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1. Ready translated GB standards and Chinese version GB Standards, you can purchase directly in the web page; After receive your payment, we will send the GB Standards PDF file to your Email within 1~3 days.
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GB/T 44127-2024
Guidelines for the construction and operation of public property warehouses in administrative and public institutions
行政事业单位公物仓建设与运行指南 - 英文版
GB/Z 43946-2024
Guidelines for the construction of standardization education courses-Basic knowledge of standardization
标准化教育课程建设指南-标准化基础知识 - 英文版
GB/T 43645-2024
Flowers - Guidelines for the construction of germplasm resource banks and the preservation of germplasm resources
花卉-种质资源库建设与种质资源保存导则 - 英文版
GB/T 43064.2-2024
Guidelines for smart factory construction - Part 4: Preparation of smart factory design documents
智能工厂建设导则-第2部分:虚拟工厂建设 - 英文版
GB/T 2471-2024
Guidelines for smart factory construction - Part 2: Virtual factory construction
电阻器和电容器优先数系 - 英文版
GB/T 31960.12-2024
Technical specifications for power energy efficiency monitoring systems - Part 12: Construction guidelines
电力能效监测系统技术规范-第12部分:建设导则 - 英文版
GB/T 43507-2023
Guidelines for the Construction of County Basic Public Service Standard System
县域基本公共服务标准体系建设指南 - 英文版
GB/Z 43475-2023
Guidelines for the Construction of Regional Ecological Civilization
区域生态文明建设指南 - 英文版
GB/T 43244-2023
Guidelines for informatization construction of agency affairs
机关事务信息化建设指南 - 英文版
GB/T 42480-2023
Guidelines for construction of Production Management System of Farmers' Professional Cooperatives
农民专业合作社 生产管理系统建设指南 - 英文版
GB/T 24421.2-2023
Guidelines for Standardization Work of Service Industry Organizations Part 2: Construction of Standard System
服务业组织标准化工作指南 第2部分:标准体系构建 - 英文版
GB/T 42078-2022
Guidelines for the development and construction of chemical parks
化工园区开发建设导则 - 英文版
GB/T 40246-2021
Guidelines for construction of meteorological disaster prevention and mitigation demonstration community
气象防灾减灾示范社区建设导则 - 英文版
GB/T 40063-2021
Guidelines for energy management and control center construction for industry enterprise
工业企业能源管控中心建设指南 - 英文版
GB/T 41032-2021
General Guidelines for construction analysis components for space applications
宇航用元器件结构分析通用指南 - 英文版
GB/T 40946-2021
Technical guidelines for marine ranching construction
海洋牧场建设技术指南 - 英文版
GB/T 40617-2021
Guidelines for construction of safety ecological in electrical place
电气场所的安全生态构建指南 - 英文版
GB/T 39218-2020
Guidelines of construction for smart chemical industry park
智慧化工园区建设指南 - 英文版
GB/T 37073-2018
Assessment guidelines for the ability of exhibition construction enterprise
展览展示工程企业能力评价导则 - 英文版
GB/T 36210-2018
Breeding and popularization of agricultural varieties—Guidelines on construction and evaluation for planting breeding base
农业良种繁育与推广 种植业良种繁育基地建设及评价指南 - 英文版
GB/Z 35733-2017
Guidelines for electromagnetic compatibility requirements of equipments constituting and access to smart grid
对构成及接入智能电网设备的电磁兼容要求导则 - 英文版
GB/T 35580-2017
Guidelines for water-draw and utilization assessment on construction projects
建设项目水资源论证导则 - 英文版
GB/T 33170.4-2016
Safety requirements for large-scale activities—Part 4: Guidelines for temporary construction facilities
大型活动安全要求 第4部分:临建设施指南 - 英文版
GB/Z 32450-2015
Speciality agriculture—Guidelines for multi-functional development and construction
特色农业 多功能开发与建设指南 - 英文版
GB/T 31710.1-2015
Standard of construction and service for recreational campground—Part 1 : Guidelines
休闲露营地建设与服务规范 第1部分:导则 - 英文版
GB/T 32000-2015
Guidelines for the construction of beautiful village
美丽乡村建设指南 - 英文版
GB/T 30850.3-2014
Standardized guidelines for e-government―Part 3: Network construction
电子政务标准化指南 第3部分:网络建设 - 英文版
GB/T 26362-2010
Construction and operation guidelines for prototype-zone of national ecotourism attractions
国家生态旅游示范区建设与运营规范 - 英文版

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