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GB/T 27021.5-2018
Conformity assessment—Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems—Part 5: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of asset management systems
合格评定-管理体系审核认证机构要求-第5部分:资产管理体系审核和认证能力要求 - 英文版
GB/T 27021.4-2018
Conformity assessment—Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of management systems—Part 4: Competence requirements for auditing and certification of event sustainability management systems
合格评定-管理体系审核认证机构要求-第4部分:大型活动可持续性管理体系审核和认证能力要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37164-2018
Work performance requirements and evaluation method of auto-guidance systems for self-propelled agricultural machinery
自走式农业机械导航系统作业性能要求及评价方法 - 英文版
GB/T 37245-2018
General technical requirements for centre-axle trailer
中置轴挂车通用技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 37139-2018
Requirements for EMC measurement methods for DC powered equipment
直流供电设备的EMC测量方法要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37025-2018
Information security technology-Security technical requirements of data transmission for internet of things
信息安全技术-物联网数据传输安全技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36951-2018
Information security technology—Security technical requirements for application of sensing terminals in internet of things
信息安全技术-物联网感知终端应用安全技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37093-2018
Information security technology—Security requirements for IoT sensing layer access to communication network
信息安全技术-物联网感知层接入通信网的安全要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37044-2018
Information security technology—Security reference model and generic requirements for internet of things
信息安全技术-物联网安全参考模型及通用要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36959-2018
Information security technology —Capability requirements and evaluation specification for assessment organization of classified protection of cybersecurity
信息安全技术-网络安全等级保护测评机构能力要求和评估规范 - 英文版
GB/T 36958-2018
Information security technology—Technical requirements of security management center for classified protection of cybersecuriy
信息安全技术-网络安全等级保护安全管理中心技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37033.3-2018
Information security technology—Technical requirements for cryptographic application for radio frequency identification systems—Part 3: Technical requirements for key management
信息安全技术-射频识别系统密码应用技术要求-第3部分:密钥管理技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37033.2-2018
Information security technology—Technical requirements for cryptographic application for radio frequency identification systems—Part 2: Technical requirements for cryptographic application for RF tag, reader and communication
信息安全技术-射频识别系统密码应用技术要求-第2部分:电子标签与读写器及其通信密码应用技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37033.1-2018
Information security technology—Technical requirements for cryptographic application for radio frequency identification systems—Part 1: Cryptographic protection framework and security levels
信息安全技术-射频识别系统密码应用技术要求-第1部分:密码安全保护框架及安全级别 - 英文版
GB/T 37092-2018
Information security technology—Security requirements for cryptographic modules
信息安全技术-密码模块安全要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36629.3-2018
Information security technology—Security technique requirements for citizen cyber electronic identity—Part 3: Verification service message and processing rules
信息安全技术-公民网络电子身份标识安全技术要求-第3部分:验证服务消息及其处理规则 - 英文版
GB/T 37090-2018
Information security technology—Security technical requirements,testing and evaluation methods for antivirus products
信息安全技术-病毒防治产品安全技术要求和测试评价方法 - 英文版
GB/T 37095-2018
Information security technology—Security basic technical requirements for office information systems
信息安全技术-办公信息系统安全基本技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37094-2018
Information security technology—Security management requirements for office information systems
信息安全技术-办公信息系统安全管理要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36975-2018
General requirements for footwear
鞋类通用技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37132-2018
General requirements and test methods of electromagnetic compatibility for wireless power transmission equipment
无线充电设备的电磁兼容性通用要求和测试方法 - 英文版
GB/T 19678.1-2018
Prepara tion of instructions for use—Structuring,content and presentation—Part 1:General principles and detailed requirements
使用说明的编制-构成、内容和表示方法-第1部分:通则和详细要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37029-2018
Food traceability—Requirements for information recording
食品追溯-信息记录要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37135-2018
Safety requirements for insulated chassis
绝缘机箱的安全要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36998-2018
Technical requirements and measurement methods for ASI combiner/splitter used in program distribution network
节目分配网络ASI合路/分路器技术要求和测量方法 - 英文版
GB/T 37168-2018
Building construction machinery and equipment-Machinery and plants for the preparation of concrete and mortar safety requirements
建筑施工机械与设备-混凝土和砂浆制备机械与设备安全要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37278-2018
Requirements for the establishment of pest free places of production and pest free production sites
建立非疫产地和非疫生产点的要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37140-2018
Technical requirements acceptance specification for inspection and testing laboratory
检验检测实验室技术要求验收规范 - 英文版
GB/T 36932-2018
General requirements for installation and wiring of household and similar electrical appliances
家用和类似用途电器安装及布线通用要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37016-2018
Technical requirements of measurement and verification about power saving in demand response for power users
电力用户需求响应节约电力测量与验证技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36943-2018
Designation and marking requirements of lithium-ion batteries for electric bicycle
电动自行车用锂离子蓄电池型号命名与标志要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36944-2018
Technical requirements of charger for electric bicycles
电动自行车用充电器技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37128-2018
Technical requirements for X-ray computed tomography security inspection systems
X射线计算机断层成像安全检查系统技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 8196-2018
Safety of machinery—Guards—General requirements for the design and construction of fixed and movable guards
机械安全-防护装置-固定式和活动式防护装置的设计与制造一般要求 - 英文版
GB/T 31070.2-2018
Building intercom systems—Part 2: Technical requirements for digital building intercom systems
楼寓对讲系统-第2部分:全数字系统技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 22072-2018
Specifications and technical requirements for dry-type amorphous alloy core distribution transformers
干式非晶合金铁心配电变压器技术参数和要求 - 英文版
GB/T 21152-2018
Earth-moving machinery—Wheeled or high-speed rubber-tracked machines—Performance requirements and test procedures for brake systems
土方机械-轮式或高速橡胶履带式机器-制动系统的性能要求和试验方法 - 英文版
GB/T 22576.1-2018
Medical laboratories—Requirements for quality and competence—Part 1: General requirements
医学实验室-质量和能力的要求-第1部分:通用要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36950-2018
Information security technology—Security technical requirements of smart card (EAL4+)
信息安全技术-智能卡安全技术要求(EAL4+) - 英文版
GB/T 37076-2018
Information security technology—Technical requirements for fingerprint recognition system
信息安全技术-指纹识别系统技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36957-2018
Information security technology —Requirements for disaster recovery service
信息安全技术-灾难恢复服务要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37228-2018
Societal security—Emergency management—Requirements for incident response
公共安全-应急管理-突发事件响应要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37045-2018
Information technology — Biometrics—Fingerprint processing chip technical requirements
信息技术-生物特征识别-指纹处理芯片技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37173-2018
Technical requirements for access network-Interoperability of GPON system
接入网技术要求-GPON系统互通性 - 英文版
GB/T 37083-2018
Technical requirements for access network—Interoperability of ethernet passive optical network(EPON)system
接入网技术要求-EPON系统互通性 - 英文版
GB/T 37081-2018
Technical requirements for access network—10Gbit/s ethernet passive optical network (10G-EPON)
接入网技术要求-10Gbit/s-以太网无源光网络(10G-EPON) - 英文版
GB/T 37214-2018
The requirements for external ceramic tiles
陶瓷外墙砖通用技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37181-2018
Reinforced concrete corrosion control engineering life cycle—General requirements
钢筋混凝土腐蚀控制工程全生命周期-通用要求 - 英文版
GB/T 37098-2018
Rating requirements for knowledge diffusion competence of innovation method
创新方法知识扩散能力等级划分要求 - 英文版
GB/T 36230-2018
CNC Straight-side link-drive press—Performance requirements and test methods
数控闭式多连杆压力机 性能要求与试验方法 - 英文版

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