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GB/T 30598-2014
General specifications of epoxy asphalt materials for paving roads and bridges
道路与桥梁铺装用环氧沥青材料通用技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 30539-2014
Foreign languages proficiency specifications for international trade personnel
国际贸易业务人员商务外语能力标识规范 - 英文版
GB/T 30440.3-2013
Specification for product of amusement game—Part 3:Arcade
游戏游艺机产品规范 第3部分:室内商用大型游戏游艺机 - 英文版
GB/T 14471-2013
General specification for headphones
头戴耳机通用规范 - 英文版
GB/T 11469-2013
General specification for radio altimeters
无线电高度表通用规范 - 英文版
GB/T 30133-2013
The specification of coverstock for sanitary absorbent pads
卫生巾用面层通用技术规范 - 英文版
GB/T 17738.4-2013
Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies-Part 4: Sectional specification for semi-rigid coaxial cable assemblies
射频同轴电缆组件 第4部分:半硬同轴电缆组件分规范 - 英文版
GB/T 17738.3-2013
Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies―Part 3:Sectional specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable assemiblies
射频同轴电缆组件 第3部分:半柔同轴电缆组件分规范 - 英文版
GB/T 17738.2-2013
Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies―Part 2: Sectional specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies
射频同轴电缆组件 第2部分:柔软同轴电缆组件分规范 - 英文版
GB/T 11313.9-2013
Radio-frequency connectors―Part 9: Sectional specification for SMC series R.F. coaxial connectors
射频连接器 第9部分:SMC系列射频同轴连接器分规范 - 英文版
GB/T 11313.24-2013
Radio frequency connectors―Part 24: Sectional specification-radio frequency coaxial connectors with screw coupling, typically for use in 75Ω cable networks (type F)
射频连接器 第24部分: 75Ω电缆分配系统用螺纹连接射频同轴连接器(F型)分规范 - 英文版
GB/Z 6113.205-2013
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods―Part 2-5: In situ measurements of disturbing emissions produced by physically large equipment
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第2-5部分:大型设备骚扰发射现场测量 - 英文版
GB/T 30145-2013
Specification for YZP series variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical applications(Frame size 450 to 500)
YZP系列起重及冶金用变频调速三相异步电动机技术条件(机座号450~500) - 英文版
GB/T 30144-2013
Specification for YZP-H series variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for crane in ships
YZP-H系列船用起重用变频调速三相异步电动机技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 21972.3-2013
Specification for variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical applications―Part 3:YZP series variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors (cooled with centrifugal fan)for crane and met
起重及冶金用变频调速三相异步电动机技术条件 第3部分:YZP系列起重及冶金用变频调速三相异步电动机(离心风机冷却) - 英文版
GB/T 9397-2013
General specification for electrodynamic loudspeaker of direct radiator type
直接辐射式电动扬声器通用规范 - 英文版
GB/T 29843-2013
General specification for DC electronic load
直流电子负载通用规范 - 英文版
GB/T 29807-2013
Information technology - Learning,education and training - XML binding specification for learning object metadata
信息技术 学习、教育和培训 学习对象元数据XML绑定规范 - 英文版
GB/T 29844-2013
Specifications of metrology patterns for the evaluation of advanced photolithgraphy
用于先进集成电路光刻工艺综合评估的图形规范 - 英文版
GB/T 29519-2013
Safety specification for lead smelting
铅冶炼安全生产规范 - 英文版
GB/T 29106-2012
Road traffic information service - Specification for highway information kiosk
道路交通信息服务 公路信息亭技术要求 - 英文版
GB/T 29101-2012
Road traffic information service - Specification for data services quality
道路交通信息服务 数据服务质量规范 - 英文版
GB/T 21972.2-2012
Specification for variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical applications - Part 2: YZP series variable-frequency adjustable-speed three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical applications(cool
起重及冶金用变频调速三相异步电动机技术条件 第2部分:YZP系列起重及冶金用变频调速三相异步电动机(轴流风机冷却) - 英文版
GB/T 28792-2012
Technical specification on radio communication for train control
列车无线调度通信系统技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 26831.3-2012
Society energy metering for reading system specification - Part 3: Dedicated application layer
社区能源计量抄收系统规范 第3部分:专用应用层 - 英文版
GB/T 26831.2-2012
Society energy metering for reading system specification - Part 2: Physical and link layer
社区能源计量抄收系统规范 第2部分:物理层与链路层 - 英文版
GB/T 12669-2012
General specification for cascade speed control assembly with semiconductor converter
半导体变流串级调速装置总技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 28437-2012
Technical specifications of monitoring for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
地面数字电视广播监测技术规程 - 英文版
GB/T 28435-2012
Technical specifications and methods of measurement for digital terrestrial television broadcasting transmitters
地面数字电视广播发射机技术要求和测量方法 - 英文版
GB 16361-2012
Specification for patient radiological protection and quality control in nuclear medicine
临床核医学的患者防护与质量控制规范 - 英文版
GB/T 16149-2012
Specification of dose estimation for chronic radiation sickness from external exposure
外照射慢性放射病剂量估算规范 - 英文版
GB 7258-2012
Safety specifications for power-driven vehicles operating on roads
机动车运行安全技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 11441.2-2011
Laminations for transformers and inductors for use in telecommunication and electronic equipment - Part 2: Specification for the minimum permeabilities of laminations made of soft magnetic metallic materials
通信和电子设备用变压器和电感器铁心片 第2部分:软磁金属叠片最低磁导率规范 - 英文版
GB/T 28161-2011
Specification of service information for digital television broadcasting
数字电视广播业务信息规范 - 英文版
GB/T 28160-2011
Specification of electronic programme guide for digital television broadcasting
数字电视广播电子节目指南规范 - 英文版
GB/T 10239-2011
General specification for colour television broadcasting receivers
彩色电视广播接收机通用规范 - 英文版
GB/T 26842-2011
Transaction subject based upon activities of electronic commerce - Specification for enterprise credit assessment index and credit grade
基于电子商务活动的交易主体 企业信用评价指标与等级表示规范 - 英文版
GB/T 26839-2011
Electronic commerce - The specification for warehouse receipt trading mode
电子商务 仓单交易模式规范 - 英文版
GB/T 26831.1-2011
Society energy metering for reading system specification - part 1: Data exchange
社区能源计量抄收系统规范 第1部分:数据交换 - 英文版
GB/T 26758-2011
The specification for energy conservation of lead, zinc smelting enterprise
铅、锌冶炼企业节能规范 - 英文版
GB/T 26156.1-2010
Intelligent adjusters for industrial-process measurement and control systems - Part 1: General specification
工业过程测量和控制系统用智能调节器 第1部分:通用技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 14080-2010
General specification of head stack assembly for hard disk drive
硬磁盘驱动器头堆组件通用规范 - 英文版
GB/Z 6113.405-2010
Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 4-5: Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling - Conditions for the use of alternative test methods
无线电骚扰和抗扰度测量设备和测量方法规范 第4-5部分:不确定度、统计学和限值建模替换试验方法的使用条件 - 英文版
GB/T 25094-2010
General technical specification of corrective maintenance tower for overhead transmission line
架空输电线路抢修杆塔通用技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 25028-2010
Wheel Loader - Booster using for brake system - Technical specifications
轮胎式装载机 制动系统用加力器 技术条件 - 英文版
GB/T 25108-2010
Function Specification for three-dimensional CAD Software
三维CAD软件功能规范 - 英文版
GB/T 24907-2010
LED lamps for road lighting performance specifications
道路照明用LED灯 性能要求 - 英文版
GB/T 24834-2009
Technical specification for fittings of 1000kV AC overhead transmission line
1000kV交流架空输电线路金具技术规范 - 英文版
GB/T 16311-2009
Specification and test method for road traffic markings
道路交通标线质量要求和检测方法 - 英文版
GB/T 24640-2009
Tractors for paddy and dry field - Specifications
水旱两用拖拉机 通用技术条件 - 英文版

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