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 13856-1992
Specification for 4GHz band microwave service channel equipment
4 GHz微波联络机技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 13169-1991
General specification for 4MHz (960ch) carrier systems on standardized 1.2/4.4 mm coaxial cable pairs
标准1.2/4.4 mm同轴线对上4 MHz (960路)载波通信系统总技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 13168-1991
General specification for 8MHz (1800ch) carrier systems on standardized 2.6/9.5mm coaxialcable pairs
标准2.6/9.5 mm 同轴线对上8 MHz (1800路) 载波通信系统总技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 13153-1991
Blank detail specification for gate turn-off thyristors,ambient or case-rated,5A and above
5A以上环境或管壳额定可关断晶闸管空白详细规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 13152-1991
Blank detail specification for reverse conducting triode thyristors,ambient or case-rated,5A/5A and above
5A/5A 以上环境或管壳额定逆导三极晶闸管空白详细规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 12795-1991
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 15:Blank detail specification--Tantalum capacitors with non-solid electrolyte and porous anode--Assessment level E
电子设备用固定电容器 第15部分:空白详细规范 非固体电解质多孔阳极钽电容器 评定水平 E (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 12794-1991
Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 15:Blank detail specification--Tantalum capacitors with non-solid electrolyte and foil electrode--Assessment level E
电子设备用固定电容器 第15部分:空白详细规范 非固体电解质箔电极钽电容器 评定水平 E (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 12793-1991
Generic specification for installing and removal tools for connectors electrical contact
电连接器接触件嵌卸工具总规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 12742-1991
The specifications of testing equipment and measuring appliance for bicycle
自行车检测设备和器具技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 12719-1991
Exploration specification of hydrogeologyand engineering geology in mining areas
矿区水文地质工程地质勘探规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 12401-1990
Specificationof antenna (including feed network) and servo system used in domestic satellitecommunication earth stations
国内卫星通信地球站天线(含馈源网络)和伺服系统设备技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 11632-1989
Technical specifications of material of pressure hull structure for submersibles and underwater equipments
潜水器和水下装置耐压结构材料技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 11631-1989
Technical specifications of manufacture of pressure hull structure for submersibles and underwater equipments
潜水器和水下装置耐压结构制造技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 10240-1988
Specifications for the editing and production of programme source for subjective assessment of sound quality of electro-acoustic products
电声产品声音质量主观评价用节目源编辑制作规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 9629-1988
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 4:Blank detail specification--Magnetic oxide cores for transformers and chokes for power applications--Assessment level A
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第四部分:空白详细规范 电源变压器和扼流圈用磁性氧化物磁芯 评定水平 A(可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 9627-1988
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 3:Blank detail specification--Magnetic oxide cores for broad-band transformers--Assessment levels A and B
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第三部分:空白详细规范 宽带变压器用磁性氧化物磁芯评定水平 A和B (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 9625-1988
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 2:Blank detail specification--Magnetic oxide cores for inductor applications--Assessment level A
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第二部分:空白详细规范 电感器用磁性氧化物磁芯 评定水平 A (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 9623-1988
Inductor and transformer cores for telecommunications--Part 1:Generic specification
通信用电感器和变压器磁芯 第一部分:总规范 (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 9050-1988
General specifications for 8GHz band microwave communication equipment used in analogue radio-relay systems
模拟微波接力通信系统8 GHz微波通信设备总技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 7436-1987
Specifications of TDM equipment operating on an analog telephone-type circuit for telegraph and lower-speed data
在模拟电话电路上开放电报及低速数据的时分复用设备技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 7339-1987
Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment--Part 6:Blank detail specification--Fixed resistor networks with individually measurable resistors, all of equal value and equal dissipation--Assessment level E
电子设备用固定电阻器 第六部分:空白详细规范 阻值和功耗相同, 各电阻器可单独测量的固定电阻网络 评定水平 E (可供认证用) - 中英文版
GB/T 6643-1986
General purpose rigid coaxial transmission lines and their associated flange connectors--Generic specification
通用硬同轴传输线及其法兰连接器总规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 5442-1985
The test methods for the technical specifications of inband pulsing single frequency line signalling system for automatic telephone switching network
电话自动交换网带内单频脉冲线路信号技术指标测试方法 - 中英文版
GB/T 305-2019
Rolling bearings-Snap ring grooves and snap rings for radial bearings-Dimensions,geometrical product specifications (GPS) and tolerance values
滚动轴承 向心轴承止动槽和止动环 尺寸、产品几何技术规范(GPS)和公差值 - 中英文版

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