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2016 year China issued GB standards list

GB/T 889.2-2016
Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts (with non-metallic insert), style 1—Fine pitch thread
1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 细牙
GB/Z 22204-2016
Reliability test method of overload relay
GB/T 2691-2016
Marking codes for resistors and capacitors
GB/T 19078-2016
Magnesium alloys ingots for castings
GB/T 5832.2-2016
Gas analysis—Determination of water—Part 2: Dew point method
气体分析 微量水分的测定 第2部分:露点法
GB/T 32495-2016
Surface chemical analysis—Secondary-ion mass spectrometry—Method for depth profiling of arsenic in silicon
表面化学分析 二次离子质谱 硅中砷的深度剖析方法
GB/T 32496-2016
Test method for volume fraction of reinforcement in metal matrix composites—Image analysis method
金属基复合材料增强体体积含量试验方法 图像分析法
GB/T 5773-2016
The method of performance test for positive displacement refrigerant compressors
GB 1886.296-2016
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Ammonium Citrate
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 柠檬酸铁铵
GB/T 32533-2016
Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of high-strength steels
GB 1886.249-2016
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-4-hexylresorcinol
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 4-己基间苯二酚
GB/T 32850-2016
Aligned series of international freight forwarding documents—ebXML based booking request messages
国际货运代理系列单证 基于ebXML订舱申请报文
GB 1886.200-2016
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Geraniol oil (also known as Rose geraniol oil)
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 香叶油(又名玫瑰香叶油)
GB/T 32527-2016
Design specification of space materials science experimental facility—Multifunctional high temperature furnace
空间材料科学实验装置 多功能高温炉设计规范
GB/T 33432-2016
Basic requirements for wires of all-terrain vehicles
GB/T 5195.12-2016
Fluorspar—Determination of arsenic content—Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
萤石 砷含量的测定 原子荧光光谱法
GB 1886.237-2016
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Phytic acid (also known as phytic acid)
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 植酸(又名肌醇六磷酸)
GB/T 5542-2016
Dyestuffs—Determination of large particles—Filter method of single layer filter cloth
染料 大颗粒的测定 单层滤布过滤法
GB/T 21883-2016
Fluorescent whitening agents—Determination of fluoristrength
荧光增白剂 荧光强度的测定
GB/T 33110-2016
Giant tiger prawn—Broodstock and postlarvea
斑节对虾 亲虾和苗种
GB 1886.286-2016
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Butyl butyrate
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 丁酸丁酯
GB 1886.268-2016
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - Luohanguo tincture
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 罗汉果酊
GB/T 33230-2016
Aluminum and aluminum alloy micro-multiport profiles
GB/T 32560-2016
Classification and nomenclature for activated carbon
GB/T 33084-2016
Heavy alloy structural steel forgings—Technical specification
大型合金结构钢锻件 技术条件
GB/T 33114-2016
Detection and identification of Prunus necrotic ringspot virus
GB/T 21210-2016
Starting performance of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors
GB 2024-2016
Acupuncture needles
GB/T 20216-2016
Pulp and paper—Determination of the effective residual ink concentration (ERIC number)—Infrared reflectance measurement
纸浆和纸 有效残余油墨浓度(ERIC值)的测定 红外线反射率测量法
GB/T 33343-2016
Test methods of insulated electric wires for aerospace
GB/T 10066.11-2016
Test method for electroheat installations—Part 11: Submerged-arc furnaces
电热装置的试验方法 第11部分:埋弧炉
GB/T 32980-2016
Agricultural service—Quality requirement for crop pest control service
农业社会化服务 农作物病虫害防治服务质量要求
GB/T 33187.1-2016
Geographic information—Simple feature access—Part 1:Common architecture
地理信息 简单要素访问 第1部分:通用架构
GB/T 33023-2016
Terminology relating to wood structure
GB/T 32767-2016
Standard field test for the evaluation of wood preservatives by L-joint
GB/T 32556.1-2016
Cutter arbors with tenon drive—Part 1: Dimension of Morse taper
带端键传动的铣刀杆 第1部分:带莫氏锥柄的铣刀杆尺寸
GB/T 33258-2016
Printability requirements and test methods of coated paper for heatset web offset printing
GB/T 5781-2016
Hexagon head bolts—Full thread—Product grade C
六角头螺栓 全螺纹 C级
GB/T 32671.1-2016
Colloidal systems—Methods for zeta potential determination—Part 1: Electroacoustic and electrokinetic phenomena
胶体体系 zeta电位测量方法 第1部分:电声和电动现象
GB/T 32733-2016
GB/T 33220-2016
Copper-beryllium alloy forgings and extrusions—General specification
铜铍合金锻件和挤压件 通用技术条件
GB 1886.85-2016
National Food Safety Standard-Food Additives-Glacial acetic acid
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 冰乙酸(低压羰基化法)
GB/T 1796.5-2016
Tyre valves—Part 5: Tyre valves for large core chamber
轮胎气门嘴 第5部分:大芯腔气门嘴
GB/T 33472-2016
General specification for carbonated beverages filling-capping machine
GB/T 33126-2016
Detection and identification of Paratrichodorus porosus(Allen,1957)Siddiqi,1974
GB 1886.210-2016
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - propionic acid
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 丙酸
GB 1886.281-2016
National Food Safety Standard - Food Additives - citronellal
食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 香茅醛
GB/T 33323-2016
Plastics—Liquid phenolic resins—Determinaiton of water miscibility
塑料 液体酚醛树脂 水溶性的测定
GB/T 6046-2016
Analogue quartz clocks
GB/T 33202-2016
Precision forgings of generator claw poles—Technological design principle
发电机爪极精密锻件 工艺编制原则

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