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2015 year China issued GB standards list

GB/T 32213-2015
Information security technology—Public key infrastructure—Specifications for remote password authentication and key establishment
信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 远程口令鉴别与密钥建立规范
GB/T 31923.1-2015
Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks—Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by static method—Part 1: Reduction with CO、CO2、H2 and N2
高炉炉料用铁矿石 低温还原粉化静态试验 第1部分:与CO、CO2、H2和N2的反应
GB/T 32346.2-2015
Long AC submarine cables with cross-linked polyethylene insulation and their accessoried for rated voltage of 220kV(Um=252kV)—Part 2: Long AC submarine cables
额定电压220 kV(Um=252 kV)交联聚乙烯绝缘大长度交流海底电缆及附件 第2部分: 大长度交流海底电缆
GB/T 18336.3-2015
Information technology—Security techniques—Evaluation criteria for IT security—Part 3: Security assurance components
信息技术 安全技术 信息技术安全评估准则 第3部分:安全保障组件
GB/T 31941-2015
Non-nuclear safety class welded carbon steel and alloy steel pipes for nuclear power plant
GB/T 31301.5-2015
Footwear machines—Safety requirements—Part 5: Splitting,Trimming and cutting machines
制鞋机械 安全要求 第5部分:片革机、修边机和裁条机
GB/T 20002.4-2015
Drafting for special aspects in standards—Part 4: Safety aspects for their inclusion in standards
标准中特定内容的起草 第4部分:标准中涉及安全的内容
GB/T 18250-2015
Graduations and test method for performance of deformation between stories of curtain wall
GB/T 18854-2015
Hydraulic fluid power—Calibration of automatic particle counters for liquids
液压传动 液体自动颗粒计数器的校准
GB/T 31552-2015
Foundry machinery—Model formulating means
铸造机械 型号编制方法
GB/T 31991.3-2015
Technical specification of electric energy service management platform—Part 3: Interface specification
电能服务管理平台技术规范 第3部分:接口规范
GB/T 32150-2015
General guideline of the greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting for industrial enterprises
GB 19641-2015
National food safety standard — Oil seeds
食品安全国家标准 食用植物油料
GB/T 31593.2-2015
Fire safety engineering—Part 2: Data and information needed for FSE
消防安全工程 第2部分:所需数据类型与信息
GB/T 18978.307-2015
Ergonomics of human-system interaction—Part 307: Analysis and compliance test methods for electronic visual displays
人-系统交互工效学 第307部分:电子视觉显示器的分析和符合性试验方法
GB/T 21879-2015
Water-soluble dyes—Determination of solubility—Drop test of filter papers
水溶性染料 溶解度的测定 点滤纸法
GB/T 17421.5-2015
Test code for machine tools—Part 5:Determination of the noise emission
机床检验通则 第5部分:噪声发射的确定
GB/T 32257-2015
Qualification testing of welders for fusion welding on nickel and nickel alloys
GB 1886.16-2015
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Vanillin
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 香兰素
GB/T 8809-2015
Pendulum impact resistance of plastic film
GB/T 12626.4-2015
Hard fibreboard—Part 4: General purpose boards for use in dry conditions
湿法硬质纤维板 第4部分:干燥条件下使用的普通用板
GB/T 7742.2-2015
Textiles—Bursting properties of fabrics—Part 2: Pneumatic method for determination of bursting strength and bursting distension
纺织品 织物胀破性能 第2部分:胀破强力和胀破扩张度的测定 气压法
GB/T 32447-2015
Footwear—Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components—Determination of organotin compounds in footwear materials
鞋类 鞋类和鞋类部件中存在的限量物质 有机锡的测定
GB/T 9445-2015
Non-destructive testing—Qualification and certification of NDT personnel
无损检测 人员资格鉴定与认证
GB/T 9989.3-2015
Vitreous and porcelain enamels—Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion—Part 3: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a hexagonal vessel
搪瓷耐化学侵蚀的测定 第3部分:用六角形容器进行耐碱溶液侵蚀的测定
GB/T 30269.401-2015
Information technology—Sensor networks—Part 401: Collaborative information processing: Services and interfaces supporting collaborative information processing
信息技术 传感器网络 第401部分:协同信息处理:支撑协同信息处理的服务及接口
GB/T 31960.1-2015
Technical specification of power energy efficiency monitoring system—Part 1: The general rules
电力能效监测系统技术规范 第1部分:总则
GB/T 32065.2-2015
Environmental test methods for oceanographic instruments—Part 2:Cold
海洋仪器环境试验方法 第2部分:低温试验
GB/T 16856-2015
Safety of machinery—Risk assessment—Practical guidance and examples of methods
机械安全 风险评估 实施指南和方法举例
GB/T 31895-2015
Umbrellas—Test method of wind resistance
伞类产品 抗风强度测试方法
GB/T 28267.4-2015
Steel cord conveyor belts—Part 4: Vulcanized belt joints
钢丝绳芯输送带 第4部分:带的硫化接头
GB/T 296-2015
Rolling bearings—Double row angular contact ball bearings—Boundary dimensions
滚动轴承 双列角接触球轴承 外形尺寸
GB/T 31916.5-2015
Information technology—Cloud data storage and management—Part 5: Key-Value based cloud data management application interface
信息技术 云数据存储和管理 第5部分:基于键值(Key-Value)的云数据管理应用接口
GB/T 32076.4-2015
High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading—Part 4: System HV—Hexagon bolt with large width across flats and nut assemblies
预载荷高强度栓接结构连接副 第4部分:HV型 大六角头螺栓和螺母连接副
GB/T 32394-2015
Information technology—Extended requirements of runtime environment for Chinese Linux operating system
信息技术 中文Linux操作系统运行环境扩充要求
GB/T 19130-2015
Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles―Performance of speed meters
三轮汽车和低速货车 车速表使用性能
GB/T 7734-2015
Method for ultrasonic testing of clad steel plates
GB/T 14849.7-2015
Methods for chemical analysis of silicon metal—Part 7: Determination of phosphorus content—Phosphorus molybdenum blue spectrophotometry
工业硅化学分析方法 第7部分:磷含量的测定 磷钼蓝分光光度法
GB 1886.15-2015
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Phosphoric acid
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 磷酸
GB/T 32155-2015
General technological specification for equipments of fabric filter dedusting system
GB/T 31447-2015
Pre-galvanized highway guardrail
GB/T 8129-2015
Industrial automation systems—Numerical control of machines—Vocabulary
工业自动化系统 机床数值控制 词汇
GB/T 31463.1-2015
Devices for the connection of luminaires for household and similar purposes—Part 1: General requirements
家用和类似用途灯具的连接装置 第1部分:通用要求
GB/T 14346-2015
Man-made fiber—Testing method for unevenness of filament yarns—Capacitance method
化学纤维 长丝条干不匀率试验方法 电容法
GB/T 31930-2015
Metallic materials—Ductility testing—Compression test for porous and cellular metals
金属材料 延性试验 多孔状和蜂窝状金属压缩试验方法
GB 1903.4-2015
National food safety standard — Food nutritional fortification substance — Zinc oxide
食品安全国家标准 食品营养强化剂 氧化锌
GB/T 31525-2015
Graphical signs—Electric vehicle charging and battery swapping infrastructure signs
图形标志 电动汽车充换电设施标志
GB/T 31554-2015
Non-magnetic metallic coatings on metallic and non-metallic basismaterials—Measurement of coating thickness—Phase-sensitive eddy-current method
金属和非金属基体上非磁性金属覆盖层 覆盖层厚度测量 相敏涡流法
GB/T 2424.1-2015
Environmental testing—Part 3: Supporting documentation and guidance—Cold and dry heat tests
环境试验 第3部分:支持文件及导则 低温和高温试验
GB/T 32323-2015
Rolling bearings—Measuring methods for axial internal clearance of four-point-contact ball bearings
滚动轴承 四点接触球轴承轴向游隙的测量方法

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