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China Health standard of c GB Standards Search Result

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GB/T 42410-2023
Health Informatics: Characterization Framework of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information Standards
健康信息学 中医药信息标准特征描述框架 - 英文版
GB/T 38739-2020
Standards for safety application of public health insecticides—Larvicides
卫生杀虫药剂安全使用准则 灭幼剂类 - 英文版
GB 31603-2015
National Food Safety Standard-General Health Code for Production of Food-contacted Materials and Products
食品安全国家标准 食品接触材料及制品生产通用卫生规范 - 英文版
GB 28404-2012
National Food Safety Standard - Determination of α - Linolenic Acid, Eicosapentaenoic Acid, Docosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid in the Health Food
食品安全国家标准 保健食品中α-亚麻酸、二十碳五烯酸、二十二碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸的测定 - 英文版
GB/T 27779-2011
Standards for safety application of public health insecticides - Pyrethroid insecticides
卫生杀虫剂安全使用准则 拟除虫菊酯类 - 英文版
GB/T 18741-2002
Health standard of architectural design in school for the blind
盲学校建筑设计卫生标准 - 英文版
GB/T 17226-1998
Health standard of classroom ventilation in element-ary and secondary school
中小学校教室换气卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16250-1996
Health standard for cortisone in the air of workplace
车间空气中考的松卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16249-1996
Health standard for cresol in the air of workplace
车间空气中甲酚卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16248-1996
Health standard for respirable coal dust in the air of workplace
作业场所空气中呼吸性煤尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16247-1996
Health standard for zinc chloride (fume) in the air of workplace
车间空气中氯化锌(烟)卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16246-1996
Health standard for dimethyl sulfate in the air of workplace
车间空气中硫酸二甲酯卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16245-1996
Health standard for oxalic acid in the air of workplace
车间空气中草酸卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16244-1996
Health standard for flax,jute and ramie dusts in the air of workplace
车间空气中麻尘(亚麻、黄麻和苎麻)卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16243-1996
Health standard for dibutyl phthalate in the air of workplace
车间空气中邻苯二甲酸二丁酯卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16242-1996
Health standard for p-nitroaniline in the air of workplace
车间空气中对硝基苯胺卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16241-1996
Health standard for asbestos fibre in the air of workplaces
车间空气中石棉纤维卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16240-1996
Health standard for rare-earth dust in theair of workplace
车间空气中稀土粉尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16239-1996
Health standard for mulberry silk dust in the air of workplace
车间空气中桑蚕丝尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16238-1996
Health standard for respirable cementdust in the air of workplace
车间空气中呼吸性水泥粉尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16237-1996
Health standard for grain dust in the air of workplace
车间空气中谷物粉尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16236-1996
Health standard for cyclonite(RDX) in the air of workplace
车间空气中三次甲基三硝基胺(黑索今)卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16235-1996
Health standard for furan in the air of workplace
车间空气中呋喃卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16234-1996
Health standard for isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) in the air of workplace
车间空气中异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16233-1996
Health standard for acetic acid in the air of workplace
车间空气中乙酸卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16232-1996
Health standard for gypsum dust in the air of workplace
车间空气中石膏粉尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16231-1996
Health standard for tetrahydrofuran in the air of workplace
车间空气中四氢呋喃卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16230-1996
Health standard for isopropyl alcohol (IPA) in the air of workplace
车间空气中异丙醇卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16229-1996
Health standard for tungsten in the air of workplace
车间空气中钨卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16228-1996
Health standard for fluorides in the air of workplace
车间空气中氟化物卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16227-1996
Health standard for element mercury vapour in theair of workplace
车间空气中汞卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16226-1996
Health standard for limestone dust in theair of workplace
车间空气中石灰石粉尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16225-1996
Health standard for respirable silica dust in the air of workplace
车间空气中呼吸性矽尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16224-1996
Health standard for dolomite dust in the air of workplace
车间空气中白云石粉尘卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16223-1996
Health standard for unsymmetric dimethylhydrazine in the air of workplace
车间空气中偏二甲基肼卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16222-1996
Health standard for monomethyl-hydrazine in the air of workplace
车间空气中一甲基肼卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16221-1996
Health standard for hydrazine in the air of workplace
车间空气中肼卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16220-1996
Health standard for beauveria bassiana inthe air of workplace
车间空气中白僵菌孢子卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16219-1996
Health standard for trichlormethane in the air of workplace
车间空气中三氯甲烷卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16218-1996
Health standard for dichloromethane in the air of workplace
车间空气中二氯甲烷卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16217-1996
Health standard for selenium in the air of workplace
车间空气中硒卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16216-1996
Health standard for tin dioxide in the air of workplace
车间空气中二氧化锡卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16215-1996
Health standard for phthalic anhydride in the air of workplace
车间空气中邻苯二甲酸酐卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16214-1996
Health standard for ethylamine in the air of workplace
车间空气中乙胺卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16213-1996
Health standard for acrylic acid in the air of workplace
车间空气中丙烯酸卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16212-1996
Health standard for nitroglycerine in the air of workplace
车间空气中硝化甘油卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16211-1996
Health standard for monocrotophos in the air of workplace
车间空气中久效磷卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16210-1996
Health standard for nickel and its inorganic compounds in the air of workplace
车间空气中镍及其无机化合物卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16209-1996
Health standard for polypropylene in the air of workplace
车间空气中聚丙烯卫生标准 - 英文版
GB 16208-1996
Health standard for polyethylene in the air of workplace
车间空气中聚乙烯卫生标准 - 英文版

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