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GB/Z 6113.403-2020
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 4-3: Uncertainties,statistics and limit modelling—Statistical considerations in the determination of EMC compliance of mass-produced products
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第4-3部分:不确定度、统计学和限值建模 批量产品的EMC符合性确定的统计考虑 - 中英文版
GB/T 39407-2020
Grinding and polishing robot system—General specification
研磨抛光机器人系统 通用技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 39327-2020
Rubber and plastics hoses for marine-engine wet-exhaust systems—Specification
船用发动机湿式排气系统用橡胶和塑料软管 规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 39313-2020
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Compact wire-braid-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids—Specification
橡胶软管及软管组合件 输送石油基或水基流体用致密钢丝编织增强液压型 规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 39309-2020
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Wire- or textile-reinforced single-pressure types for hydraulic applications—Specification
橡胶软管和软管组合件 液压用钢丝或织物增强单一压力型 规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 39188-2020
General technical specification of electric windows and doors (gates)
电动门窗通用技术要求 - 中英文版
GB/T 38543-2020
Specification for examination and decision of administrative license items
行政许可审查与决定规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 39443-2020
Means and interface specifications for public credit information exchange
公共信用信息交换方式及接口规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 38280-2019
Cable management systems—Specifications for conduit fittings and accessories for cable installations for extra heavy duty electrical steel conduit
电缆管理系统 超重荷型刚性电气导管电缆装置用导管配件和附件的规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 38273.1-2019
Plastics—Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion—Part 1:Designation system and basis for specification
塑料 热塑性聚酯/酯和聚醚/酯模塑和挤塑弹性体 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础 - 中英文版
GB/T 7920.10-2019
Road construction and maintenance equipment—Soil stabilizers—Terminology and commercial specifications
道路施工与养护设备 稳定土拌和机 术语和商业规格 - 中英文版
GB/T 5599-2019
Specification for dynamic performance assessment and testing verification of rolling stock
机车车辆动力学性能评定及试验鉴定规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 38370-2019
Agricultural service—Specification of agricultural machinery repair and maintenance service
农业社会化服务 农机维修养护服务规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 38351-2019
Specifications for recycling and disposal of solid waste from manufacturing process of rubber shoes and sports footwear
胶鞋、运动鞋制造过程中固体废弃物回收处理规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 16310.5-2019
Specification on evaluation method of hazards of liquid chemical transported in bulk by shipping-Part 5: Hazard evaluation procedure and determination of pollution category
船舶散装运输液体化学品危害性评价规范 第5部分:危害性评价程序与污染分类方法 - 中英文版
GB/T 38273.1-2019
Plastics—Thermoplastic polyester/ester and polyether/ester elastomers for moulding and extrusion—Part 1:Designation system and basis for specification
塑料 热塑性聚酯/酯和聚醚/酯模塑和挤塑弹性体 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础 - 中英文版
GB/T 7920.10-2019
Road construction and maintenance equipment—Soil stabilizers—Terminology and commercial specifications
道路施工与养护设备 稳定土拌和机 术语和商业规格 - 中英文版
GB/T 5599-2019
Specification for dynamic performance assessment and testing verification of rolling stock
机车车辆动力学性能评定及试验鉴定规范 - 中英文版
GB 22128-2019
Technical specifications for end-of-life vehicles collecting and dismantling enterprises
报废机动车回收拆解企业技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37875-2019
Technical specification for quality evaluation of nucleic acid extraction and purification kits
核酸提取纯化试剂盒质量评价技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37815-2019
General specification for intelligent dust fall system in fully-mechanized mining and top coal caving mining face
综采综放工作面智能降尘系统技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 37814-2019
Technical specification for remote power supply system in fully-mechanized mining and top coal caving mining face
综采综放工作面远距离供电系统技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37808-2019
Design specification for conventional power supply system in fully-mechanized mining and top coal caving mining face
综采综放工作面常规供电系统设计规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37802-2019
Specifications for site selection and monitoring of farmland information station
农田信息监测点选址要求和监测规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37712-2019
Information technology—Learning, education and training—Virtual experiment—Instruction guide interface specification
信息技术 学习、教育和培训 虚拟实验 教学指导接口规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37611-2019
General specification for advance support system in fully-mechanized mining and top coal caving mining face
综采综放工作面超前支护系统技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 15329-2019
Rubber hoses and hose assemblies—Textile-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids—Specification
橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的织物增强液压型 规范 - 中英文版
GB/Z 6113.3-2019
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods—Part 3: CISPR technical reports
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第3部分:无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量技术报告 - 中英文版
GB/T 38435-2019
Specification for protection configuration and setting for transmission line of electrified railway traction station
牵引站供电线路的继电保护配置及整定计算原则 - 中英文版
GB/T 37400.1-2019
Heavy mechanical general technical specification—Part 1:Products inspection and test
重型机械通用技术条件 第1部分:产品检验 - 中英文版
GB/T 36628.3-2019
Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Visible light communication-Part 3:Specification of media access control and physical layer for high-rate visible light communication
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 可见光通信 第3部分:高速可见光通信媒体访问控制和物理层规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 36628.2-2019
Information technology-Telecommunications and information exchange between systems-Visible light communication-Part 2:Specification of media access control and physical layer for low-rate and narrowband visible light communication
信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 可见光通信 第2部分:低速窄带可见光通信媒体访问控制和物理层规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37589-2019
Technical specification for anticorrosion of steel pipe and fitting lining with fluoroplastics
钢制管道及管件内衬氟塑料耐蚀作业技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37565-2019
General specification of screen machine for water supply and drainage service
给水排水用格栅除污机通用技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 37387-2019
Treatment and disposal specification for waste phosphoric acid from industrial manufacture
工业废磷酸的处理处置规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37755-2019
Technical specifications for modeling and coding fiber loop in smart substation
智能变电站光纤回路建模及编码技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37715-2019
Specification for base platform and application system software testing of IoTPS
公安物联网基础平台与应用系统软件测试规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37546-2019
Technical specification for unattended substation monitoring and control system
无人值守变电站监控系统技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37523-2019
Specification for data inspection and correction of wind power plant meteorological observation
风电场气象观测资料审核、插补与订正技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37516-2019
Specification of care services for intellectual, mental and severe physical disabilities at working age
就业年龄段智力、精神及重度肢体残疾人托养服务规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 11805-2019
General specifications of automatic control components (devices) and their related system for hydroturbine-generating sets
水轮发电机组自动化元件(装置)及其系统基本技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 37333-2019
General technical specification of accessible facilities for railway passenger cars and multiple unit
铁道客车及动车组无障碍设施通用技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 37683-2019
Large gear and girth gear forgings—Technical specification
大型齿轮、齿圈锻件 技术条件 - 中英文版
GB/T 37379-2019
Technical specification for 2.45 GHz radio frequency identification system of inland navigation vessels
内河船舶2.45GHz射频识别系统技术规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 31024.3-2019
Cooperative intelligent transportation systems—Dedicated short range communications—Part 3:Network layer and application layer specification
合作式智能运输系统 专用短程通信 第3部分:网络层和应用层规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37366-2019
Tower crane safety monitor system and data transmission specifications
塔式起重机安全监控系统及数据传输规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37293-2019
Urban public facilities—Specification for operation management and service of electric vehicle charging/battery swap infrastructure
城市公共设施 电动汽车充换电设施运营管理服务规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 37286-2019
Intellectual property analysis and appraisal service—Service specification
知识产权分析评议服务 服务规范 - 中英文版
GB/T 21412.10-2019
Petroleum and natural gas industries—Design and operation of subsea production systems—Part 10: Specification for bonded flexible pipe
石油天然气工业 水下生产系统的设计和操作 第10部分:粘接性挠性管规格书 - 中英文版
GB/T 14515-2019
Sectional specification for single and double sided flexible printed board
单、双面挠性印制板分规范 - 中英文版

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