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2008 year China issued GB standards list

GB/T 21711.1-2008
Electromechanical elementary relays - Part 1: General and safety requirements
基础机电继电器 第1部分:总则与安全要求
GB 22600-2008
2,4-D butyl technical
GB/T 18029.9-2008
Wheelchairs - Part 9: Climatic tests for electric wheelchairs
轮椅车 第9部分:电动轮椅车气候试验方法
GB/T 22562-2008
Guide rails for lifts - T-type
GB/T 14546-2008
Recommended practice for the design of DC auxiliary power system for nuclear power stations
GB/T 21741-2008
General specifications of security & protection system for residential area
GB 50468-2008
Code for design of welded-pipe process
GB/T 27053-2008
Conformity assessment - Guidance on the use of an organization’s quality management system in product certification
合格评定 产品认证中利用组织质量管理体系的指南
GB/T 21931.2-2008
Nickel, ferronickel and nickel alloys - Determination of sulfur content - Infrared absorption method after induction furnace combustion
镍、镍铁和镍合金 硫含量的测定 高频燃烧红外吸收法
GB/T 14545-2008
Washing tools with limited water for live working (Short water gun with long water column)
GB/T 22257-2008
General specification for mobile air conditioner
GB/T 590-2008
Marine cast iron flanged stop valves
GB/T 6688-2008
Dyestuffs - Determination of relative strength and color difference - Instrumental method
染料 相对强度和色差的测定 仪器法
GB/T 6072.3-2008
Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Performance - Part 3: Test measurements
往复式内燃机 性能 第3部分:试验测量
GB/T 5009.220-2008
Determination of the residues of anilazine in cereals
GB/T 22821-2008
Optical character reader paper
GB/T 21771-2008
Chemicals - Test method of combined repeated dose toxicity study with the reproduction/developmental toxicity screening
化学品 重复剂量毒性合并生殖/发育毒性筛选试验方法
GB/T 12654-2008
Writing paper
GB/T 8595-2008
Earth-moving machinery - Operator’s controls
土方机械 司机的操纵装置
GB/T 8464-2008
Cast iron and copper valves with screwed connections
GB/T 22266-2008
Curry powder
GB/T 2924-2008
Photography - Colour negative films for still photography - Determination of ISO speed
摄影 静止摄影用彩色负性胶片 ISO感光度的测定
GB/T 13967-2008
Archives fond list format
GB/T 22870-2008
White top linerboard
GB/T 22452-2008
General technical condition of non-linear optical borate crystal devices
GB/T 22165-2008
General standard for roasted seeds and nuts
GB/T 22414-2008
Cranes - Measurement of velocity and time parameters
起重机 速度和时间参数的测量
GB/T 22538-2008
The grade quality of red ginseng
GB/T 1008-2008
General terminology of machining tooling
GB/T 22894-2008
Paper and board - Accelerated ageing - Moist heat treatment at 80℃ and 65% relative humidity
纸和纸板 加速老化 在80℃和65%相对湿度条件下的湿热处理
GB/T 10398-2008
Small gasoline engines - Evaluation and measurement of vibration
小型汽油机 振动评级和测试方法
GB/T 4324.8-2008
Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Determination of nickel content - The inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry 、 flame atomic absorption spectrometry and dimethylglyoxime gravimetry
钨化学分析方法 镍量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法、火焰原子吸收光谱法和丁二酮肟重量法
GB/T 9139-2008
Hydraulic excavators - Technical specifications
液压挖掘机 技术条件
GB/T 12154-2008
Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of total aluminium
锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 全铝的测定
GB/T 6804-2008
Sintered mital bushes - Determination of radial crushing strength
烧结金属衬套 径向压溃强度的测定
GB/T 3148-2008
Bleached reed pulp
GB/T 17030-2008
Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) flat-film for food-packaging
GB/T 16285-2008
Detrmination of glucose in food - Enzyme - Colorimetric method and enzyme - Electrode method
食品中葡萄糖的测定 酶-比色法和酶-电极法
GB/T 21625-2008
Dangerous goods - Bullet impact test method of extremely insensitive detonating substance
危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的子弹撞击试验方法
GB/T 22668-2008
Potassium fluotitanate
GB/T 23111-2008
Non-automatic weighing instrument
GB/T 8259-2008
Specification for flexible joints of housing
卡箍式柔性管接头 技术条件
GB/T 9937.2-2008
Dental vocabulary - Part 2: Dental materials
口腔词汇 第2部分:口腔材料
GB/T 10115-2008
Tussah fresh cocoon
GB/T 10462-2008
Mung bean
GB/T 14926.56-2008
Laboratory animal - Method for examination of rabies virus
实验动物 狂犬病病毒检测方法
GB/T 12533-2008
Determination of extraneous matter in edible mushroom
GB/T 2900.26-2008
Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical machine for automatic control system
电工术语 控制电机
GB/T 540-2008
Test methods for oil-resisting compressed asbestos fibre jointing
GB/T 23143-2008
Household stationary appliances for cooking, grilling and similar use - Methods for measuring performance

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